Let’s Go Brandon - Parte Tres

4 - Trump and Stormy. MSM immediately tells us Trump will be arrested immediately. Got him this time. Then we learn this is all old news and denied by everyone involved INCLUDING Stormy. And 5 years ago.

Technically, Stormy was paid $130,000 by Trump's then lawyer Cohen to deny. So, I wouldn't believe anything she has said or written in the past or is saying now.
So I'm sensing a pattern here: The mainstream media keeps completely lying about key political stories, and the sheep here get hoodwinked and repeat those lies. Here's some examples:

1 - Ashley's diary. MSM immediately tells us it's fake, Russian disinformation. All lies. Then we learn that the diary is real, Ashley really did ask if she had been molested as a child by her dad.
2 - Mar Lago raid. MSM immediately tells us that they've got Trump, he will be jailed immediately. Turns out there was no basis for the raid, it was bungled so badly that even some dems and on the left started calling them out on it.
3 - Hunter's laptop. MSM immediately tells us it's fake, Russian disinformation. All lies. Then we learn that the laptop is real.
4 - Trump and Stormy. MSM immediately tells us Trump will be arrested immediately. Got him this time. Then we learn this is all old news and denied by everyone involved INCLUDING Stormy. And 5 years ago.

Yet we have posters like @gatorspeed @RayGravesGhost @LizardGrad89 and others who really believe that Ashley's diary and Hunter's laptop were fake. That Trump SHOULD have been arrested over both MarLago and Stormy, but somehow....he got off.

This is why I always laughed at @Uniformed_ReRe claiming that posters here were getting bad info from 'conspiracy sites' about Trump. That's PRECISELY what the sheep do here every day.

And the hell of it is, when their info is proven to be lies, they STILL repeat it anyway. It's brainwashing at a mass scale. Sheep, please be smarter than this.
You’re an idiot plain and simple, do you even have a job? Or a life? Boy you’re I tell more lies than Donnie Trump
You’re an idiot plain and simple, do you even have a job? Or a life? Boy you’re I tell more lies than Donnie Trump
Just a simple question, son. You attack HIM..but seem NOT to be able to challenge ANYTHING he said.Is that your take also? Tell me where I am wrong! LOL How about addressing those things he said...which we ALL know are true! And you STILL support that POS pedo!! LOL Are you a PEDO lover?
So I'm sensing a pattern here: The mainstream media keeps completely lying about key political stories, and the sheep here get hoodwinked and repeat those lies. Here's some examples:

1 - Ashley's diary. MSM immediately tells us it's fake, Russian disinformation. All lies. Then we learn that the diary is real, Ashley really did ask if she had been molested as a child by her dad.
2 - Mar Lago raid. MSM immediately tells us that they've got Trump, he will be jailed immediately. Turns out there was no basis for the raid, it was bungled so badly that even some dems and on the left started calling them out on it.
3 - Hunter's laptop. MSM immediately tells us it's fake, Russian disinformation. All lies. Then we learn that the laptop is real.
4 - Trump and Stormy. MSM immediately tells us Trump will be arrested immediately. Got him this time. Then we learn this is all old news and denied by everyone involved INCLUDING Stormy. And 5 years ago.

Yet we have posters like @gatorspeed @RayGravesGhost @LizardGrad89 and others who really believe that Ashley's diary and Hunter's laptop were fake. That Trump SHOULD have been arrested over both MarLago and Stormy, but somehow....he got off.

This is why I always laughed at @Uniformed_ReRe claiming that posters here were getting bad info from 'conspiracy sites' about Trump. That's PRECISELY what the sheep do here every day.

And the hell of it is, when their info is proven to be lies, they STILL repeat it anyway. It's brainwashing at a mass scale. Sheep, please be smarter than this.
Another beautiful pic of your baby Ghost
Does Ashley's diary bother you at all?

If not, is it because you dismiss it out of hand? It's fake because it's fake?
Bama I could care less about that, until Joes on every prominent news channel, news paper etc. then I’ll jump on that train, but right now it’s Orange boy I’m focused on, you being law officer would know that, too much deflecting let’s stay focused on the real crook not hearsay
Bama I could care less about that, until Joes on every prominent news channel, news paper etc. then I’ll jump on that train, but right now it’s Orange boy I’m focused on, you being law officer would know that, too much deflecting let’s stay focused on the real crook not hearsay

So, as a sheep, it's just better to follow the herd?

Well...that's disappointing but I appreciate the honest response.
So, as a sheep, it's just better to follow the herd?

Well...that's disappointing but I appreciate the honest response.
Bama first I’m no damn sheep just smart and you wanna ask me about a damn diary when you got this asshat carrying on! Give me a break
Bama first I’m no damn sheep just smart and you wanna ask me about a damn diary when you got this asshat carrying on! Give me a break

Yes speed, I wanted to ask you your thoughts about the diary. That's why I asked.

You see man, I am a moderate. Yep...I absolutely slant right but I'm a moderate and there are others on this board. We have still more on this board who are extreme right and left. I don't recommend that you listen to their advice but I do recommend the moderates.

The question I asked and the follow-up I included, it's not actually about a diary. It was more about you and your ability to dissent. Specifically your right to dissent.

When the standard for you is, "what are the media covering by and large," you are losing the ability and the right to dissent. Not all at once but little by little. You can decide what dissent you prefer but not if you're allowing "what the media is covering" to be your guide.

In this country, our former "fourth estate," a large part of our protection against governmental tyranny, blasted that the Steele Dossier was legitimate and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a denier of fact. That was on EVERY news network save a few right wing networks. Fox was the only major network that didn't push it hard. IT TURNS OUT THAT THE STEELE DOSSIER WAS BVLLSH1T. That's important...that's big.

Similarly, damn near every news agency and all of the major contributors told us that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. We even had "51 Intelligence Experts" who signed a memo stating that it was Russian disinformation and then all of the networks provided coverage of that fact. HOWEVER, IT TURNED OUT THAT IT WASN'T RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION...THE FOURTH ESTATE LIED TO YOU AGAIN. PS...those 51 intelligence experts knew their memo was horsesch1t when they signed it.

These are but two examples. I can absolutely find more. Now take a look at this...

If that doesn't scare the sh1t out of you, what does? Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mao's and Xi's China...none of them were so organized as this to provide you with a state approved narrative.

This is proof of the failure of our once proud fourth estate and it is a threat to you...and your right to dissent.

Get pissed, challenge narratives and not just the ones that fit what you don't prefer to hear. Challenge them all...hold them to the standards that they are supposed to hold themselves to.

Ashley's diary is a concern...not just because the media is or is not covering it. It's a concern because it appears that it might actually be true and because it's not ok. It's disgusting and it speaks to the core of a powerful person's character. YES, YOU CAN CHALLENGE TRUMP'S CHARACTER TOO...I DO...but not at the expense of failing to challenge his opponents character as well.

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Yes speed, I wanted to ask you your thoughts about the diary. That's why I asked.

You see man, I am a moderate. Yep...I absolutely slant right but I'm a moderate and there are others on this board. We have still more on this board who are extreme right and left. I don't recommend that you listen to their advice but I do recommend the moderates.

The question I asked and the follow-up I included, it's not actually about a diary. It was more about you and your ability to dissent. Specifically your right to dissent.

When the standard for you is, "what are the media covering by and large," you are losing the ability and the right to dissent. Not all at once but little by little. You can decide what dissent you prefer but not if you're allowing "what the media is covering" to be your guide.

In this country, our former "fourth estate," a large part of our protection against governmental tyranny, blasted that the Steele Dossier was legitimate and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a denier of fact. That was on EVERY news network save a few right wing networks. Fox was the only major network that didn't push it hard. IT TURNS OUT THAT THE STEELE DOSSIER WAS BVLLSH1T. That's important...that's big.

Similarly, damn near every news agency and all of the major contributors told us that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. We even had "51 Intelligence Experts" who signed a memo stating that it was Russian disinformation and then all of the networks provided coverage of that fact. HOWEVER, IT TURNED OUT THAT IT WASN'T RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION...THE FOURTH ESTATE LIED TO YOU AGAIN.

These are but two examples. I can absolutely find more. Now take a look at this...

If that doesn't scare the sh1t out of you, what does? Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mao's and Xi's China...none of them were so organized as this to provide you with a state approved narrative.

This is proof of the failure of our once proud fourth estate and it is a threat to you...and your right to dissent.

Get pissed, challenge narratives and not just the ones that fit what you don't prefer to hear. Challenge them all...hold them to the standards that they are supposed to hold themselves to.

Ashley's diary is a concern...not just because the media is or is not covering it. It's a concern because it appears that it might actually be true and because it's not ok. It's disgusting and it speaks to the core of a powerful person's character. YES, YOU CAN CHALLENGE TRUMP'S CHARACTER TOO...I DO...but not at the expense of failing to challenge his opponents character as well.

He will not be back after this...he avoids getting his azz whipped after someone facts whips him.
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What is wrong with what Trump is saying?

Is he not able to even defend himself from false accusations?

The spin is that Trump's comments were somehow a call to arms?

How and why? Well...narrative obviously....and who is he to dissent?

If Trump was being wronged, surely the media, our beloved fourth estate, would tell us so....right?
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The spin is that Trump's comments were somehow a call to arms?

How and why? Well...narrative obviously....and who is he to dissent?

If Trump was being wronged, surely the media, our beloved fourth estate, would tell us so....right?
Bama I’ll skip all the toodly doo. What Trump needs is a good ole Ass Kicking he’s a spoiled rich boy that never had his attitude adjusted, if he had he probably would be alright just putting it out there from an ole country boy, I can’t stand any grown man that whines like he does and tries his best to yeast others up to do his dirty work
What Trump needs is a good ole Ass Kicking he’s a spoiled rich boy that never had his attitude adjusted, if he had he probably would be alright just putting it out there from an ole country boy, I can’t stand any grown man that whines like he does and tries his best to yeast others up to do his dirty work

You do get that my post above actually had nothing to do with Trump, right?

It actually had very little to do with Biden for that matter. But I digress...
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Bama I’ll skip all the toodly doo. What Trump needs is a good ole Ass Kicking he’s a spoiled rich boy that never had his attitude adjusted, if he had he probably would be alright just putting it out there from an ole country boy, I can’t stand any grown man that whines like he does and tries his best to yeast others up to do his dirty work
People are trying to put him in jail for knowingly false accusations.

Why are you libs such violent totalitarians?

All he's doing is trying to get his side of the issue out there, who would silently let their freedom be taken away?
  • Angry
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Bama I’ll skip all the toodly doo. What Trump needs is a good ole Ass Kicking he’s a spoiled rich boy that never had his attitude adjusted, if he had he probably would be alright just putting it out there from an ole country boy, I can’t stand any grown man that whines like he does and tries his best to yeast others up to do his dirty work
Well...WE LOVE him..and lefties are little sissies. Does not sound like Trump needs to worry much to me! LOL
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People are trying to put him in jail for knowingly false accusations.

Why are you libs such violent totalitarians?

All he's doing is trying to get his side of the issue out there, who would silently let their freedom be taken away?
I just wonder when everyone else realizes lefties are ALL garbage, and truly are not Americans. Nothing they do surprises me. they are the world's WORST animals
Ashley's diary is a concern...not just because the media is or is not covering it. It's a concern because it appears that it might actually be true and because it's not ok. It's disgusting and it speaks to the core of a powerful person's character. YES, YOU CAN CHALLENGE TRUMP'S CHARACTER TOO...I DO...but not at the expense of failing to challenge his opponents character as well.

The people "have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge-- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers." - President John Adams
Karma is swift
Did he really say that?

@gatorspeed hates Trump cause Trump used to be a democrat just like him. Trump stopped being a democrat cause he got tired of their dirty tricks and corruption.

That's what makes @gatorspeed so mad. @gatorspeed it sounds like your politics are at the center of your life. That's why you are so upset all the time.

Put Jesus first. Talk to Him about it.
It's not an intelligence thing.

If you truly believed Hitler was a former president, what would you do to stop him?

It's closer to religious faith than logic or fact assessment. It's like asking a devout Christian to praise Allah.
it totally is, that's why I said @gatorspeed needs to reassess his priorities. His politics run his life, and that's not the natural order.
  • Wow
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Bama first I’m no damn sheep just smart and you wanna ask me about a damn diary when you got this asshat carrying on! Give me a break
You lost me at Lincoln Project. Their credibility is even less than BLM and Antifa. 😂
