Ray, I acknowledged the racism that you are talking about. That's what "somewhere in the middle" meant.
You think it's all or most cops.
I have never said that. You keep making up strawman arguments to even have a position to debate.
I have said that law enforcement isn't "allowed" to show any personal bias in their work. You on the other hand have tried to argue for its acceptance.
Except when the LEOs are named Page & Stroczk...then personal bias means the entire federal law enforcement structure of the United States is proven to be corrupt
Some people think it doesn't exist at all. Both groups, yours included, have extremist outlooks on the subject. I stated that THE TRUTH IS SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE.
Who are these people who think it doesn't exist at all?
Are they credible?
Is this another false equivilency like Charlottesville?
"There are good people on both sides..."
Somehow those voices in your head equated my comment to mean that racism is ok. It isn't, and I never said it was...you freaking dolt.
Actually you have a long history of defending racist law enforcement in your posts
And your insistence on not calling it out but trying to defend it is well documented.
You ignore scientific studies, federal & state investigations, criminal convictions, and settled US history to do so.
And your defense is some anonymous people don't believe its true?
So what?
Some people don't believe man landed on the moon either.
Some people don't believe JFK Jr is dead.
And some people don't believe the Civil War was about slavery
Is there a truth somewhere in the middle for them also?
Again, racism is real. There are racist cops. It's never ok. There are also racist accountants, plumbers and restaurant servers...it's not ok for them either, regardless of the color of their skin.
Want to know why racism in law enforcement is unique over any of the other professions you listed?
We give access & permission to use deadly force to law enforcement
If a plumber or restaurant owners is racist they're not legally allowed to kill me
Law enforcement is held to higher standard in our society
So take these comments, negotiate them with the voices in your head, and twist them however you like. But if you keep that twisting crap up, I'm done with you.
Is that clear enough for you?
I've been "done" with you for a long time...but you keep finding you way back on to my threads
Disappear if you like....go away...nobody will miss your ignorance