Inflation numbers. Lets Go Brandon

Wow. That was the best response to that bullshit in less than 100 words I've seen to date. Fuk the RINO GOP and the gimps they rode in on. Pussies like that is how we ended up here. Incrementalism. :mad: Slowly eroding our Constitution, our country by not drawing a line in the sand. Cowards.

Oh and Jeb! ? What a cuck, may he never be elected to even dogcatcher ever. What a cuck. :mad:
@grandhavendiddy strikes me as being a Jack Kemp republican. During the 1996 VP debate, Al Gore paid Kemp a compliment. Gore said Kemp wasn't a racist. He said most every republican was one.....but not Kemp.

Kemp's response? "Thank you." Totally disciplined.

The party of racism, of the KKK, of voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the party of Hiden, obama and hildabeast eulogizing KKK grand wizards at their funeral.....that party calls US racists?????

And Kemp says 'Thank you'.

What do you think Trump's response would have been to Gore? Totally undisciplined.
I've been studying this supply chain issue lately. A lot of misinformation is out there. In regards to appliances and parts. The reason for the supply chain issue is because of COVID!. Majority of those parts comes from overseas and countries that have outbreaks and shut down production because they don't have the luxury of the vaccines or government help. Now how is that the Democrats fault? Or any American for that matter?
You’ve been studying the supply chain issue and you blame inflation only on supply shortages and not the incredible amount of material sitting on boats waiting to be unloaded by clogged western ports?

I was in Laguna Niguel last week and could count 38 container ships that didn’t move for a week visible from the hotel.

But there’s more to it, our toolmakers are seeing incredible increases in demand and injection molded tools have gone from 12-16 weeks to 48. Domestic suppliers of resins can’t fulfill contracts because of insane demand, not Covid. The overall problem is so much deeper than Covid.

BTW - considering how few cases and deaths China had from Covid, and how reliant our supply chain is on China, does it make a ton of sense that Covid is the only problem?

As you love to tell everyone else, do better research.
You’ve been studying the supply chain issue and you blame inflation only on supply shortages and not the incredible amount of material sitting on boats waiting to be unloaded by clogged western ports?

I was in Laguna Niguel last week and could count 38 container ships that didn’t move for a week visible from the hotel.

But there’s more to it, our toolmakers are seeing incredible increases in demand and injection molded tools have gone from 12-16 weeks to 48. Domestic suppliers of resins can’t fulfill contracts because of insane demand, not Covid. The overall problem is so much deeper than Covid.

BTW - considering how few cases and deaths China had from Covid, and how reliant our supply chain is on China, does it make a ton of sense that Covid is the only problem?

As you love to tell everyone else, do better research.
"...Reports say that the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage. But they don’t mention the California truck ban which allows only 2011 truck models or newer to operate in ports. Another law, called Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), prohibits owner operators from servicing ports in the state.

Truckers in California are not investing in new trucks at present because California also passed a law that will make them illegal in 2035. “The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist,” Helms wrote..."

Jeb was disciplined.

So was Mittens. And mccain, and Dubya.

How many of them got favorable coverage from the media as a result? Or even fair coverage?

Mittens was branded a racist, so was mccain, and dubya was just a moron.

Trump comes along and is 'undisciplined', and gets called a moronic racist. So he got it all.

You never learn.
so was younkin. So is desantis. So is Tim Scott. So is Josh Hawley.

are you going to call all four Rinos?

being Disciplined is not the same as being milquetoast. McCain, Jeb and others were decent people; McCain was a war hero but not a powerful leader. Jeb felt that the presidency was some birthright with legacy driven admissions principles.

neither do you and when you lose it’s never about pissing people off over completely unnecessary comments.

learn the difference
I've been studying this supply chain issue lately. A lot of misinformation is out there. In regards to appliances and parts. The reason for the supply chain issue is because of COVID!. Majority of those parts comes from overseas and countries that have outbreaks and shut down production because they don't have the luxury of the vaccines or government help. Now how is that the Democrats fault? Or any American for that matter?
Kalim - respectfully, I am a senior Supply Chain partner for one of the large consulting firms. The above is part of it, now is that 25 basis points of the inflation uptick? 100 at most? Even being very generous, that would still have inflation at 5.25.

Also, if were localized that much, then the administration would call that out and work with the country to build a specific plan to unlock capacity.

These factors have nothing to do with the fuel shortage which is from ME countries and our own shutting down pipelines. Are we saying that MBS and Saudi Arabia cannot arrange for vaccines? When they contribute (as a small example) millions to institutions such as Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic?

Ghost is spot on with his observation. None of that has anything to do with the bottlenecks at our western ports. If Mayor Pete were even remotely qualified for his role (he is a smart individual, to be sure), he would have not only the analytical horsepower but the anticipation and judgement to build a comprehensive plan to address.

What this administration is doing is "wish-casting" inflation away saying it is temporary when clearly it is not. Credit people like Larry Summers and Jesse Watters for calling this out months ago. The administration is only starting to recognize it.

Why inflation really matters

Let me create a whole other section. Inflation truly matters because under the new monetarist theorem, we could borrow nearly endlessly without causing inflation or interest rate rises. Anything from Medicare For All, College Debt Forgiveness, Universal Pre-K, etc. no need to worry or even raise taxes because if US is the source of all borrowing and the global monetary standard, we can triple or quadruple our borrowing capacity.

For example, reparations - regardless of what one's moral position is on it, why argue? cut the checks because there is no impact to inflation and interest rates.

It turns, out that in months, that narrative was turned on it's head.

It means that people and politicians have to make decisions. Whether it means tax cuts or additional spending we cannot put forward broad sets of new programs UNLESS we fundamentally remake our tax scheme and go to a Nordic style tax system of over 50 to 60% marginal tax rates on income.

If we do the latter, then that means that our relationship with government has fundamentally changed. It means that government has the primary say in how our money is spent and we are fortunate for whatever is left over.

That is the essence of socialism. It is why these concepts are not mis-information or rhetoric, but connected concepts.
You’ve been studying the supply chain issue and you blame inflation only on supply shortages and not the incredible amount of material sitting on boats waiting to be unloaded by clogged western ports?

I was in Laguna Niguel last week and could count 38 container ships that didn’t move for a week visible from the hotel.

But there’s more to it, our toolmakers are seeing incredible increases in demand and injection molded tools have gone from 12-16 weeks to 48. Domestic suppliers of resins can’t fulfill contracts because of insane demand, not Covid. The overall problem is so much deeper than Covid.

BTW - considering how few cases and deaths China had from Covid, and how reliant our supply chain is on China, does it make a ton of sense that Covid is the only problem?

As you love to tell everyone else, do better research.
76 makes the same point. Semi-conductor chips come from SE Asian countries that, if anything, have done a remarkably good job of containing Covid-19.

On tooling (hard and soft), they have gone far out in lead times and, because of the shipping issues, OEMs are starting to rely on air freight which...yes, raises inflation as now the transportation cost component of COGS has now gone up exponentially.

76 - I happen to agree with you, but no need to be caustic here and say, "do better research".
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so was younkin. So is desantis. So is Tim Scott. So is Josh Hawley.

are you going to call all four Rinos?

being Disciplined is not the same as being milquetoast. McCain, Jeb and others were decent people; McCain was a war hero but not a powerful leader. Jeb felt that the presidency was some birthright with legacy driven admissions principles.

neither do you and when you lose it’s never about pissing people off over completely unnecessary comments.

learn the difference
I didn't say MIttens, the bushes and mccain were RINOs in that example, I said they were 'disciplined'. They were what you said you wanted in a republican.

And the media still ate them alive. Harry Reid literally lied about Mittens not paying his taxes, and the media ran with it without doing any investigative reporting.

And the voters believed that Mittens didn't pay his taxes. Mittens was 'disciplined' in his response. After the election, when it came out that Reid made the whole thing up, Reid's response was 'well it worked, didn't it???'

Yes, Hawley is a RINO, he's saying what he needs to say to fool republicans like you. Same with Tim Scott. Don't know Younkin so can't have an opinion on him.

Trump was insanely disciplined. Moreso than any person we've named so far. RINOs hate him because he wasn't 'presidential'.

Being 'presidential' means we roll with people like the bushes and Mittens and Mccain and Hawley and Scott. People that will be 'disciplined', which means the dems can then tear them apart, and the media will happily help them.

And they will smile and take it. Cause they are 'disciplined'.

So-called republicans that want their candidates to act a certain way in order to coax dems and the media to respond in a certain way are fools. I have no idea why they can't see this.

I'll take Trump's disciplined approach over Josh Hawley's every single day and twice on Sunday.
@grandhavendiddy strikes me as being a Jack Kemp republican. During the 1996 VP debate, Al Gore paid Kemp a compliment. Gore said Kemp wasn't a racist. He said most every republican was one.....but not Kemp.

Kemp's response? "Thank you." Totally disciplined.

The party of racism, of the KKK, of voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the party of Hiden, obama and hildabeast eulogizing KKK grand wizards at their funeral.....that party calls US racists?????

And Kemp says 'Thank you'.

What do you think Trump's response would have been to Gore? Totally undisciplined.
Jack Kemp - now that is a name I have not heard in a long time. A long time. (movie this came from? lol)

Ghost - this may be your most brilliant observation to date.

Back in 1988 and 1992 when I became aware of politics and started to read pieces from the New Republic, National Review and other books (almost religiously), Kemp was someone whose worldview I gravitated towards. I also deeply respected his style of interaction. He was firm, intelligent, but always kind and respectful.

He was an adamant supply sider and believer in the power of markets and a strong military. After this post last night, I looked up some old clips on Jack Kemp. Here was one. It's a 20 minute watch (15 if you speed up the playback) and borderline brilliant:

Now, I would differ with him today on a number of his policies, most especially on immigration. I think he would be aghast at the state of politics and discord. But, he was someone, because he went to a high school that was primarily jewish and played football on very integrated teams, he saw the essential dignity of people and believed, as I do, that if you include a more diverse set of people, you will get better outcomes and more people who believe in the power of the individual, free markets and free societies. Conversely, if you systemically exclude a set of people, you get the CRT theories of today.

On Trump, I actually appreciate how provocative he is. Let me VERY clear on the difference of being provocative and undisciplined:

Provocative is continuing to highlight and callout that Covid-19 leaked from the lab and thus is likely VERY dangerous. Provocative is calling out that our beareaucracy is too slow to approve vaccines, governed by infighting and self-interest and we need something like Operational Warp Speed to bring these vaccines, anti-virals and others to the market asap. Provocative is saying that Covid-19 is something that all countries should be asking China for reparations around given the above.

Undisciplined is calling it the "Kung-Flu" and dismissing it as some scene out of some bad 1970s movie.

In the former, he calls out specific dynamics with a meaningful end purpose. In the latter, he comes off an unserious racist.

The difference matters incredibly especially when you are trying to win over the suburbs and white women.
Youngkin learned the difference and won. He is just the start.

You keep insisting that people hate Trump. What they hate is the nasty and completely unnecessary vitriol ("s...t hole countries", "kung flu", etc.) but appreciate a number of his perspectives and intuition on topics.

Take Connie Rice:

This is her on his Twitter habits:

And her on Trump's long term impact:

What is the difference? Discipline.

Learn the difference.
I didn't say MIttens, the bushes and mccain were RINOs in that example, I said they were 'disciplined'. They were what you said you wanted in a republican.

And the media still ate them alive. Harry Reid literally lied about Mittens not paying his taxes, and the media ran with it without doing any investigative reporting.

And the voters believed that Mittens didn't pay his taxes. Mittens was 'disciplined' in his response. After the election, when it came out that Reid made the whole thing up, Reid's response was 'well it worked, didn't it???'

Yes, Hawley is a RINO, he's saying what he needs to say to fool republicans like you. Same with Tim Scott. Don't know Younkin so can't have an opinion on him.

Trump was insanely disciplined. Moreso than any person we've named so far. RINOs hate him because he wasn't 'presidential'.

Being 'presidential' means we roll with people like the bushes and Mittens and Mccain and Hawley and Scott. People that will be 'disciplined', which means the dems can then tear them apart, and the media will happily help them.

And they will smile and take it. Cause they are 'disciplined'.

So-called republicans that want their candidates to act a certain way in order to coax dems and the media to respond in a certain way are fools. I have no idea why they can't see this.

I'll take Trump's disciplined approach over Josh Hawley's every single day and twice on Sunday.
Let's unpack the word "disciplined". That is the core of our disagreement.

His going after Acosta and the media for being profoundly biased was good.

"Kung-Flu", "S... hole countries", his musing in real time on bleach, etc. all undisciplined. Pocahontas? I actually found that funny because Liz Warren does all of this moralizing and it turns out that she lied on an application when she was .001% (or whatever) Indian.

Why? It allows for the Media to hide all of the other stuff (e.g. Russia) and then only point to the comments. Those small comments make him feel good in the moment. Your support for Trump, I would hope, is not based whether or not he calls out "S...hole countries".

If you feel that DeSantis, Scott or Hawley are 2000-2008 soft RINOs, you are just not paying attention. At all. DeSantis has threatened to send illegal migrants to Delaware. McCain would have rolled, just as you noted.

One final view for you Ghost. I have never interacted with anyone who feels that their "take" on anything is absolutely correct and can never change or evolve. It's the characteristic of an unserious person.

So, I have given you a lot that you should be able to agree with. I have agreed with you on a number of things.

Let's see if you can evolve your view in at least one way.
BTW - considering how few cases and deaths China had from Covid, and how reliant our supply chain is on China, does it make a ton of sense that Covid is the only problem?

As you love to tell everyone else, do better research.
Remember when our President Trump said we had to move our companies out of China and back to the US for just this reason? It's almost like he knew what he was talking about. And the dems said he was a fool. But they knew he was right, and they knew if we weren't reliant on China, then they couldn't make money off China. So they put what was best for them as politicians ahead of what was best for the American people.

The job of the US Government is to work for the American people.

Instead, our government functions as the largest wealth redistribution platform in the world.

The United States is the largest wealth CREATION entity in the history of the world.

Today, roughly 7% of the US population are millionaires. Another 11% or so live in poverty.

If the US government actually did it's job, the majority of Americans, and likely every poster on this entire site, would be a millionaire right now.

Re-read that until you understand.

The US government is the greatest wealth redistribution platform ever created. Politicians take money from Americans, then leverage that money to buy power for itself.

As Americans, we literally pay politicians to take our money, and use it to enrich and empower themselves. That's why politicians spend all their lives in politics, and retire worth $50-$100 million.

All on a salary of $100,000 or so a year. The math doesn't add up, does it?

If the government functioned as it should, the wealth creation would flow TO the American people, not away from us.

If the majority of the Americans were millionaires, and that wealth creation was AIDED by the US Government, instead of hindered severely by it? What would happen?

People who had amassed fortunes in their lives would then feel a civic duty and obligation to give back by becoming a politician. They would likely run for office, serve 4-10 years, then go back into retirement.

But they couldn't be bought. Because they would enter politics already having wealth. They would enter politics in their 50s and 60s with a lifetime of experience and intelligence to call on.

Today, our politicians enter politics in their late 20s, often hugely in debt, and wanting to make a fortune for themselves. And they will.

The majority of Americans should be millionaires today, if the government did it's job. Almost no one in this country should have an annual income under 50k. That should be the poverty line.

But we have become conditioned to accept that this is the way things ought to be. So that's what we get.
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76 makes the same point. Semi-conductor chips come from SE Asian countries that, if anything, have done a remarkably good job of containing Covid-19.

On tooling (hard and soft), they have gone far out in lead times and, because of the shipping issues, OEMs are starting to rely on air freight which...yes, raises inflation as now the transportation cost component of COGS has now gone up exponentially.

76 - I happen to agree with you, but no need to be caustic here and say, "do better research".
There actually is a need. At some point arrogance that’s fed by ignorance needs to be called out. It’s one of his favorite pieces of “advice” for anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
Remember when our President Trump said we had to move our companies out of China and back to the US for just this reason? It's almost like he knew what he was talking about. And the dems said he was a fool. But they knew he was right, and they knew if we weren't reliant on China, then they couldn't make money off China. So they put what was best for them as politicians ahead of what was best for the American people.

The job of the US Government is to work for the American people.

Instead, our government functions as the largest wealth redistribution platform in the world.

The United States is the largest wealth CREATION entity in the history of the world.

Today, roughly 7% of the US population are millionaires. Another 11% or so live in poverty.

If the US government actually did it's job, the majority of Americans, and likely every poster on this entire site, would be a millionaire right now.

Re-read that until you understand.

The US government is the greatest wealth redistribution platform ever created. Politicians take money from Americans, then leverage that money to buy power for itself.

As Americans, we literally pay politicians to take our money, and use it to enrich and empower themselves. That's why politicians spend all their lives in politics, and retire worth $50-$100 million.

All on a salary of $100,000 or so a year. The math doesn't add up, does it?

If the government functioned as it should, the wealth creation would flow TO the American people, not away from us.

If the majority of the Americans were millionaires, and that wealth creation was AIDED by the US Government, instead of hindered severely by it? What would happen?

People who had amassed fortunes in their lives would then feel a civic duty and obligation to give back by becoming a politician. They would likely run for office, serve 4-10 years, then go back into retirement.

But they couldn't be bought. Because they would enter politics already having wealth. They would enter politics in their 50s and 60s with a lifetime of experience and intelligence to call on.

Today, our politicians enter politics in their late 20s, often hugely in debt, and wanting to make a fortune for themselves. And they will.

The majority of Americans should be millionaires today, if the government did it's job. Almost no one in this country should have an annual income under 50k. That should be the poverty line.

But we have become conditioned to accept that this is the way things ought to be. So that's what we get.
It’s all part of our “slow” walk into socialism.

Who is rich in socialist economies?

And they aren’t hiding it anymore…Biden is telling us with his Treasury Sec nominee. She wants to centralize banking and bankrupt the energy sector. Just like Obamacare tried to ruin private insurance to prove single payer was the only way, today they are going for the economy to prove that govt must control the means of production.

It increases their wealth, power and influence and creates a permanent dependent underclass. Anyone who complains will be told it’s all because capitalism and free markets failed.

How the slow don’t see this all happening right in front of us I’ll never understand.
Let's unpack the word "disciplined". That is the core of our disagreement.

His going after Acosta and the media for being profoundly biased was good.

"Kung-Flu", "S... hole countries", his musing in real time on bleach, etc. all undisciplined.
Soooooo glad you mentioned shithole countries again. That one comment is so indicative of how you completely misunderstand Trump and why he was so successful.

If Trump had been disciplined, he would have said something like "We need to, as Americans, ensure that our immigration policies help us improve the lives of not only the immigrants, but Americans as well. We have always been a nation who welcomes the poor and burdened. Our nation was founded on such good people. But we also want to ensure that the people who come here are in a position to thrive and grow our nation to become even stronger than it is. And I believe it is our duty as Americans to see that happens."

That is what Trump would have said if he was 'disciplined' on immigration. In fact you were probably standing and cheering as you read that.


If Trump had said that, you would have never heard it. Because the media would have never covered it. That's not news, that's not interesting. Fox won't cover it cause it's not news. CNN won't cover it cause it sounds sensible, and they don't dare make any republican sound sensible.

Instead, Trump said something like "I just want to know why the hell do you guys only want to bring in illegals from these shithole countries? Why in the world don't you want to bring in the best and brightest from across the world, who WANT to come to America? Who have the skills and training to come here and immediately prove this country. Why settle for people who will come here and immediately be wards of the state?'

But when Trump said that, all the media covered was 'OMG, he said shithole countries!!!! He called poor human beings people in SHITHOLE COUNTRIES!!!!!'

And you had the same reaction. To this day, it still burns your ass that he used the term SHITHOLE COUNTRIES.

Non-emotional thinkers thought "Ya know, he's got a point. Why are we taking poor people from poor countries who have no skills or way to support themselves? Why aren't we more selective in who we take?'

THAT was his main point. And he got it out, by manipulating the media. If he had been 'disciplined', he would have gotten zero coverage in the media.

He spoke like a real person and that cut through the clutter. Yes, he offended emotional thinkers like you, but he would never win your support so it didn't matter.

He connected with critical thinkers who may have wrinkled their nose at the language, but who could still see and understand his point.

Those critical thinkers looked at his point and thought "Hmmmmm....he's actually onto something here.'

Trump used his 'undisciplined' approach to get the media and dems talking about issues that they otherwise would have never covered.

He got them to tell us who they are. That opened people's eyes and got them thinking critically for the first time in a long time.

He will eventually be the 5th President on Mount Rushmore.
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It’s all part of our “slow” walk into socialism.

Who is rich in socialist economies?

And they aren’t hiding it anymore…Biden is telling us with his Treasury Sec nominee. She wants to centralize banking and bankrupt the energy sector. Just like Obamacare tried to ruin private insurance to prove single payer was the only way, today they are going for the economy to prove that govt must control the means of production.

It increases their wealth, power and influence and creates a permanent dependent underclass. Anyone who complains will be told it’s all because capitalism and free markets failed.

How the slow don’t see this all happening right in front of us I’ll never understand.
As the late great Rush Limbaugh proclaimed, it's incrementalism that is killing this country. Remember when we were told that the best person for a job or position was the one most qualified, regardless of sex. race, or creed? I think Dimtards have forgotten the Civil Rights Act and buried it, they don't remember it. Remember when trannies were to be pitied and shunned from polite society and our restrooms and not "celebrated"? Next up to the plate, pedophelia is just a misunderstood practice, not not deviant behavior. When will the parades of children on leashes become a national celebration? We live in a sick society where evil is not only tolerated but celebrated.
Let's see if you can evolve your view in at least one way.
BTW, I have evolved my view on one topic: Up until 2018 or so, I never realized just how stupid the American populace truly is.

Up until then, I assumed that the average American of average intelligence would eventually wake up call out bullshit when they saw it.

I was wrong. Terribly, horribly wrong.

Today, we have a covid treatment that is being marketed as a 'vaccine'. It doesn't function as such, it actually kills people. That's why it couldn't get FDA approval.

Up until 2018, I assumed we would all realize that's poison and not inject it into our bodies. Instead, the majority of Americans not only have injected it into their bodies, most of them want to force those that have not to do the same thing.

The irony? Many of these same people that happily injected multiple shots into their bodies, think Trump is insane cause they think he said to inject bleach into your body.

Every day we are seeing videos of the elderly being tackled, subdued and beaten by police for not wearing a mask. Up until 2018, I assumed such insanity would immediately cause an revolution.

In 2020 and 2021, all we are told is 'That old fool got what was coming to him!'

I will never again overestimate the intelligence of the average American. I am terribly embarrassed to have done so.
so was younkin. So is desantis. So is Tim Scott. So is Josh Hawley.

are you going to call all four Rinos?

being Disciplined is not the same as being milquetoast. McCain, Jeb and others were decent people; McCain was a war hero but not a powerful leader. Jeb felt that the presidency was some birthright with legacy driven admissions principles.

neither do you and when you lose it’s never about pissing people off over completely unnecessary comments.

learn the difference

Kalim - respectfully, I am a senior Supply Chain partner for one of the large consulting firms. The above is part of it, now is that 25 basis points of the inflation uptick? 100 at most? Even being very generous, that would still have inflation at 5.25.

Also, if were localized that much, then the administration would call that out and work with the country to build a specific plan to unlock capacity.

These factors have nothing to do with the fuel shortage which is from ME countries and our own shutting down pipelines. Are we saying that MBS and Saudi Arabia cannot arrange for vaccines? When they contribute (as a small example) millions to institutions such as Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic?

Ghost is spot on with his observation. None of that has anything to do with the bottlenecks at our western ports. If Mayor Pete were even remotely qualified for his role (he is a smart individual, to be sure), he would have not only the analytical horsepower but the anticipation and judgement to build a comprehensive plan to address.

What this administration is doing is "wish-casting" inflation away saying it is temporary when clearly it is not. Credit people like Larry Summers and Jesse Watters for calling this out months ago. The administration is only starting to recognize it.

Why inflation really matters

Let me create a whole other section. Inflation truly matters because under the new monetarist theorem, we could borrow nearly endlessly without causing inflation or interest rate rises. Anything from Medicare For All, College Debt Forgiveness, Universal Pre-K, etc. no need to worry or even raise taxes because if US is the source of all borrowing and the global monetary standard, we can triple or quadruple our borrowing capacity.

For example, reparations - regardless of what one's moral position is on it, why argue? cut the checks because there is no impact to inflation and interest rates.

It turns, out that in months, that narrative was turned on it's head.

It means that people and politicians have to make decisions. Whether it means tax cuts or additional spending we cannot put forward broad sets of new programs UNLESS we fundamentally remake our tax scheme and go to a Nordic style tax system of over 50 to 60% marginal tax rates on income.

If we do the latter, then that means that our relationship with government has fundamentally changed. It means that government has the primary say in how our money is spent and we are fortunate for whatever is left over.

That is the essence of socialism. It is why these concepts are not mis-information or rhetoric, but connected concepts.
Inflation started to creep up in Nov 2020. We can't ignore how this is covid driven more than anything else, well you guys can.
As the late great Rush Limbaugh proclaimed, it's incrementalism that is killing this country. Remember when we were told that the best person for a job or position was the one most qualified, regardless of sex. race, or creed? I think Dimtards have forgotten the Civil Rights Act and buried it, they don't remember it. Remember when trannies were to be pitied and shunned from polite society and our restrooms and not "celebrated"? Next up to the plate, pedophelia is just a misunderstood practice, not not deviant behavior. When will the parades of children on leashes become a national celebration? We live in a sick society where evil is not only tolerated but celebrated.
I have often wondered if marrying out of your own species is not out of the realm of possibility in 10, 20, 30 years with the quantity of sickness and lunacy ever present and growing.
I have often wondered if marrying out of your own species is not out of the realm of possibility in 10, 20, 30 years with the quantity of sickness and lunacy ever present and growing.
I'm pretty sure this is already starting. I think I heard a story a few months ago about a woman that either did or tried to marry her cat.

And dems will push for it to be defined as a legal marriage (thumbing their nose at God in the process, always a bonus for the left), plus they will say the woman or man can vote twice since one vote would be for the hamster or cat they just 'married'.
You’ve been studying the supply chain issue and you blame inflation only on supply shortages and not the incredible amount of material sitting on boats waiting to be unloaded by clogged western ports?

I was in Laguna Niguel last week and could count 38 container ships that didn’t move for a week visible from the hotel.

But there’s more to it, our toolmakers are seeing incredible increases in demand and injection molded tools have gone from 12-16 weeks to 48. Domestic suppliers of resins can’t fulfill contracts because of insane demand, not Covid. The overall problem is so much deeper than Covid.

BTW - considering how few cases and deaths China had from Covid, and how reliant our supply chain is on China, does it make a ton of sense that Covid is the only problem?

As you love to tell everyone else, do better research.
Well China is a Communist country. They don't have the resistance to get vaccinated or work that US has. China also control info and lie about information. I wouldn't use them as a reference considering they started this pandemic.

But since you did, China also has an inflation issue. Well actually the entire planet earth has an inflation issue.

How can Biden fix this world problem?

As the late great Rush Limbaugh proclaimed, it's incrementalism that is killing this country. Remember when we were told that the best person for a job or position was the one most qualified, regardless of sex. race, or creed? I think Dimtards have forgotten the Civil Rights Act and buried it, they don't remember it. Remember when trannies were to be pitied and shunned from polite society and our restrooms and not "celebrated"? Next up to the plate, pedophelia is just a misunderstood practice, not not deviant behavior. When will the parades of children on leashes become a national celebration? We live in a sick society where evil is not only tolerated but celebrated.
Just adding some history...The people who fought for the civil rights act, also fought for Affirmative Action.
Soooooo glad you mentioned shithole countries again. That one comment is so indicative of how you completely misunderstand Trump and why he was so successful.

If Trump had been disciplined, he would have said something like "We need to, as Americans, ensure that our immigration policies help us improve the lives of not only the immigrants, but Americans as well. We have always been a nation who welcomes the poor and burdened. Our nation was founded on such good people. But we also want to ensure that the people who come here are in a position to thrive and grow our nation to become even stronger than it is. And I believe it is our duty as Americans to see that happens."

That is what Trump would have said if he was 'disciplined' on immigration. In fact you were probably standing and cheering as you read that.


If Trump had said that, you would have never heard it. Because the media would have never covered it. That's not news, that's not interesting. Fox won't cover it cause it's not news. CNN won't cover it cause it sounds sensible, and they don't dare make any republican sound sensible.

Instead, Trump said something like "I just want to know why the hell do you guys only want to bring in illegals from these shithole countries? Why in the world don't you want to bring in the best and brightest from across the world, who WANT to come to America? Who have the skills and training to come here and immediately prove this country. Why settle for people who will come here and immediately be wards of the state?'

But when Trump said that, all the media covered was 'OMG, he said shithole countries!!!! He called poor human beings people in SHITHOLE COUNTRIES!!!!!'

And you had the same reaction. To this day, it still burns your ass that he used the term SHITHOLE COUNTRIES.

Non-emotional thinkers thought "Ya know, he's got a point. Why are we taking poor people from poor countries who have no skills or way to support themselves? Why aren't we more selective in who we take?'

THAT was his main point. And he got it out, by manipulating the media. If he had been 'disciplined', he would have gotten zero coverage in the media.

He spoke like a real person and that cut through the clutter. Yes, he offended emotional thinkers like you, but he would never win your support so it didn't matter.

He connected with critical thinkers who may have wrinkled their nose at the language, but who could still see and understand his point.

Those critical thinkers looked at his point and thought "Hmmmmm....he's actually onto something here.'

Trump used his 'undisciplined' approach to get the media and dems talking about issues that they otherwise would have never covered.

He got them to tell us who they are. That opened people's eyes and got them thinking critically for the first time in a long time.

He will eventually be the 5th President on Mount Rushmore.
Had he said what you wrote and then implemented all of the policies that he, Bannon, Miller and others wanted, then we would have gotten the policies done, built a wall for what is now a $25B rounding error and actually accomplished something.

Instead, he got branded a racist and when the R controlled all branches of congress, they could not do anything because they were terrified that they would lose swing districts because of college aged white women.

If the goal for Trump was to drive ratings for MSNBC, CNN and the View, sure. Great job which arguably is what he did best from his time on the Apprentice. He has a genius in attracting ratings.

If the goal was to implement policies that mattered to American citizens (like build a barrier to prevent future administrations from operating an essentially open borders policy), then his media strategy failed.

First off, thanks for responding.

I'll respond to a few of your points and below that will be results from the latest Quinnipiac poll showing a breakdown of polling on specific issues.

Regarding Covid, your statement of his success despite "the right fighting him to keep covid high for political purposes" is utterly ridiculous . What benefit would that give the right? That would benefit the left so they could exert more control. He has screwed up covid with his stupid mandate to private employers. Biden is on record saying he wouldn't issue any mandates so he's a liar. A lower court has slapped this down and last night the 5th circuit did the same. Please don't attempt to cast republicans as anti vaxers which we are not. We are anti mandate.

I am surprised you would even mention Afghanistan. So I'll give him 1 percent credit for getting out. That was a no brainer even to people on the right. You're description of not being his finest moment has to be the understatement of the year. He could not have F' ed it up any worse than he did with absolutely mind boggling stupid decisions that history will not be kind to his legacy for.

You're really going to mention the economy as a factor for your support? So Biden policies play no part in empty store shelves and sky rocketing grocery and gas prices? So let's see. On day one of his Presidency he shuts down the Keystone and declares war on fossil fuel when we were energy independent, and now he's begging Opec to produce more oil. Dumb and stupid can't even begin to cover it.
And do you think that the trillions of dollars that we don't have that he has already gotten and the trillions more that he wants is going to help the economy? (Rhetorical)

I will give you credit for not mentioning the border crisis as somehow any basis for your Biden support which means that issue must be off the chart bad.

I had to laugh when you said he's only been president for 10 months and you don't expect anybody to fix anything in 10 months. How long does it take a president to screw things up so badly that didn't need fixing in the first place? A lot less than 10 months. You want proof? Take a look below and see what America thinks.
Thanks again for responding.


Biden received negative scores in the double digits on all but one key issue when Americans were asked about his handling of …

  • the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
  • the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
  • his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
  • taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
  • foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
  • immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;
  • the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.
When it comes to Biden’s personal traits, Americans were asked whether or not Biden …

  • cares about average Americans: 49 percent say yes, while 48 percent say no, compared to 58 – 37 percent yes in April;
  • is honest: 44 percent say yes, while 50 percent say no, compared to 51 – 42 percent yes in April;
  • has good leadership skills: 41 percent say yes, while 56 percent say no, compared to 52 – 44 percent yes in April.
More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.
I think Biden and his Handlers biggest problem was/still is, the NEED TO UNDO ANYTHING THAT TRUMP DID. They didn’t stop to think about whether or not it was actually good for the Country, or what consequences might happen, Trump did it so we must undo it.
Just adding some history...The people who fought for the civil rights act, also fought for Affirmative Action.
That is true.

For african americans, native born (not immigrants from Jamaica like Kamala whose father had a decision to come to the US), I agree with applying DEI. Native Americans as well.

Hispanic Americans are very good people, but there is no historical debt. If anything, to the extent that they are descendant from Spanish or Italians, they have a reverse obligation.

This should last for 10 +/- minus years, and then ultimately, that community will need to, as Jews (part of my heritage), Italians, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc. will need to operate as any other ethnic cohort and place a primary reliance on work ethic, dual family homes, academic achievement and safe homes, schools and neighborhoods.
BTW, I have evolved my view on one topic: Up until 2018 or so, I never realized just how stupid the American populace truly is.

Up until then, I assumed that the average American of average intelligence would eventually wake up call out bullshit when they saw it.

I was wrong. Terribly, horribly wrong.

Today, we have a covid treatment that is being marketed as a 'vaccine'. It doesn't function as such, it actually kills people. That's why it couldn't get FDA approval.

Up until 2018, I assumed we would all realize that's poison and not inject it into our bodies. Instead, the majority of Americans not only have injected it into their bodies, most of them want to force those that have not to do the same thing.

The irony? Many of these same people that happily injected multiple shots into their bodies, think Trump is insane cause they think he said to inject bleach into your body.

Every day we are seeing videos of the elderly being tackled, subdued and beaten by police for not wearing a mask. Up until 2018, I assumed such insanity would immediately cause an revolution.

In 2020 and 2021, all we are told is 'That old fool got what was coming to him!'

I will never again overestimate the intelligence of the average American. I am terribly embarrassed to have done so.
That is a non-answer, but I was not expecting much more from you on this thread.

Here, let me model for you what this looks like.

Trump did not say, "drink bleach". You are right. What he did do, was muse about whether it COULD be done. He mused and ad-libbed in front of a broad audience. It was undisciplined and it got him slaughtered. It furthered nothing that we was looking to do. He just had cameras and a microphone he spoke at length.

What he was saying was that, "innovation has an ability to be a game changer in our fight against Covid-19" versus lock-downs, stimulus checks and massive debt increases, etc.

Had he left it at that and put it in a Vaccine context, he may not have been hailed, but he would have been right.

He was dead right. And he funded it: the Covid-19 vaccine. It's been an innovation miracle.

See, I agreed with a point you made. It's not hard.

Try it some time.
I think Biden and his Handlers biggest problem was/still is, the NEED TO UNDO ANYTHING THAT TRUMP DID. They didn’t stop to think about whether or not it was actually good for the Country, or what consequences might happen, Trump did it so we must undo it.
Yes, that is right. McAuliffe tried the same.

People are tired of that. They want real, practical actions and results.
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That is true.

For african americans, native born (not immigrants from Jamaica like Kamala whose father had a decision to come to the US), I agree with applying DEI. Native Americans as well.

Hispanic Americans are very good people, but there is no historical debt. If anything, to the extent that they are descendant from Spanish or Italians, they have a reverse obligation.

This should last for 10 +/- minus years, and then ultimately, that community will need to, as Jews (part of my heritage), Italians, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc. will need to operate as any other ethnic cohort and place a primary reliance on work ethic, dual family homes, academic achievement and safe homes, schools and neighborhoods.
I personally don't like affirmative action and I hope the Supreme Court get rid of it because it's a burden on the hiring manager.

I was just adding history.
Just adding some history...The people who fought for the civil rights act, also fought for Affirmative Action.
I'm sure, but AA is just another form of reparations for "somebody did something in 1861." 🤣 My point is that the slow tick tock tick tock erosion of individual rights is killing this country one drip at a time. Death by a million paper cuts. "Oh look, that really didn't bleed that bad, stop complaining". :mad:

For example, look at this bullshit story posted today. Celebrate! :mad:
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I think Biden and his Handlers biggest problem was/still is, the NEED TO UNDO ANYTHING THAT TRUMP DID. They didn’t stop to think about whether or not it was actually good for the Country, or what consequences might happen, Trump did it so we must undo it.
This is president 101. Bush reversed everything Clinton, Obama reversed everything Bush and Trump reversed everything Obama.

That's why communist countries don't think democracies work. Too much change, it's difficult to do long-term projects. Just look at the Keystone Pipeline.
I'm sure, but AA is just another form of reparations for "somebody did something in 1861." 🤣 My point is that the slow tick tock tick tock erosion of individual rights is killing this country one drip at a time. Death by a million paper cuts. "Oh look, that really didn't bleed that bad, stop complaining". :mad:

For example, look at this bullshit story posted today. Celebrate! :mad:
Well just look at the patriot act.
That is a non-answer, but I was not expecting much more from you on this thread.

Here, let me model for you what this looks like.

Trump did not say, "drink bleach". You are right. What he did do, was muse about whether it COULD be done.
Sigh. No he didn't. You just proved my point about the media and don't even realize it.

He was referencing a particular technology that uses ultraviolet light inside the body to kill a virus. Trump asked if it would be possible to use this technology to have the ultraviolet light go inside the body and kill covid. He said could this clean out the virus, LIKE BLEACH WOULD???

But the media claimed he told everyone to drink bleach to kill covid, and emotional thinkers like you still believe it to this day.

Trump made a perfectly sensible point and raised a perfectly sensible question in an effort to advance healthcare for the nation.

He was completely 'disciplined' and got slaughtered for it.

And the punchline? John Roberts at Fox fact-checked Trump's claims about the ultraviolet technology, and he was precisely correct. But the media took his comments, spun what he said, and emotional voters like you ran with it.

Another example: Trump visited Japan. He and the Prime Minister stopped at a koy pond. Both the PM and Trump were given a box of fish food and encouraged to feed the fish. Trump took the spoon and gently took a very small amount and dropped it into the water. The PM told him no it's ok, give them more. So Trump carefully got a slightly bigger spoonful and carefully dropped it into the water.

The PM said no really, it's ok, you won't hurt the fish, see? And he dumped the whole box in the water. Then encouraged Trump to do the same. Trump then dumped the whole box in the water, and made a wild gesture as he did.

CNN did a report on his visit, and all they showed was Trump dumping the whole box in the water and laughing like an idiot as he did. They then did a panel on how BRUTISH TRUMP COULD HAVE KILLED FISH IN POND AND AGAIN EMBARRASSES US ON WORLD STAGE.

No doubt, emotional thinkers like you bought the spin hook, line and sinker.

You always let the media lead you around by the nose when it comes to Trump, Then ask *me* to evolve my thinking? SMDH
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Well China is a Communist country. They don't have the resistance to get vaccinated or work that US has. China also control info and lie about information. I wouldn't use them as a reference considering they started this pandemic.

But since you did, China also has an inflation issue. Well actually the entire planet earth has an inflation issue.

How can Biden fix this world problem?

He can start by working to regain energy independence. Then he can stop stimulating the economy, flooding markets with cash and let the natural recovery begin.

The house is on fire and he’s in the shed grabbing gas cans.
It’s all part of our “slow” walk into socialism.

Who is rich in socialist economies?
The government.

What about the link you posted in the covid thread about how Hiden's admin wants to do away with banks, and have every American's money stored in the Fed?

@grandhavendiddy do you see the potential risk with that proposition? @kalimgoodman do you? @BSC911? @LizardGrad89?

Because this is a no-brainer. It's not a left vs right issue. It's America vs our enemies.

Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks. "Because that's where the money is!"

I just googled this, in 2019 there were roughly 121M households in the US, and roughly 42K average per household in bank accounts.

That adds up to a little over 5 trillion dollars of cash that Americans have in bank accounts.

The Hiden administration wants to put all 5 trillion of America's cash, into the fed.

@grandhavendiddy do you see the potential risk with that proposition? @kalimgoodman do you? @BSC911? @LizardGrad89?

What happens when you consolidate all the weath in America, and put it in one bank?

What happens when that bank gets robbed?

You guys voted for this. Please wake up.