Let’s Go Brandon - Parte Tres


Hope you guys didn’t rush out to buy your Trump superhero NFTs. If you did DO NOT SELL. We’re all in this together lol.
I wish we could say the ho red lipstick and facial hair combination was the oddest thing about Brinton. Sadly that isn't the case.

Not that your advice was unsound.
I wonder what JFK would say if he had a crystal ball and saw just how perverse the Democrat Party had devolved into? Pretty sure he would have immediately switched parties.
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Either have facial hair or wear “1940s Ho Red” lipstick.

Not both.
I’m glad someone else said it first.

Listen, I am not going to stand in the way of anyone being who they want to be so I try to not comment on stuff like this, but for some reason seeing mustache hair caught in lipstick makes me want to vomit.