Jenna Ellis is the BOMB - Hiden Lovers - you out there? Where'd u go?

"irredeemable" = cant be fixed = new election or throwing out ballots wholesale

redo not in constitution.

On my personal FB page seeing friends who have no clue whats going on...if Trump prevails its going to be a huge shock
I say it "could" be redeemable. IF elections are SAFEGUARDED going forward. It's the most important thing, and for your children. We held our noses for 8 years under the Kenyan Prince, we can last 4 (or less) years under Quid Pro Joe. Stymy Congress, and hold on for dear life. MOST of America doesn't want to become Venezuela.
I say it "could" be redeemable. IF elections are SAFEGUARDED going forward. It's the most important thing, and for your children. We held our noses for 8 years under the Kenyan Prince, we can last 4 (or less) years under Quid Pro Joe. Stymy Congress, and hold on for dear life. MOST of America doesn't want to become Venezuela.

If Trump team can prove what Sidney is claiming about Dominion Machines, then they will be able to pass pretty much any election safeguard measures they want in Trump's second term.

I think that was the plan all along: Let them use the machines to try to steal the election so they get caught in the act. Then the public outcry will be there to pass Voter ID and anything else they want to make sure the dems can't cheat again.

Last presidential election ever for the democratic party. Dots starting to connect, arent't they, @LizardGrad89? I'm like Trump, I never make a claim that isn't later proven true.
I say it "could" be redeemable. IF elections are SAFEGUARDED going forward. It's the most important thing, and for your children. We held our noses for 8 years under the Kenyan Prince, we can last 4 (or less) years under Quid Pro Joe. Stymy Congress, and hold on for dear life. MOST of America doesn't want to become Venezuela.
Ellis said "this election" was irredeemably corrupt and if she is using the term correctly it means the results can not be unpacked and fixed is some cases. ( 7:45 mark ) In those cases what are the constitutional remedies for THIS election? SCOTUS ruling to throw out a whole batch? SCOTUS calling the election invalid and telling state legislatures to send electors?

Going forward we absolutely can fix this problem at the state level if pubs have the guts to do it.

1.) all absentees need to be in early enough to be counted before election day
2.) Election day needs all counts in by midnight
3.) Some mechanism needs to be devised to make blue district turn in results first or embargo results until all have been counted and turned in.
4.) every ballot needs to have 1 dem and 1 pub minimun doing signature verification and that needs a mechanism that is done before the ballot is even opened. Must be done by humans.
5.) Address verification before opening ballot.
6.)Voter ID.
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Ellis said "this election" was irredeemably corrupt and if she is using the term correctly it means the results can not be unpacked and fixed is some cases. In those cases what are the constitutional remedies for THIS election? SCOTUS ruling to throw out a whole batch? SCOTUS calling the election invalid and telling state legislatures to send electors?

Going forward we absolutely can fix this problem at the state level if pubs have the guts to do it.

1.) all absentees need to be in early enough to be counted before election day
2.) Election day needs all counts in by midnight
3.) Some mechanism needs to be devised to make blue district turn in results first or embargo results until all have been counted and turned in.
4.) every ballot needs to have 1 dem and 1 pub minimun doing signature verification and that needs a mechanism that is done before the ballot is even opened. Must be done by humans.
5.) Address verification before opening ballot.
6.)Voter ID.
Not sure we can right the ship "this election". What I was saying that preventing this bullshit going forward is the most important thing of all. Believe me, I want Trump to prevail..........but our republic hinges on SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT.

“President Trump has been saying from day one that this is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country. It is not about overturning an outcome. It is about making sure that election integrity is preserved and every American should want that,” Ellis continued.

She lost all credibility right there.

I am figuratively ROFLMAO at you guys listening to a lawyer expel wind at a press conference and think this is somehow proof of fraud.
“President Trump has been saying from day one that this is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country. It is not about overturning an outcome. It is about making sure that election integrity is preserved and every American should want that,” Ellis continued.

She lost all credibility right there.

I am figuratively ROFLMAO at you guys listening to a lawyer expel wind at a press conference and think this is somehow proof of fraud.

you support illegal voting, so I bet you are laughing
Ellis said "this election" was irredeemably corrupt and if she is using the term correctly it means the results can not be unpacked and fixed is some cases. ( 7:45 mark ) In those cases what are the constitutional remedies for THIS election? SCOTUS ruling to throw out a whole batch? SCOTUS calling the election invalid and telling state legislatures to send electors?

Going forward we absolutely can fix this problem at the state level if pubs have the guts to do it.

1.) all absentees need to be in early enough to be counted before election day
2.) Election day needs all counts in by midnight
3.) Some mechanism needs to be devised to make blue district turn in results first or embargo results until all have been counted and turned in.
4.) every ballot needs to have 1 dem and 1 pub minimun doing signature verification and that needs a mechanism that is done before the ballot is even opened. Must be done by humans.
5.) Address verification before opening ballot.
6.)Voter ID.

Many states actually have laws that don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted before election day, the reason being that they don't want those results to be leaked as that could influence the vote on election day. But hey, that makes way too much sense, right?

There is absolutely no reason all counts have to be done on election day. Hell, in the history of voting elections it used to take weeks if not longer to finish the count. THAT'S how elections work and have always worked.

Number 3 is just ridiculously stupid and shows your ignorance and prejudice.

Number 4 is possibly stupider than #3. You don't have PARTISANS working on the vote count! You seriously don't have the sense God gave a goat!

Address verification before opening ballot? You don't put a return address on a mail-in ballot, there is no reason it should ever come back to you. Where do you come up with these things?

Voter ID. The only sensible item on this list. As long as we provide them in such a way as every eligible voter can get one, without bar or hindrance, and free of charge, then I agree. Note that requiring proof of address is a hindrance, as the homeless and functionally homeless are eligible to vote but cannot provide proof of address.
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She is laughing at you trumpettes. She's no true believer, she just wants some time in the sun. But keep it up, y'all are good for a chuckle.
Many states actually have laws that don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted before election day, the reason being that they don't want those results to be leaked as that could influence the vote on election day. But hey, that makes way too much sense, right?

There is absolutely no reason all counts have to be done on election day. Hell, in the history of voting elections it used to take weeks if not longer to finish the count. THAT'S how elections work and have always worked.

Number 3 is just ridiculously stupid and shows your ignorance and prejudice.

Number 4 is possibly stupider than #3. You don't have PARTISANS working on the vote count! You seriously don't have the sense God gave a goat!

Address verification before opening ballot? You don't put a return address on a mail-in ballot, there is no reason it should ever come back to you. Where do you come up with these things?

Voter ID. The only sensible item on this list. As long as we provide them in such a way as every eligible voter can get one, without bar or hindrance, and free of charge, then I agree. Note that requiring proof of address is a hindrance, as the homeless and functionally homeless are eligible to vote but cannot provide proof of address.
I think you are missing the point. The claim is that there was massive fraud with the mail in ballots. They are making the claim and have a right to present their evidence. The fact you don’t wish to see the evidence and want to dismiss it, is predictable. I say put up or shut up. Let them have their day in court to be judged fairly. You have a problem with this? They can’t present any evidence?
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I think you are missing the point. The claim is that there was massive fraud with the mail in ballots. They are making the claim and have a right to present their evidence. The fact you don’t wish to see the evidence and want to dismiss it, is predictable. I say put up or shut up. Let them have their day in court to be judged fairly. You have a problem with this? They can’t present any evidence?
Just like with the 2017, 18, 19 coup to delegitimize a sitting President, foreign corruption by a sitting vice president, nothing to see here, move along. :rolleyes:

I have a strong feeling that ^ is going to come back to haunt them in spades going forward. Karma bitches!
Many states actually have laws that don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted before election day, the reason being that they don't want those results to be leaked as that could influence the vote on election day. But hey, that makes way too much sense, right?

There is absolutely no reason all counts have to be done on election day. Hell, in the history of voting elections it used to take weeks if not longer to finish the count. THAT'S how elections work and have always worked.

Number 3 is just ridiculously stupid and shows your ignorance and prejudice.

Number 4 is possibly stupider than #3. You don't have PARTISANS working on the vote count! You seriously don't have the sense God gave a goat!

Address verification before opening ballot? You don't put a return address on a mail-in ballot, there is no reason it should ever come back to you. Where do you come up with these things?

Voter ID. The only sensible item on this list. As long as we provide them in such a way as every eligible voter can get one, without bar or hindrance, and free of charge, then I agree. Note that requiring proof of address is a hindrance, as the homeless and functionally homeless are eligible to vote but cannot provide proof of address.

you support illegal voting. Your opinion on voting went out the window with that

She is laughing at you trumpettes. She's no true believer, she just wants some time in the sun. But keep it up, y'all are good for a chuckle.
I love how folks tend to use words and actions of folks in the past to prove a present point without even a remote chance that that person has changed their minds. Prime example: Mark Levin. So, if you don't mind I like to just say, "Shut up you fool!"
“President Trump has been saying from day one that this is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country. It is not about overturning an outcome. It is about making sure that election integrity is preserved and every American should want that,” Ellis continued.

She lost all credibility right there.

I am figuratively ROFLMAO at you guys listening to a lawyer expel wind at a press conference and think this is somehow proof of fraud.

You're thinking emotionally.

If they prove their case, the election will be overturned. Yes. But that's not the goal here.

The goal is to make sure that a political party can never again cheat and rig an election like your dems did in 2020 and likely in years past.

The goal is to have FREE AND FAIR elections.

If your party did that to us, then what happens when another party decides to do it to your guy?

See this is the difference between you and us: We don't want cheating.


You are ok with it, if it helps your guy.

That's not what America is about, brother.

She is laughing at you trumpettes. She's no true believer, she just wants some time in the sun. But keep it up, y'all are good for a chuckle.

This actually makes Trump look good, and you are too hoodwinked to see it. If Trump was the emotional baby that you dems claim, he would have never agreed to work with her. Or people like Ted Cruz, who also said mean things about him in 2016. So did Kellyeanne Conway, I believe.

But Trump doesn't take any of this personally. That means he's far more emotionally stable than people like you and the other dems here.

Think about that.
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This actually makes Trump look good, and you are too hoodwinked to see it. If Trump was the emotional baby that you dems claim, he would have never agreed to work with her. Or people like Ted Cruz, who also said mean things about him in 2016. So did Kellyeanne Conway, I believe.

But Trump doesn't take any of this personally. That means he's far more emotionally stable than people like you and the other dems here.

Think about that.
Oh ghosty, you are too funny! Everything can be spun as a trump win....but what are you going to do when he's dragged out of the oval kicking and screaming?? Will be interested to see how you spin that
Still waiting for that Georgia recount champ ?? ;)
Oh ghosty, you are too funny! Everything can be spun as a trump win....but what are you going to do when he's dragged out of the oval kicking and screaming?? Will be interested to see how you spin that
Still waiting for that Georgia recount champ ?? ;)

Nope. Waiting on the machines, and the US Military just got the Dominion server in Germany.

Now we see how many dems go to jail. You're on the wrong side of history, bro.
Nope. Waiting on the machines, and the US Military just got the Dominion server in Germany.

Now we see how many dems go to jail. You're on the wrong side of history, bro.
Do you ever get embarrassed about being so wrong, so many times?? Serious question.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
Do you ever get embarrassed about being so wrong, so many times?? Serious question.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

But I'm never wrong. I said just 24 hours ago that what Rudy was talking about was meaningless, it was all about the machines that Sidney was talking about.

And what happens today? US Military seizes the Dominion server in Germany.

You would think it would get boring being this brilliant every day. But I learn to live with it.
  • Haha
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But I'm never wrong. I said just 24 hours ago that what Rudy was talking about was meaningless, it was all about the machines that Sidney was talking about.

And what happens today? US Military seizes the Dominion server in Germany.

You would think it would get boring being this brilliant every day. But I learn to live with it.
LOL where is ‘76? He just fell out of his chair.
LOL where is ‘76? He just fell out of his chair.

Ghost pulled it out from behind him ...... here’s proof ....

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Many states actually have laws that don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted before election day, the reason being that they don't want those results to be leaked as that could influence the vote on election day. But hey, that makes way too much sense, right?

There is absolutely no reason all counts have to be done on election day. Hell, in the history of voting elections it used to take weeks if not longer to finish the count. THAT'S how elections work and have always worked.

Number 3 is just ridiculously stupid and shows your ignorance and prejudice.

Number 4 is possibly stupider than #3. You don't have PARTISANS working on the vote count! You seriously don't have the sense God gave a goat!

Address verification before opening ballot? You don't put a return address on a mail-in ballot, there is no reason it should ever come back to you. Where do you come up with these things?

Voter ID. The only sensible item on this list. As long as we provide them in such a way as every eligible voter can get one, without bar or hindrance, and free of charge, then I agree. Note that requiring proof of address is a hindrance, as the homeless and functionally homeless are eligible to vote but cannot provide proof of address.
#4 is what the law is in most states. You get a D observer and an R observer monitoring the vote count. I'm guessing you knew that though?