Libs Gonna Lib

I have a feeling @NavigatorII posted this some time ago on another thread. Oh well.

Is this the best response you libtards can come up with when being denied the right to teach gay rights to underage kids?

Who could ever forget Kirsten Gillibrand's dumbass?
Is this the best response you libtards can come up with when being denied the right to teach gay rights to underage kids?

Who could ever forget Kirsten Gillibrand's dumbass?
Marriage and driving are privileges.

The 4th amendment is a right that has been codified.

I am all for LGBTQ+ exercising their 4th amendment rights. I am all for them exercising their other codified rights explicitly enumerated in the Constitution.

I am all for them exercising their rights given them (endowed) by their Creator.

Their creator male and female he created them. Man is supposed leave his parents to marry one woman and procreate.

God does not grant rights to that which he has condemned as an abomination. The Declaration which is the founding document makes clear rights come from God.
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What else would you expect from Florida's second rate university.
Apparently about the same things as you have at Socialist-U now days.

UF has a new reading room named for Karl Marx.... (according to RedState / GoldMom)
Apparently about the same things as you have at Socialist-U now days.

UF has a new reading room named for Karl Marx.... (according to RedState / GoldMom)
Sad days. ALL of our institutions have gone full retard. This is the kind of bullshit BScuck lettered in, the fall of the US Constitution, a 4 year cheerleader.
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I just emailed Ron with links to both stories.

Wonder what he might do to try to correct this shit in the tax payers funded U's?
Desantis and other pub gubners need task forces to investigate any political promoters of the LGBTQ+ agendas. I believe once the rock is kicked over we will find more and more of this.

This can be nothing but a win for conservatives and society. The "good will" and empathy would end. The criminal perversions are exposed and punished. The movement then is discredited. their political power taken from them and rolled back.
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LOL. She is just showing her stupidity and wellingness to trust whatever the left says. Obvisouly never read the law, as nowhere does say don't say gay.

These people are inadvertently helping DeSantis get re-elected. Any moderate driving to work who sees those billboards is going to be turned off by the democrats’ focus on bourgeois cause célèbres instead of bread and butter stuff.
These people are inadvertently helping DeSantis get re-elected. Any moderate driving to work who sees those billboards is going to be turned off by the democrats’ focus on bourgeois cause célèbres instead of bread and butter stuff.
Democrats love to make the tail wag the dog. This crap with Disney cracks me up. Employees walking out. Good! I hate everything related to Disney! 😂 Just getting on I4 makes me nauseous. :mad:
Democrats love to make the tail wag the dog. This crap with Disney cracks me up. Employees walking out. Good! I hate everything related to Disney! 😂 Just getting on I4 makes me nauseous. :mad:

I lived in that area for about 2 years some years back and was glad when I moved out of there. Also you had to pay a toll for any road that moved at all it seemed.
Democrats love to make the tail wag the dog. This crap with Disney cracks me up. Employees walking out. Good! I hate everything related to Disney! 😂 Just getting on I4 makes me nauseous. :mad:

They’re just out of touch. Progressives have their own echo chamber, unfortunately.

Bill Clinton had his faults, but at least he understood “It’s the Economy Stupid.” When you’re paying $5/gallon for gas, stuff like big “GAY” billboards, and supporting transgendered athletes competing against women, smacks of effete self-indulgence.