Liberalism is a mental disorder


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

This is what liberalism does to you: It requires you to embrace emotion and reject facts and logic.

Because the left knows that if you only deal with facts and logics, their ideas will be rejected every time.

So they make EMOTIONAL appeals and reject logic and fact.

And it works like a charm. How many times has @sadgator claimed that tighter gun control laws would save lives? Even though the FACTS show that every time its been tried around the world, gun deaths have gone UP.

But you reject facts, and embrace emotion.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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This is what liberalism does to you: It requires you to embrace emotion and reject facts and logic.

Because the left knows that if you only deal with facts and logics, their ideas will be rejected every time.

So they make EMOTIONAL appeals and reject logic and fact.

And it works like a charm. How many times has @sadgator claimed that tighter gun control laws would save lives? Even though the FACTS show that every time its been tried around the world, gun deaths have gone UP.

But you reject facts, and embrace emotion.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Fairly broad brush stroke you just painted a number of people with.
Disagree but you do you.
Did you say feelings over facts? BSC911 claims he never heard of feelings over facts.

Really? Feelings over facts? That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. I just wanted an answer to two simple questions. The facts are the earth’s temperatures are rising, the seas are rising, and the glaciers are melting. And all you can post are cartoons and old discredited Denier propaganda from a politico.

I’ve got news for you. You Deniers are losing the factual battle and it’s just a matter of time before you’ll be forced to accept it. You better learn to deal with it.

PS. You whine like a little girl.
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That's a good one. Did you hear the one about the guy who hates Mexicans who shot up the Wal Mart?
I totally lost count of how many Walmart stores being shot up by lunatics for so many years. Why is it just this one is getting media coverage? If you want, I will gladly post each one here dating back to the last 20, 30, 35 years. Very sad what happened in El Paso.

This is what liberalism does to you: It requires you to embrace emotion and reject facts and logic.

Because the left knows that if you only deal with facts and logics, their ideas will be rejected every time.

So they make EMOTIONAL appeals and reject logic and fact.

And it works like a charm. How many times has @sadgator claimed that tighter gun control laws would save lives? Even though the FACTS show that every time its been tried around the world, gun deaths have gone UP.

But you reject facts, and embrace emotion.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
You don't say! Ya think?:confused:
How about some pure entertainment. Classic triggered liberals. Please avoid clapping in a crowd. You'll trigger the hearing impaired in the audience use the Jazz hands.:rolleyes:
That's a good one. Did you hear the one about the guy who hates Mexicans who shot up the Wal Mart?

Was that the registered democrat, or the avowed socialist?

We heard a lot about the identity of the shooters from you and @urtren.....till we all found out they were both democrats. Interesting that you don't have the shame to admit your error and bow out gracefully.

This is what liberalism does to you: It requires you to embrace emotion and reject facts and logic.

Because the left knows that if you only deal with facts and logics, their ideas will be rejected every time.

So they make EMOTIONAL appeals and reject logic and fact.

And it works like a charm. How many times has @sadgator claimed that tighter gun control laws would save lives? Even though the FACTS show that every time its been tried around the world, gun deaths have gone UP.

But you reject facts, and embrace emotion.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

And we in the case of London, England...take away the guns and knife and acid attacks become the norm.

I believe that woman (if that's what you choose to call her/it)...needs psychiatric, she's/it's fugly.

Bet she/it voted for Hillary.

Agent Orange

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