MAGA we will never be a socialist country

I don’t know how his article was purportedly in Fortune ( though found on a off home site, but let me tell you about the author, Josh Hoxie. He is a director at the thoroughly discredited Institute on Policy Studies....

Here is what you find out there on the IPS:

Harvey Klehr, professor of politics and history at Emory University, in his 1988 book Far Left of Center: The American Radical Left Today said that IPS "serves as an intellectual nerve center for the radical movement, ranging from nuclear and anti-intervention issues to support for Marxist insurgencies

Also: In his book The KGB and Soviet Disinformation: An Insider's View Ladislav Bittman, a former Státní bezpečnost agent who worked in misinformation operations, claimed that the IPS was part of the Soviet intelligence network. Bittman argued that IPS was one of the several liberal think tanks that acted as pro-Soviet propaganda agencies

How about that for Russian influence
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Let me ask you supply siders something: is this a problem? Presuming you’re not ignorant enough to still be preaching trickle down, what’s the answer?
Let me ask you supply siders something: is this a problem? Presuming you’re not ignorant enough to still be preaching trickle down, what’s the answer?

Is a progressive tax rate the answer? No, it is not, yet liberals fawn over it.

Well at least for 12 more years, according to AOC.
Let me ask you supply siders something: is this a problem? Presuming you’re not ignorant enough to still be preaching trickle down, what’s the answer?

Some of the best ways to reduce I had it explained to myself were these ideas: regardless of racial makeup...graduate form high school and do not become pregnant...the article you cited stated that about 62% of those who were headed by single-parent families had zilcho for savings-investments and such...and regardless of racial makeup...just who is stupid enough to believe that by either having a single-parent family or getting knocked up in high school or having multiple kids out of wedlock and getting more government $$$$ for having kids out of wedlock was going to bring folks like that a more prosperous life?

And spend less than you make...stop trying to buy homes you can't afford, stop using credit cards for everything, stop spending money that you don't have for things you can't afford, learn to hustle and make a buck (a dollar or two).

And mostly stop listening all the time to nonsense telling you that you're always a victim of financial inequality, racism, sexism, women don't earn as much for doing the same work...and get a frickin' game plan...and as Pat Summitt said, "plan your work and work your plan."

And learn to be happy...and start taking more responsibility for your own lives and for your own happiness.

And when you see most folks headed in the same direction...have enough sense (and cents) to take the road less traveled.

That's how I see the matter.

Agent Orange
Some of the best ways to reduce I had it explained to myself were these ideas: regardless of racial makeup...graduate form high school and do not become pregnant...the article you cited stated that about 62% of those who were headed by single-parent families had zilcho for savings-investments and such...and regardless of racial makeup...just who is stupid enough to believe that by either having a single-parent family or getting knocked up in high school or having multiple kids out of wedlock and getting more government $$$$ for having kids out of wedlock was going to bring folks like that a more prosperous life?

Bingo. Make better life decisions. Giving money to someone who doesn't know how to manage money doesn't convert a poor person into a rich one.

Dems know this. They claim wealth redistribution is about helping the poor.

If the goal was truly helping the poor, you do that by teaching the poor how to better acquire money, and how to better manage it once they do acquire it.

What has Trump pushed from day one? Programs that support apprenticeships. Why? Because he knows that learning a trade can often lead to a career without the huge student loan debt.

Dems support taking money from people that do have it and who do know how to create and manage it......and giving it to people that don't have it, who don't know how to keep it and don't know how to manage it.

It doesn't even take a critical thinker to see the problem with this approach. Just anyone using common sense.
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There is always going to be income inequality.... that will be with mankind for eternity.... because there will always be skill and ability inequality, as well as differing demand for said skills. There is also different levels in ambition and give a damn amongst people. All these are realities

If we have open economies that allows for upward mobility, and free market competition, then people are more in control of their financial outcome.... increased taxes reduce upward mobility.

In a pure capitalistic economy, sexism and racism wouldn’t occur since the focus and rewards would based upon production, service, competence and innovation, not sex and color.....sexism and racism isnt an indictment of any economy, only of the bigoted individuals of society

My 2 cents
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