Insane liberals and their violent behavior

There is some weird shit on Reddit. I laugh at most of the stuff that somehow gets tagged to my email account. It is like a train wreck, you just can't help but gawk at the stupid. 😂
They are mentally ill. Literally. They hero worship luigi mangione, the kid that murdered that healthcare CEO. All of Reddit is excited about a 'surprise' they are planning for him: Apparently it's almost his 27th birthday, and they are all donating $27 to his legal defense fund and will 'present' it to his birthday.

He's their hero. There are countless posts obsessing over his clothes, how attractive they think he is, etc. It's completely sick.
@kalimgoodman @jimbo1313R @Hotlanta_Bill @Illegal-shift @LizardGrad89 when are you guys planning to clean the racism and fascism out of your party?
I didn’t say their husbands would be fine, I said they will be fine. Women like that don’t have to lift a finger if they don’t want too. One ends, they pick another.

Me myself, I like em a tad bit smarter, like my own wife.

For most men or women, there is about a 10-15 year window where 'HOT' is the determining factor.
DoDo Occurs, and so does old, fat, wrinkled, and ugly,,, eventually.

I grabbed a sparkling 17 year old that was just coming off a NHS HS #2 in Class graduation.
Took a chance on a young one maybe, but 50+ years later it's worked out well for us....

I was/am an eyes guy (windows to the soul), not a tits & azz guy (but I do like kissin' da Hooters),
😉 but brains were the deciding factor for me.
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For most men or women, there is about a 10-15 year window where 'HOT' is the determining factor.
DoDo Occurs, and so does old, fat, wrinkled, and ugly,,, eventually.

I grabbed a sparkling 17 year old that was just coming off a NHS HS #2 in Class graduation.
Took a chance on a young one maybe, but 50+ years later it's worked out well for us....

I was/am an eyes guy (windows to the soul), not a tits & azz guy (but I do like kissin' da Hooters),
😉 but brains were the deciding factor for me.
Dude, you are such a weirdo, I love trying to decipher your stream of consciousness rantings ...
Dude, you are such a weirdo, I love trying to decipher your stream of consciousness rantings ...
Your own 'critical thinking and logic' in this case is a never ending bore to me, but it does provide a bit of weak humor for me... 😁

But if you want more than a pushback response, you're going to have to provide some detail on what your book calls weird....
Says the man who had “The Instagator - just add good bourbon and swamp water” as his signature for years
You so rarely get anything correct. The sig was "Instant Gator, just add bourbon and swamp water."
While having a drink does not make you a drinking party boy or a drunk, you clueless troll.... 🙄

Unlike the self proclaimed sports genius I-wish-dog-poker that claims that star rankings are critical if you want to win.
UF B-Ball team currently has zero 5-stars and only 1 4-star to go with their 3/2 NR Sweet-16 players.
But the dog poker is still chewing that bone,,,, or some bone anyway...

Unlike the self proclaimed sports genius I-wish-dog-poker that claims that star rankings are critical if you want to win.
UF B-Ball team currently has zero 5-stars and only 1 4-star to go with their 3/2 NR Sweet-16 players.
But the dog poker is still chewing that bone,,,, or some bone anyway...
I have NEVER claimed anything about star rankings - YOU would verbosely write about UF recruits and star rankings, and compose entire War & Peace novels about star ranked players, and which rating group has what stars for each recruit, blah, blah….. that’s what my sig refers to …. You just changing you mind that class rankings didn’t matter, after a frigging posting career otherwise

InstaFail - just filibuster long enough to where (some) people forget the flawed points made previously 😆
I have NEVER claimed anything about star rankings - YOU would verbosely write about UF recruits and star rankings, and compose entire War & Peace novels about star ranked players, and which rating group has what stars for each recruit, blah, blah….. that’s what my sig refers to …. You just changing you mind that class rankings didn’t matter, after a frigging posting career otherwise

InstaFail - just filibuster long enough to where (some) people forget the flawed points made previously 😆
And yet, here I am after all these many years, still living rent free in the dogpokers feeble mind....
😂 🤣 😂
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And yet, here I am after all these many years, still living rent free in the dogpokers feeble mind....
😂 🤣 😂
Instafail, to be fair you really only live rent free in my SIG ……….which I rarely see since I normally use my iPhone. But if you want to pay rent sometime, you’re certainly welcome.
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