Since you asked @nail1988
We all agree that men are different from women?
They have different average height, average weight, musculature and some fairly different skeletal structure in the pelvic area.
That's why we don't want men playing in women's sports, these differences.
Currently the only required testing is done with male dummies.
These dummies are very sophisticated in terms of sensing everything from musculature to joint flexibility and bone stiffness.
It stands to reason that an average man and an average woman will sustain different injuries from the same crash.
I don't think the government should be paying for it I think it should be gradually phased in.
I also hope they will be building a better seat for everyone and not specific seats for every tall short thin fat man or woman.
I'm not an expert on crash test dummies. I'll get that out of the way from the jump.
What is a male crash test dummy?
Aren't these dummies more designed to simulate average adult humans, period? That's what I've always believed but perhaps I've been wrong.