Illegal Aliens:

Dr. Curmudgeon

Bull Gator
Oct 17, 2018
After working on the border (South Florida) for many years. I can tell you with confidence that many illegal aliens that enter the US illegally have criminal backgrounds. Thousands of them have tattoos in the webbing of their hands between the thumb. They are marked with stars for multiple felonies that include Rape, Murder, and larceny. If you hire a person that you suspect may not be an American citizen but you feel they are grateful for work and they do a great job (no harm no foul) you might be harboring a dangerous felon and have compromised the safety of the community and your own families well being. Be smart, Americans.
Other costs of illegal aliens are computed using measuring devices such as the Death Toll Calculator at the website Illegal immigration is a weapon of mass destruction.

How many Americans were killed, maimed, raped, assaulted, robbed or molested by illegal aliens today, and what are the costs associated with illegal alien crimes?

Why are unvetted illegal aliens encouraged to enter and to remain in the U.S. permanently by non-profit 'welcoming committees?
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On a completely unrelated note....suddenly there's measles outbreaks across the border. Hmmmm.....all these diseases that were eliminated in this country for decades, are suddenly coming back.

Oh well. As long as they vote democrat!!!
Yes, illegal aliens carry diseases pestilence that were eradicated in the 1960's in the USA. We will eventually be back to third world status at this rate.
Good point....we are under attack from enemies of the state with PC politics eroding us from within.

Lincoln said no foreign power would ever destroy Murcia and we would only be destroyed from within.

I give you the Democrat party and many RiNOS allowing our country to be destroyed by criminal invaders-

I give you Mexifonia which has been bankrupted and destroyed,
Lincoln said no foreign power would ever destroy Murcia and we would only be destroyed from within.

I give you the Democrat party and many RiNOS allowing our country to be destroyed by criminal invaders-

I give you Mexifonia which has been bankrupted and destroyed,

There will come a moral day of reckoning for the dems that sat on their hands and went along with their deeds.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - Emma Lazarus

Poem 'The New Colossus' on the Statue of Liberty
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - Emma Lazarus

Poem 'The New Colossus' on the Statue of Liberty

"Her poem reads, “Give me your tired, give me your poor, give me your huddled masses,” and so on. It was added two decades after the Statue of Liberty was dedicated. The statue stands for “liberty”.

That’s how the statue is named and that is what she stands for.

The poem was written as a fundraiser. When Lazarus wrote the words, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” she wasn’t talking about immigration, she was talking about liberty and an escape from poverty and oppression.

The poem was the winner of a Art Loan Fund Exhibition in Aid of the Bartholdi Pedestal Fund for the statue. It was written in 1883 and put on the pedestal in 1903 when it was re-discovered. It had been forgotten for two decades.

As Stephen Miller told Jim Acosta yesterday, “The poem you were referring to was added later,” Mr Miller said. “It’s not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - Emma Lazarus

Poem 'The New Colossus' on the Statue of Liberty
As long as they are legal then come on in. Illegal aliens can go kick rocks.
With so many Bommers retiring...and our birth rate going down...what say ye?...will we become more like what Germany & Britain are becoming?...lotsa uninvited guests?...and the common threads that could/should unite us becoming less and less common by the day?, who's gonna fund SS and so many other social programs?...our uninvited guests?...taxing the wealthy is not a tenable approach...see where Frankfurt (Germany) has a larger population of immigrants than native born Germans...I I actually live in Chicago-south?...many say "make the trend your friend." to do that, asks Agent Orange.

Agent Orange
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I know a bunch of white people I care for deeply. I remember when the American Indian was the vanishing breed. Today it's the white people. Now you know how it feels. How I wish you were exempt.
I know a bunch of white people I care for deeply. I remember when the American Indian was the vanishing breed. Today it's the white people. Now you know how it feels. How I wish you were exempt.

The First Nation owes nothing to us wypipo. Quite the opposite really.
The First Nation owes nothing to us wypipo. Quite the opposite really.

By that logic, everyone owes someone something. Should we still be seeking reparations from the British? Should Louisiana seek reparations from the French?

Or should liberals give up trying to make Americans in 2019 feel guilty for what they think happened in 1819?

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Well, while i'm waiting in line to get my piece of the pie i want
reparations from the Federal Reserve for that meeting that took place back
in 1910 on Jekyll Island. My grandfather is still rolling over in his grave
over that shit that took place. He always told me, son, the only time that
you "EVER" borrow money is when you purchase a house and or land. I
watched my grandfather walk to and from work for years until he was
able to pay cash for an automobile. Back in papaws time you paid 30%
down on a home and or land and that was the "only" time you borrowed
money from Satan! Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the
borrower is servant to the lender
I shop HEB super market using American Express points card which pays 6 percent back on groceries.

I use Barclay at Wally World, utilities and drug stores which is 2 percent cash back. I use "What's in your wallet?" for auto repairs and oil changes which is 1.5 percent cash back. Chase Business for Gasoline, eating out, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, paint stores and Lowe's, which is 3 percent cash back.

I love to borrow money. I carry no credit card balances.
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Gotta love how SBI knows the value of a dollar ($)...too bad he never had the time to teach
high school kids and many adults about "using what you have to get what you need" reference to getting some $$$$$ back for your purchases...perhaps in SBI next, upcoming lifetime...he'll be a highly paid financial adviser.

When I use my credit card (and earn ca$h back)...I charge for the purchases...then pay it off before bedtime that same would be difficult knowing I was up past my eyeball$ in debt...if I can't afford it...I don't buy it...keep things simple.

Props to SBI.

Agent Orange
Gotta love how SBI knows the value of a dollar ($)...too bad he never had the time to teach
high school kids and many adults about "using what you have to get what you need" reference to getting some $$$$$ back for your purchases...perhaps in SBI next, upcoming lifetime...he'll be a highly paid financial adviser.

When I use my credit card (and earn ca$h back)...I charge for the purchases...then pay it off before bedtime that same would be difficult knowing I was up past my eyeball$ in debt...if I can't afford it...I don't buy it...keep things simple.

Props to SBI.

Agent Orange
Sing it to the choir!
From age 12 to graduating Lawton High (except for 3 years in Hanau, Germany), I lived in a 1113 sq. ft. 3 BR, 1 bath house with a stay at home mom and army father and 5 brothers and sisters. We maintained a garden. We got jobs when age permitted. I bagged groceries at the Fort Sill commissary.

As a young adult and having difficulty in paying my first electric bill and car payment I thought, "this ain't for me. I've got to think this thing out."
"This ain't for me. I've got to think this thing out."
Several points:
1. You need to stop this (this act of thinking things out)...folks are gonna expect you to keep doing this...haha!
2. You're displaying common sense (and common cent$) again...and you know common cent$ leads to more common cent$ (moar money)'re taking away from others!
3. Sounds like you've developed some SBI privilege.
4. You've remembered the wise words of the late Pat Summitt..."plan your work and work your plan."...good on you!

Agent Orange
I've found and started some online accounts (savings) that pay much better than most brick & mortar banks...Synchrony and Marcus Bank pay about 2.25% on savings accounts...I believe you have to have only $1 in the account to earn the 2.25% APY...and...if you're interested in CD' can earn 3% or a bit can always google "higher yield CD's" and see there are some banks paying about 3.4% on CD's if you want to go out 5 years...there are also a few banks paying a bit more than 2.25% that Marcus bank and Synchrony offer...thought I'd pa$$ this along.

Agent Orange
I have savings at Barclay and Goldman Sachs paying 2.1. I have checking at Morgan Chase because it's free for veterans. Chase pays nothing for savings or CDs. Chase does have some pretty good mortgage rates with free "reboots". Say you get a windfall. A chase mortgage can have a free payment reduction if you want to put a chunk on principal.
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I've often wondered why...just because the feds (unfederal reserve) drops rates banks pay much lower rates...but where one of my banks wants to pay me 0.01% APY on a savings will ****only**** charge me about 19.2% on unpaid balances on my credit card (now you know why I pay the card off quickly)...guess I shouldn't complain since may EU banks pay almost negative rates on savings...many pay negative rates on bonds (Germany has "bunds" instead of bonds), in this day and time...guess 2.5% on savings and over 3% on CD's is surely a windfall...I read the other day you can (for $100) start with Treasury Direct...invest in 30-day bonds, reinvest the proceeeds/roll over every 30 days automatically...and the yield is about 2.6% APY...will have to read up and see what else can be done...I need to read up on bonds in any of you know much about annuities? of my coworkers was taken to the woodshed with an annuity she took out.

Agent Orange
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