You are a complete asshat, and you don't even know what you don't know. Try reading some of the real history of this country, not the sanitized shit you grew up with - "George Washington never told a lie..." kind of crap. Your "the cell was never locked" comment is another pile of racist horse shit. Tell that to the fine, "by your own boot strap" Black people of Tulsa, Colfax, Wilmington, Atlanta, Elaine, Rosewood, and Oregon. These strong people created their own "social and economic bubbles", totally independent of whites. They were self reliant, with their own community structures and in some cases, their own banks, shops, restaurants, policing, and even movie theaters. All they wanted was "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...". Unfortunately, your forefathers thought those "uppidy N-words" were living too well. Hell, they living better than us white folks." So they did what they had always done. With the helps the local government and white police, they burn their communities to the ground. Of course they used some flimsy "Birth of a Nation" excuse to justify their actions. "Some N-word looked at a white women", or "that N-word was disrespectful to me". No "locked cell" here...! Not to mention at one point there was a lynching in America every few days. So you go ahead a spout your "ignorant" BS, bc it makes you feel comfortable, but "Truth is truth". The truth is America has always suffered from institutional racism, and most of the time government sponsored racism. Truth is most of your forefathers were horrible, despicable, people, not to mention racist, and they left behind a system designed for your benefit. Asshats like you think you know enough bc see saw the Movie "Roots", or you've seen some Black movies, or your "friends" Clarence and Alan tell you not to worry bc you're a good guy. They just want the money that comes along with being on your side. I know more so-called Black conservatives than you ever will, and behind closed doors they hate having to make you feel good ab yourself and your ancestors.
Educate yourself, ab the true nature of the Black experience. You'll have a better appreciation for how amazing Blacks are, and what they have withstood to survived in this country. A country that rob us of untold wealth through slave labor over the centuries. To top it off, you have the nerve to say what "the greatest sin" committed against Blacks was..."! Slavery was the greatest sin committed against Black people, but to top that off, when slavery ended, your ancestors came up with "Jim Crow" and government sponsored racism. I know, you don't know what you don't know, You really should expand your knowledge. When it comes to my people, this country has never fully lived up to its creed of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..."! When you do the research, you will be walking in the light, my brother!
For now, let's end this as I have grown tired of you. Bye...!