This fear porn out there that he can find a way to keep himself in power via the military is totally unfounded and damn near impossible. The military is not full of robots who just blindly follow orders. There may be a conservative lean in the military but that is not true when it comes to officers and senior enlisted. It’s pretty diverse. *Not saying you ascribe to this*It depends. If they have irrefutable proof that the election was stolen then I’m perfectly fine with this. We have to preserve the integrity of our election process and we have no country. If we find that there is not irrefutable evidence and Trump uses his powers to stay in authority, then our country has lost as well. I guess we’ll see how it plays out.
My “why” concern is more about the GO and O6 level compromises that may be out there we find out about. Military is the last entity in the federal government people trust. If that gets eroded this country could be in for a world of hurt regardless of who occupies the Oval Office.