Just a FYI on the Neutered Lame in Indiana....


Bull Gator
May 29, 2001
The Neutered Lame have now had 21 wins totally amputated from the 2012 & 2013 seasons. Their Appeal has been vacated by the NCAA, so they should not have even played in the 2012 NC game. The surprising thing to me, is how long that loser Jelly-Belly-Kelly has managed to remain at NL I guess the has-beens are sticking together. Even while cheating, they still SUCK! :p

The NCAA denied Tuesday Notre Dame's appeal of a decision to vacate 21 football victories because of academic misconduct. The NCAA stripped Notre Dame of the 21 victories, fined the school $5,000 and placed the school on one year's probation in November 2016 after finding academic misconduct involving several football players and orchestrated by the trainer. The NCAA said the trainer was employed by the athletic department from fall 2009 through spring 2013 and "partially or wholly completed numerous academic assignments for football student-athletes in numerous courses" from 2011 to 2013.

So what do the drunk woman beaters say about it? They scream and then whine like always, instead of just taking their well deserved medicine.... o_O

Instead, 11-1 #3 UF should have played #2 Bama.
(I will admit that UF could have lost that NC game too, but we'll never know). :cool:
One more good slap across their hypocritical face, and then I'm done here...

Notre Dame president Reverend John I. Jenkins reacted to the decision by calling the NCAA process "perverted." :eek:
(And he should know, as an expert on what being a pervert is all about....) :rolleyes:

That alone is some of the most strident language ever used by such a respected (more likely despised by the non-Catholic Priest world) high-profile administrator against the association, let alone coming from a man of the cloth.

Jenkins criticizes that "rational explanations are lacking" in vacating Notre Dame's wins in 2012 and 2013. He called the NCAA's conclusion "a dangerous precedent [that] turns the seminal concept of academic autonomy on its head."
(Because cheating and academic fraud should be expected from the drunk woman beaters at neutered lame) o_O

~ These are the same excuse for Christian people, that claimed that the death of Lizzy was her own fault, while they covered up for yet another of their 'choir-boy' student athletes. The only girls that are safe, at or near Notre Dame, are the 'invisible girlfriends.' ) :confused:

Note for the clueless media-moron - NOBODY needs the has-been neutered lame. Shut them down. :cool:

Please-Please NL, show us all how much you don't need the NCAA by dropping out, sooner rather than later... :p