It’s official: Sleepy Joe just peaced out…

From a neutral perspective, cause I've had no leanings towards either of the two leading up to today, there is both good and bad for Democrats with this. The good is that many voters don't like Trump but were also leery of voting for Biden given the obvious, so many might view it as a 'anyone but Trump' sort of situation, which could prove beneficial for Democrats. The bad is that the leading candidate is either Kamala or someone less well known (i.e. governors of Cali/Illinois) who hasn't been on the presidential trail. That said, anyone selected will probably prove a better debater.
From a neutral perspective, cause I've had no leanings towards either of the two leading up to today, there is both good and bad for Democrats with this. The good is that many voters don't like Trump but were also leery of voting for Biden given the obvious, so many might view it as a 'anyone but Trump' sort of situation, which could prove beneficial for Democrats. The bad is that the leading candidate is either Kamala or someone less well known (i.e. governors of Cali/Illinois).
Gavin Gruesome is pretty well known. He's personally destroyed The People's Republik of California.
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Gavin Gruesome is pretty well known. He's personally destroyed The People's Republik of California.
Since Cali typically goes to the Democrats, I'd likely steer clear of him. It's probably going to be Kamala as she gives you the DC experience and a number of voting populations. A swing state like Florida will likely remain red, so Democrats will need to specifically focus on the northern swing states with her as their candidate.
They will run with Kamala and have Shapiro as VP to shore up PA and moderate, Jewish voters.
They will run with Kamala and have Shapiro as VP to shore up PA and moderate, Jewish voters.
I've seen Michigan governor Whitmer's name thrown out. Pros/cons of that pick but it might significantly get the female vote is they see two female names on the ballot. That and it helps with Michigan obviously.
Just endorsed her. They will not win. I do not have one trace of sorrow for these crooked, unamerican POS’s
Man Capt I live close to a huge prominent black neighborhood, not trying to be racial or disrespectful but it sounds like a huge Celebration going on with shouting Go Kamala, now if it’s near me I would imagine it’s going on all over the nation
Man Capt I live close to a huge prominent black neighborhood, not trying to be racial or disrespectful but it sounds like a huge Celebration going on with shouting Go Kamala, now if it’s near me I would imagine it’s going on all over the nation
So you actually joined in on the celebration?
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The Cackles & Cankles ticket!

Hillary will never be a second to President Knee Pads. Or anyone for that matter.

****Breaking news---On a totally unrelated note Camela just got Trump's SS detail switched out to her in what a Dem spokesperson says is "no big deal, we totally do this stuff all the time".

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Whether a guy with declining mental accuity can serve for the next 6 months or the next 4.5 years are two very different questions.
So you don’t think the media calling for him to be replaced isn’t a way of them saying he can’t do his job?

I get what you’re saying about the length of time, but I still think it’s fairly obvious he can do his job now.

If you called an Uber, and he was the driver, would you get in and feel safe?
News pundits making this big deal how the dems are taking the power out of the hands of the voters for Biden. Lol. No one voted FOR Biden. They voted against Trump. Dem voters will be thrilled to have Biden out and will vote just the same for whoever they put in.