Is Venezuela our future?

I fear it’s going to get bumpy peeps…

The Gaslighting has reached new levels of desperation. We knew it was coming. It is here.

This IS a problem. If I had to bet, the top 5 on that list had SOMETHING to do with the assassination attempt on Trump, and I do not believe it is over. That does not even speak of all the dastardly things they do on and running up to election day. No matter if they choose this route, it will all come out in the wash, and America will wake up (although too late for this election cycle) . And if that happens....I truly think from everything I know at this time...America is done. There is only ONE Trump, and they will have successfully eliminated the biggest threat to their ultimate goal...which is to end America. NO ONE can fix America....EXCEPT Donald J Trump.

This is an issue they would have to deal with, though. If what I think will happen, the ho will fall very far behind like FJB did before they couped him. VERY WLL could lead to an armed uprising...which WE WIN. (because women and their girly men cannot defeat us)
Just wait…the Taylor Swift propo is going to be epic. Gaslighting of epic proportion.

Look at how many people came to see kamala. And the low info voter will gobble it up.
Just wait…the Taylor Swift propo is going to be epic. Gaslighting of epic proportion.

Look at how many people came to see kamala. And the low info voter will gobble it up.
She crashed a concert....that crowd was NOT for her. MORE gaslighting. In fact, after she went on stage after one song...many in the crowd left. This crowd was an EPIC set up to gaslight everyone in to THINKING she is well received.
She crashed a concert....that crowd was NOT for her. MORE gaslighting. In fact, after she went on stage after one song...many in the crowd left. This crowd was an EPIC set up to gaslight everyone in to THINKING she is well received.
Unless the leaving was far more then that video showed, not too many left. And looking at the crowd, I don't some of those people even have a clue who Megan thee Stallion is.
Obama is a communist & he’s running the government.

Our government has become our most dangerous enemy!
That was a pretty small crowd even for Megan. The trial of the dude that shot her in the foot wasn't that long about but it's still on everyone's radar.
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What's this about Tay Tay?
It doesn't matter how much money or looks a chick has....... there's always going to be a tight end somewhere that's already sick of her bitchy bullshit.

It doesn't matter how much money or looks a chick has....... there's always going to be a tight end somewhere that's already sick of her bitchy bullshit.

Well the Super Bowl champ she got now don't seem to mind and when he does I reckon she could buy a whole roster.
I've got ZERO use for the Chiefs. I don't have enough effs to give to be a hater. As for Tay Tay, she's just another entertainer talking head. I have about as much use for her as LeBonehaidBron. She could eat crackers in bed and I wouldn't care, but I'm good at tuning out BS, ask my wife. 😂

I don't get it. Granted I'm in my 60's but this gal fills football stadiums multiple nights in a row. How? She's a good singer and if I'm not mistaken she writes all her songs and deserves a ton of credit there. And she is pretty, not 5 alarm hot but very girl next door pretty. And I'm sure she puts on a good show I guess. But good grief she is in like Led Zeppelin territory with this tour, they did play the football stadiums but I don't remember even them playing multiple nights in a row (maybe a few cities?) much less selling them out. Maybe it's the wholesome thing? I don't believe she writes songs about her "fat ass p$%#@" but I've only heard maybe 3 or 4 songs. Idk, it's just weird how popular she is and it's world wide, not just here. I'm old get off my hell lawn.
Swift haha gravitates to a large age group of women. My wife loves her; my daughters life her and from what my wife said, her shows are incredible. Since there is such a high demand for tickets, people get fomo and end up doing whatever they can to go.

I am unaware of how popular zeppelin was, but it seems like Ts is like Elvis level or somethin. That being said, I’ve either listened to her songs too much, due to my kids and wife ,or i genuinely liked them lol. It’s something i don’t really understand within our family.

My wife and daughters and mother in law are going to Vancouver in December to see them for cryin out loud lol
Swift haha gravitates to a large age group of women. My wife loves her; my daughters life her and from what my wife said, her shows are incredible. Since there is such a high demand for tickets, people get fomo and end up doing whatever they can to go.

I am unaware of how popular zeppelin was, but it seems like Ts is like Elvis level or somethin. That being said, I’ve either listened to her songs too much, due to my kids and wife ,or i genuinely liked them lol. It’s something i don’t really understand within our family.

My wife and daughters and mother in law are going to Vancouver in December to see them for cryin out loud lol
Six words. Shut the eff up and sing.

Her Political BS?

We are so close to a Venezuela situation with our media it may be too late already. Combine so many low information voters, with MSM's coordinated attack on Trump, and them NOT properly vetting Cum ALLa and we are there already. Someone want to talk about what "election interference" really is?
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Blinken does about face, says US doesn't recognize Maduro as being in power in Venezuela.


Venezuela has 19% of the world's oil reserves.
My guess is IF there is, it will be more of the same. I am waiting for the second attempt on Trumps life.

They are trying to set up the narrative now for the steal. The polls are quite comical watching the over samplings.
The insurrection against Biden was definitely about a polling reset.

I think now they are trying to see if they can fool enough people into believing their spin that 2% Kamala and Tampon Tim are wildly popular. They have already been busted using AI to put fake people in their crowd shots. I suspect despite the obvious fakery, it will fool the usual suspects here and elsewhere.

I think they have the election if they think they can steal it again.

And even if they can't, they have a plan for Trump:

Blinken does about face, says US doesn't recognize Maduro as being in power in Venezuela.


Venezuela has 19% of the world's oil reserves.
And this makes Trumps stance on energy independance even MORE important..if that is even possible. Sorry abortion people...THIS IS 10,000 times MOE IMPORTANT than R vs W. Not exaggerating. TEN THOUSAND TIMES. When the federal gubment controls EVERYTHING you can do...get back with me. Losing our freedoms are WAY mor important.
The insurrection against Biden was definitely about a polling reset.

I think now they are trying to see if they can fool enough people into believing their spin that 2% Kamala and Tampon Tim are wildly popular. They have already been busted using AI to put fake people in their crowd shots. I suspect despite the obvious fakery, it will fool the usual suspects here and elsewhere.

I think they have the election if they think they can steal it again.

And even if they can't, they have a plan for Trump:

Oh there is no doubt they will stop at nothing. Things are going to get even bumpier. Good news….the same old suspects (moderates) are still falling for the nonsense.

Your guy Diddy has started thread after thread in on the topic of “discipline”. Pretty sure that at minimum, Don Lemon is a dinner pal.
And this makes Trumps stance on energy independance even MORE important..if that is even possible. Sorry abortion people...THIS IS 10,000 times MOE IMPORTANT than R vs W. Not exaggerating. TEN THOUSAND TIMES. When the federal gubment controls EVERYTHING you can do...get back with me. Losing our freedoms are WAY mor important.

Only 8% of Americans say abortion is the most important issue to them.

Abortion is settled law. It's time to move on.
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