In before the gun confiscation NUTS.....

This is actually SPOT ON. Guns have NEVER been the problem. Until someone can lay a gun down in a sterile enviornment and it ON ITS OWN start hurting people, only an idiot could think differently. And this would also prove they are too stupid to understand it is the lefts PLAN to blame violence on guns, so that they can take them away from us...and steal power forever. THIS IS THEIR ULTIMATE plan...and goal. You are blinder than Ray Charles if you cannot see this. THANK GOD for REAL American Patriots that I KNOW 100% will never let this happen. Too many of us to be defeated
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Wait one Cotten picking minute.

We’ve been told for 3.5 years that a dude with face paint and a fake Viking helmet nearly overthrew the republic…but now Joe says it’ll take F-15’s?

Something doesn’t quite add up.
The Groper Joe actually mentioned that within his first few days in office back in 2021, as far as the F-15's.
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The Groper Joe actually mentioned that within his first few days in office back in 2021, as far as the F-15's.
Oh I know he has a long history of threatening gun owners with military force, it just dawned on me that this is the same crowd that clutches their pearls every time someone mentions January.
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Slurring Biden threatens NRA, American gun owners with F-15’s

I am sure the British were saying EXCACTLY the same thing in the 1700's. And let me be VERY clear as I live in an area LOADED with fighter pilots, active and retire, which MANY are my friends. I have NEVER met a liberal fighter pilot....and I have known MANY starting from WWII to my good friends who flew in Desert Storm. ZERO chance they would attack Americans that gubment tried to silence. These people ARE Americas best of the best.
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I am sure the British were saying EXCACTLY the same thing in the 1700's. And let me be VERY clear as I live in an area LOADED with fighter pilots, active and retire, which MANY are my friends. I have NEVER met a liberal fighter pilot....and I have known MANY starting from WWII to my good friends who flew in Desert Storm. ZERO chance they would attack Americans that gubment tried to silence. These people ARE Americas best of the best.
We have 220 F15's and 16 million registered hunters. That doesn't even count all legal and illegal gun owners. It's estimated there are close to 400MM total firearms in the US.

F15's only have so much payload and have to land at some point...
We have 220 F15's and 16 million registered hunters. That doesn't even count all legal and illegal gun owners. It's estimated there are close to 400MM total firearms in the US.

F15's only have so much payload and have to land at some point...
Since our resident liberals love connecting movies with actual reality, John McClain defeated an F-35 while driving an Semi truck.
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Actually stupid to start a new gun thread when we have one here.

Here's some honesty.
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