LMAO at Asa Hutchinson running for POTUS in 2024….

That's lovely Ron but the main thrust of the post was trying to figure out how exactly the Dems were going to suspend the election in 2024.
There’s probably a virus they’re waiting to unleash late this year. At the very least it will give Biden the perfect excuse to repeat his basement campaign.
I mean what COULD dissuade him from running?

Daily assassination attempts?
Daily death threats against his children and grandchildren?
Daily lawsuits to deal with?

I get that you think Trump is running simply cause he's a broke egomaniac that needs the money (!) but have you ever stopped to think that MAYBE he's running cause he.......actually loves America?
Outside of jail time and a very significant health issue (stroke, cancer, etc.) he will run.

I do think he loves America and all that it has afforded him. Up until recently I think he loved NYC and even the borough of Queens where he was born.