Libs Gonna Lib


Green Machine
Gold Member
Aug 2, 2006

For some (libs) this is normal and perfectly rational. You know , the CNN people and their watchers
Judging from some of the positions taken and defended on this board I would not be surprised if there were a few pedos or at least pedo apologists on this board that totally agree w this wack job professor.

1 Why does it seem its so frequently Professors that defend this lunacy?
2 Since the libs here will give this thread a wide berth , how long until one of them involves Trump in their feeble response?
What a horrible person, trying to legitimize pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

There, Walker advocates for the inclusion of MAPs as part of the larger LGBT community by approaching attraction to minors as an orientation, and stating that “the fact of children’s inability to consent to sex is irrelevant to the application of the term ‘sexual orientation’ towards attractions to minors.”

Walker claims that there is a difference between a pedophile and a MAP (minor attracted person). What a load of evil horseschite.

I've been around these people. A more manipulative group you will not meet.
What a horrible person, trying to legitimize pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

There, Walker advocates for the inclusion of MAPs as part of the larger LGBT community by approaching attraction to minors as an orientation, and stating that “the fact of children’s inability to consent to sex is irrelevant to the application of the term ‘sexual orientation’ towards attractions to minors.”

Walker claims that there is a difference between a pedophile and a MAP (minor attracted person). What a load of evil horseschite.

I've been around these people. A more manipulative group you will not meet.
Slowly but surely the lefttards are trying to normalize deviant behavior. It started with queers, morphed into tranny sympathy, now the children are being terrorized. CNN leading the fight for acceptance! 🤣 :mad:

I keep up with that stuff a little and while there are some things that do seem to make people age a little more gracefully I am not really sure what to think of this blood stuff when it comes to people. One guy is claiming he has narrowed it down to just a few things in the blood that changes with age and claims has had great results in rat studies but I am skeptical as the guy is an old person himself that would certainly benefit if it did work that good and just think he would have done it to himself by now if it had a chance to work that good. I guess I will believe when I finally see someone truly look 10 years younger after treating themselves.
I keep up with that stuff a little and while there are some things that do seem to make people age a little more gracefully I am not really sure what to think of this blood stuff when it comes to people. One guy is claiming he has narrowed it down to just a few things in the blood that changes with age and claims has had great results in rat studies but I am skeptical as the guy is an old person himself that would certainly benefit if it did work that good and just think he would have done it to himself by now if it had a chance to work that good. I guess I will believe when I finally see someone truly look 10 years younger after treating themselves.
There's been multiple studies done on it. 'Young' blood absolutely has proven benefits to the old and elderly and does indeed rejuvenate them.

Who has the 'young' blood? Who NEEDS the 'young' blood?

What happened to human trafficking arrests under Trump?

Oh, and guess who will be history at MSNBC?


Oh, and guess who will be history at MSNBC?

Did you read the Twitter comments? BScuck will no longer need to shave his balls, the hairs were burnt off to the roots. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣