Why would I (or anyone deny it)? Why does it matter? Who cares if he did or didn't?
Your brethren seems to think it matters. Or didn't you notice?
Why would I (or anyone deny it)? Why does it matter? Who cares if he did or didn't?
Your brethren seems to think it matters. Or didn't you notice?
Exactly. At the moment, FSU has him for at least another year. Probably longer, unless he shows that "GaTech" is an ongoing habit that has recurred from his first three years, rather than a rebuilding year aberration.Yes, I've noticed. I've participated, but I'm realizing more and more, WHO CARES!? LOL
Why does anyone want our garbage coach anyway?? How do I know he's garbage?? Because gators told me he was.
It's your fans, your writers (I.e. Schoeffel) and now your AD who are making a big deal of the issue...by publicly denying LSU's assertions that negotiations between LSU and FSU did, in fact, take place.
I guess I just don't get what this whole thread is even about. What am I missing?
It's your fans, your writers (I.e. Schoeffel) and now your AD who are making a big deal of the issue...by publicly denying LSU's assertions that negotiations between LSU and FSU did, in fact, take place.
Therefore, it's fair to point out a conspicuous fact....that your head coach, the man in the middle of all this, won't publicly deny that he engaged in negotiations with LSU.
LOL...one of their fans even tried to dismiss LSU due to finances....very funny coming from a fan of school whos athletic dept has a lesser revenue and a higher reliance on taxpayer money then LSU does. But that is delusionoles for you!
According to this report, we're not doing too shabby in the Athletic Dept revenue area. Not bad for the little ole school out of the lowly ACC.
...by publicly denying LSU's assertions that negotiations between LSU and FSU did, in fact, take place.
It still proves the nole wrong implied LSU had no chance at jimbo due to finannces.....your chart still shows that LSU has higher revenue, and it doesn't dispute the fact that f$u gets more taxpayer assistance. But keep trying, you're doing wonderfully!
I didn't post that to show we had higher revenue than LSU, hell I know we don't. I posted it to show we're not as far back as one would think. And if you believe what's coming out of LSU, finances is indeed one of the reasons for keeping Les Miles.
In that case, thank you very much for answering questions I never asked.
Not enough to build a stadium....but I didn't ask that question either.How much taxpayer money does FSU athletic dept receives versus your team??
Not enough to build a stadium....but I didn't ask that question either.
Also, I need specific numbers. Over, let's say the last 5 years. How much taxpayer money have been used to fund the FSU athletic dept vs the Florida athletic dept?? Get those to me pronto.
FSU relies far more on student subsidies (read: taxes) than Florida. In fact, were it not for those subsides, then FSU would have operated in the redHow much taxpayer money does FSU athletic dept receives versus your team??
Well you're the one who threw that out there. I just asked for clarification and numbers. Oh well
FSU relies far more on student subsidies (read: taxes) than Florida. In fact, were it not for those subsides, then FSU would have operated in the red
FSU relies far more on student subsidies (read: taxes) than Florida. In fact, were it not for those subsides, then FSU would have operated in the red
BTW, on the subject of revenues, I do not believe these 2014 numbers represent the SEC Network revenues. Those were announced and distributed in May of 2015. SEC TV will increase each SEC school's revenue by as much as $31mm. It will differ from program to program, as some schools like Florida and Alabama had TV licensing revenue from tier three sources before the SEC network. So oddly enough, our SEC TV contribution to total revenue will not increase as much on a net basis as say Vandy. Or any other program that did not have a tier three TV rights contract.Thanks for the link. Looks like we were over 7% and you guys were close to 3.5%. But my God look at Rutgers. Wow!
You are totally rightOf course that doesn't reflect a taxpayer funded stadium either.
Not sure if the talk about LSU not having money was intended for me but this is what I was talking about. It is also why I called the state broke dick as well.
MJ already said it, but I was pointing the irony and delusionole aspect of you saying that about LSU, as a means of saying there was no chance jimbo would leave, when their atheltic dept has MORE revenue than f$u, and they don't rely on taxpayer money. But carry on, you are doing great.
There's ALWAYS a chance, heck Bowden almost bolted for Bama (his dream job).
Delusional in saying the state and University were broke and that paying 20 million to start over was far fetched? I realize the 2 departments are separate as MJ stated but also like he stated the optics would have been terrible. For that reason the deal would have been tough to push through. If none of this was in play LSU can back the $$ truck up and do what they want. Different circumstances in play though.
Tell your deluisonole comrades, not me.
Putting together a press release as we speak.
Point is, you come to OUR board, and RRT you azz off, but ignore your buddies who troll here, and you say nothing even when you know they are wrong...just pointing that.
You are the biggest baby on this board and that's saying a lot. Someone seriously needs to get you a pacifier! Sheesh
dje, so ban us. Seriously. I haven't broken any rules that I am aware of. If your social skills are so lacking that you can't have a normal conversation pull a Shime and cry for Nole bannings when you don't like the conversation outcome.....in a 7 page thread about a Nole coach....started by a Gator.
Point is, you come to OUR board, and RRT you azz off, but ignore your buddies who troll here, and you say nothing even when you know they are wrong...just pointing that.
I'm sure they're able to read all the posts. The "TO:" function isn't really necessary.