Kammie demands amnesty for illegals

Defund illegals & any organization that supports them.

They will “self deport” in weeks.

Yours is a good post. That’s right, I hated that.

If you are asking me if Trump is perfect - hell no.

Now - what is your take on illegals overwhelming NYC, Chicago and drawing funds from
Black communities? No problem with it?

All part of the plan to gain more black and brown voters and (presumably) per Van Jones and one of the twins, create a (finally, to their minds) permanent white minority?

By the way, liberal Jews (presumably “white”) were no help in this. I know, my father and grandfather were ones.
if you read the AP story the headline is very misleading- what he offered up was not I repeat was NOT full blown amnesty like kammie
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Yours is a good post. That’s right, I hated that.

If you are asking me if Trump is perfect - hell no.

Now - what is your take on illegals overwhelming NYC, Chicago and drawing funds from
Black communities? No problem with it?

All part of the plan to gain more black and brown voters and (presumably) per Van Jones and one of the twins, create a (finally, to their minds) permanent white minority?

By the way, liberal Jews (presumably “white”) were no help in this. I know, my father and grandfather were ones.
Just odd that your #1 issue for voting for not voting for Kamala is something that Trump actually tried to do.

Well if they are going to liberal cities and states than they would have no impact on the election because those states are already blue.

They are drawing funds from all communities but at the same time, it's not like that money would be spent on black communities anyway.
So amnesty is ok when it's at Trump's level?
OMG. Are you brain dead? :rolleyes: From DAY ONE, Trump has said immigration is good when they bring something to the table, like skills and positive aspects. Kal on the otherhand likes rapists, drug lords, and human traffickers. IE, Dimtard voters and pet eaters. What to choose, what to choose? :rolleyes: Nice way to sugar coat the Dimtard agenda Kal.

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OMG. Are you brain dead? :rolleyes: From DAY ONE, Trump has said immigration is good when they bring something to the table, like skills and positive aspects. Kal on the otherhand likes rapists, drug lords, and human traffickers. IE, Dimtard voters and pet eaters. What to choose, what to choose? :rolleyes: Nice way to sugar coat the Dimtard agenda Kal.

Are you brain dead? No he wasn't for amnesty but he was going to agree to it as apart of a bigger package. He ultimately backed out because of the far right. Do you know anything other than what right wing media??

You're so damn angry. Get a life.
  • Haha
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In exchange, Trump’s plan would dramatically overhaul the legal immigration system. Immigrants would only be allowed to sponsor their spouses and underage children to join them in the U.S., and not their parents, adult children or siblings. The officials said it would only end new applications for visas, allowing those already in the pipeline to be processed. Still, immigration activists said the move could cut legal immigration in half.

I am one who wants ALL illegals sent home, to me this just shows how hard it is going to be
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Kindergarten math? Kum Allah wants amnesty for TWENTY MILLION. Do you realize that is a MUCH bigger number, and totally different people?
OMG. Are you brain dead? :rolleyes: From DAY ONE, Trump has said immigration is good when they bring something to the table, like skills and positive aspects. Kal on the otherhand likes rapists, drug lords, and human traffickers. IE, Dimtard voters and pet eaters. What to choose, what to choose? :rolleyes: Nice way to sugar coat the Dimtard agenda Kal.

Obvious answer here. Do I need to answer it for him? Lets put it this way...he supports someone that wants to take our freedoms away, and not follow our Constitution. That tells you EVERYTHING you need to know
In exchange, Trump’s plan would dramatically overhaul the legal immigration system. Immigrants would only be allowed to sponsor their spouses and underage children to join them in the U.S., and not their parents, adult children or siblings. The officials said it would only end new applications for visas, allowing those already in the pipeline to be processed. Still, immigration activists said the move could cut legal immigration in half.

I am one who wants ALL illegals sent home, to me this just shows how hard it is going to be
Just odd that your #1 issue for voting for not voting for Kamala is something that Trump actually tried to do.

Well if they are going to liberal cities and states than they would have no impact on the election because those states are already blue.

They are drawing funds from all communities but at the same time, it's not like that money would be spent on black communities anyway.
The issue with Kamala and the Democratic Party is letting in 11M in the first place.

You know that.

Not true. There are plenty in Michigan, for example, a swing state. The grocery stores are now 20 percent Hispanic in West Michigan, that is the conservative side of the state.

Not true and just watch the city council meetings with Mayor Johnson in Chicago. And let’s say it were so, how in the world does the black community, seemingly enamored with reparations, allow for money to be shifted to Hispanic communities versus black. AOC for example is at least 50’percent European (Spanish).

Guess who started the transatlantic part of the slave trade: Spain and Portugal.

The issue with Kamala and the Democratic Party is letting in 11M in the first place.

You know that.

Not true. There are plenty in Michigan, for example, a swing state. The grocery stores are now 20 percent Hispanic in West Michigan, that is the conservative side of the state.

Not true and just watch the city council meetings with Mayor Johnson in Chicago. And let’s say it were so, how in the world does the black community, seemingly enamored with reparations, allow for money to be shifted to Hispanic communities versus black. AOC for example is at least 50’percent European (Spanish).

Guess who started the transatlantic part of the slave trade: Spain and Portugal.

Border crossing were high under Trump...
Border crossing were high under Trump...
Because Congress had flipped to D and did nothing. No money for a wall, Trump ordered wait in Mexico, the ACLU and every judge in sight was blocking EOs to stop Trump from shutting it down. It wasn't until covid that "wait in Mexico" was allowed. Then Biden gladly let the order expire. :mad:
Just odd that your #1 issue for voting for not voting for Kamala is something that Trump actually tried to do.

Well if they are going to liberal cities and states than they would have no impact on the election because those states are already blue.

They are drawing funds from all communities but at the same time, it's not like that money would be spent on black communities anyway.
Letting illegals flood blue areas mean that they count on the census. This can result in more electoral college votes for a blue state and more US House seats. That before even discussing whether or not blue jurisdictions let them vote.
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…they had tricked far down, but was far from perfect. He wanted to build a wall and was blocked at every turn by Pelosi and Schumer. You know that….
He had a chance but refuse to take the deal AND he had the house/senate his 1st 2 years in office. They should've gotten it done!
Letting illegals flood blue areas mean that they count on the census. This can result in more electoral college votes for a blue state and more US House seats. That before even discussing whether or not blue jurisdictions let them vote.
And what did the most recent census show?

Read past your nose. It’s a compromise. We will give a certain number amnesty for a longer term plan to slow illegal immigration.

Every day is an IQ test.

“provides a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants living in the country illegally, in exchange for new restrictions on legal immigration and $25 billion in border security.”
Border crossing were high under Trump...
Trump saw about 2MM illegals enter the country and Biden, with Kamala running the border, saw over 10MM.

So yea, crossings were high under Trump but they are 5X higher under Kamala.

Scale matters.
Just odd that your #1 issue for voting for not voting for Kamala is something that Trump actually tried to do.

Well if they are going to liberal cities and states than they would have no impact on the election because those states are already blue.

They are drawing funds from all communities but at the same time, it's not like that money would be spent on black communities anyway.
Trump only offered amnesty as a part of negotiation to slow illegal immigration down longer term.

Read the articles you post. Like at least the first 3 paragraphs.
Read past your nose. It’s a compromise. We will give a certain number amnesty for a longer term plan to slow illegal immigration.

Every day is an IQ test.

“provides a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants living in the country illegally, in exchange for new restrictions on legal immigration and $25 billion in border security.”
Well you clearly didn't read the entire thread. We already know this.

This is an example of being late to the party.

Some advice, when a thread has been going on for a few days and you join it late. Read the entire thread, so you don't repeat shit.
Trump saw about 2MM illegals enter the country and Biden, with Kamala running the border, saw over 10MM.

So yea, crossings were high under Trump but they are 5X higher under Kamala.

Scale matters.
I never said Trump was higher than anyone, I said it was high.

Reading comprehension makes debates easier.
Read past your nose. It’s a compromise. We will give a certain number amnesty for a longer term plan to slow illegal immigration.

Every day is an IQ test.

“provides a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants living in the country illegally, in exchange for new restrictions on legal immigration and $25 billion in border security.”
Yes, a terrible deal as they would be on a path and when the house/senate changed, would just reneg on the restrictions and border walls

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