Is This Really a Crime or an Expression of Free Speech on a State Campus?


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
First off, I do not condone this and I disapprove of the symbolic messege it sent. Here in Mississippi it is a huge story. What I do find interesting is that the campus, alumni, and state are all looking to put the people that did this behind bars for "as long as possible."

My question is, aside from some minor crimes about defacing public property, what crime did the people who did this actually commit? Should not the ACLU come down here and defend the accused, if they ever arrest anyone, under the concept of expressing their freedom of speech on a public state and federal tax dollar funded domain?

What would be the sentiment if it was a confederate war memorial that had been defaced in some way?


We all knew that the "Hate Crime" law was going to open up a can of worms...sure it was disrespectful and completely inappropriate to do this...but to want to charge someone with a hate crime for it? Put them in jail?
Originally posted by gator1776:

My question is, aside from some minor crimes about defacing public property, what crime did the people who did this actually commit? Should not the ACLU come down here and defend the accused, if they ever arrest anyone, under the concept of expressing their freedom of speech on a public state and federal tax dollar funded domain?

What would be the sentiment if it was a confederate war memorial that had been defaced in some way?


I think what you are asking is whether there's more of a crime than if someone had for example put a football helmet and cape on the statue?