Judicial tyranny

Theo wonders why we did not take the stolen 2020 election to court! LOLOL
It seems to me that there should be plenty of 'conservative' judges in the system. How can it be that the liberal judges can do anything they want and the conservative judges have to just sit there?
It seems to me that there should be plenty of 'conservative' judges in the system. How can it be that the liberal judges can do anything they want and the conservative judges have to just sit there?
Simple. When the leftards want to get a ruling they want, they go judge shopping in districts where the critters preside to file their cases.
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Righttards can't do the same?
They are slowly learning. Federal court threw out a case against Green Peace a few years ago. It was refiled in North Dakota and won a 660 million dollar judgement against them.

It seems to me that there should be plenty of 'conservative' judges in the system. How can it be that the liberal judges can do anything they want and the conservative judges have to just sit there?
They had a 15-20 year head start installing them. Under Hussein mostly...then FJB. And they had a PLAN to do just that...and it was brilliant.
this is another reason Trump getting elected was SO important. Without 3 SCJ's after the 2016 election, our Country would be GONE irreversibly(without revolution)

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It's beautiful, isn't it? Trump is masterfully exposing the corruption at every level.

And as it's being exposed, it's being removed.
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I won't follow the story but let me know how it turns out. I'm fine with those people going to jail.
Well you can color me critical if the Trump administration does the same lax job of prosecution of federal gun crimes as his predecessors.

You have an 88 percent chance of violating federal statute and not even being CHARGED.
Now lets see if possession of a class III weapon during the commission of a felony carries any weight with this administration.


pay attention.
National gubmint is the problem not the solution. Why the hell is there such a thing as a class 3 weapon? Enough of federal anything already! Enough of rogue federal district judges. Enough of weaponizing the gubmint to go after political rivals. Enough of federalizing regular crimes. Enough. Let DOGE level it all down to the ground. All we need from the feds is a strong military, roads and whatever else is in the enumerated powers. Go back to at least 1912.

Arson is a violent crime and the perps should see jail. But, why is burning a car a federal issue? It should not be. And why should some dumb@ss punk 20 something (assuming this) go to jail for 20 yrs over burning a car? They cost the taxpayer money. They come out at 40 ish with no marketable skills. They probably come out a hardened criminal. And how does an unemployed stiff make restitution?

Garnish their wages and make them pay Tesla back. A year in jail, probation, get a job at least at MCDs and work or go to jail.
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National gubmint is the problem not the solution. Why the hell is there such a thing as a class 3 weapon? Enough of federal anything already!
Preaching to the choir brother, the rest of the world makes it easier to buy suppressors because firing a gun without one is considered bad manners and noise pollution.