If Trump or Biden wins, how does YOUR life change?


Gator Great
Jan 30, 2002
I’m a Conservative Trump voter but, was reading an article about the election and no matter who wins ( Trump after the Debate is a good bet ) the author asked how does YOUR life change if the other guy wins?

For example I’m Pro-Life, Close the Border, Strong military, Support Israel, strong foreign policy, take care of OUR Veterans and people before we give 200 Billion to Ukraine and more Republican platforms but, hey keep the markets as they are especially the Tech. stocks as this year I’ve made a lot. Hell the last couple of years I have.

A good example of this post was a 62 year old neighbor went off about if Trump won and this mild mannered grade school teacher threw a F Bomb about The Don. And Abortion I couldn’t have an opinion as I’m a man and it’s her body! Well you’re 62 years old how does that effect HER LIFE?
I’m a Conservative Trump voter but, was reading an article about the election and no matter who wins ( Trump after the Debate is a good bet ) the author asked how does YOUR life change if the other guy wins?

For example I’m Pro-Life, Close the Border, Strong military, Support Israel, strong foreign policy, take care of OUR Veterans and people before we give 200 Billion to Ukraine and more Republican platforms but, hey keep the markets as they are especially the Tech. stocks as this year I’ve made a lot. Hell the last couple of years I have.

A good example of this post was a 62 year old neighbor went off about if Trump won and this mild mannered grade school teacher threw a F Bomb about The Don. And Abortion I couldn’t have an opinion as I’m a man and it’s her body! Well you’re 62 years old how does that effect HER LIFE?
Personally, I think it is way deeper than how it changes my life. That is way down the list for me. It is saving this Country. This establishment group has gotten very close to putting things in place that ensures they hardly ever lose again. And their vision is NOT American. Not at all. This election is 100% about saving our great Nation to me. I just get to go along for the ride.
If Trump wins my life is in danger. He emboldens all the sexists
No we’ll be fine,BUT if he goes stupid dumb and pulls us out of NATO everyone clammering on this board better grab their nuts bcos Putin will get exactly what he’s been waiting and wanting
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If Trump wins, I feel like we have a chance of addressing some of the leftwing idiocy that's been forced upon us over the last 15 or so years.

I would really like to see him turn over a new leaf and act like a responsible adult President. I think he could win a lot of people over if he just wouldn't act like such a jackass.

If the democrats win after what we've seen from the Biden administration, I don't know what our future will be.
If Trump wins, I feel like we have a chance of addressing some of the leftwing idiocy that's been forced upon us over the last 15 or so years.

I would really like to see him turn over a new leaf and act like a responsible adult President. I think he could win a lot of people over if he just wouldn't act like such a jackass.

If the democrats win after what we've seen from the Biden administration, I don't know what our future will be.

Yep act "responsible" and let the lefties destroy him. He is only still around because he tells them to go shove it with their fake news.
I’m a Conservative Trump voter but, was reading an article about the election and no matter who wins ( Trump after the Debate is a good bet ) the author asked how does YOUR life change if the other guy wins?

For example I’m Pro-Life, Close the Border, Strong military, Support Israel, strong foreign policy, take care of OUR Veterans and people before we give 200 Billion to Ukraine and more Republican platforms but, hey keep the markets as they are especially the Tech. stocks as this year I’ve made a lot. Hell the last couple of years I have.

A good example of this post was a 62 year old neighbor went off about if Trump won and this mild mannered grade school teacher threw a F Bomb about The Don. And Abortion I couldn’t have an opinion as I’m a man and it’s her body! Well you’re 62 years old how does that effect HER LIFE?
It's not about our life, it's about your children and grandchildren's lives. The progtards are incrementally taking our rights away little by little, like wind eroding a big beautiful mountain, until there is nothing left to savor. Baby steps, because they think no one will notice or complain. No regime has successfully implemented socialism, which is the precursor to communism. That is fact, unless you think China is a great model to live by. It ain't and it sucks balls bigly...... The globalist elites want 100% control, and they do not care which political vehicle will get them there. Orwell accidentally opened the curtain where the Wizard of Buttfukkery is operating, and exposed them with a fictional piece, which they have turned into their blueprint to be the overlords of the earth.
It's not about our life, it's about your children and grandchildren's lives. The progtards are incrementally taking our rights away little by little, like wind eroding a big beautiful mountain, until there is nothing left to savor. Baby steps, because they think no one will notice or complain. No regime has successfully implemented socialism, which is the precursor to communism. That is fact, unless you think China is a great model to live by. It ain't and it sucks balls bigly...... The globalist elites want 100% control, and they do not care which political vehicle will get them there. Orwell accidentally opened the curtain where the Wizard of Buttfukkery is operating, and exposed them with a fictional piece, which they have turned into their blueprint to be the overlords of the earth.
This is it.
If Trump wins, I feel like we have a chance of addressing some of the leftwing idiocy that's been forced upon us over the last 15 or so years.
I would really like to see him turn over a new leaf and act like a responsible adult President. I think he could win a lot of people over if he just wouldn't act like such a jackass.
If the democrats win after what we've seen from the Biden administration, I don't know what our future will be.
That's what everyone would like to see, but here's the deal. You can't negotiate or reason with either progtards or domestic socialist terrorists. Playing nice in the sand box with radical lunatic leftists is how we arrived at this point. They only respect the sword, nothing else.

That being said, we haven't heard from Mt Cuck Doreen lately, have we? 😂

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The progressives like the communists before them are at war with human nature ( I would say at war with God, but feel this may be more agreeable to our secular friends ). Ill be damned if I dont do anything I can to defeat these ideas. They grow and fester. Yesterday it was..."hey, its normal for two dudes to have sex" its "hey, its normal for people to transition their sex". These ideas must be opposed or they spread
The progressives like the communists before them are at war with human nature ( I would say at war with God, but feel this may be more agreeable to our secular friends ). Ill be damned if I dont do anything I can to defeat these ideas. They grow and fester. Yesterday it was..."hey, its normal for two dudes to have sex" its "hey, its normal for people to transition their sex". These ideas must be opposed or they spread
This BS ain't normal nor is it healthy for a society. These buffoons make the decline of the Roman Empire look like a Boy Scout Jamboree. Eff them all, and the horses they rode in on.:mad:
If Trump wins, I feel like we have a chance of addressing some of the leftwing idiocy that's been forced upon us over the last 15 or so years.

I would really like to see him turn over a new leaf and act like a responsible adult President. I think he could win a lot of people over if he just wouldn't act like such a jackass.

If the democrats win after what we've seen from the Biden administration, I don't know what our future will be.
Theo, like asking a lion not to attack anything that looks like something to eat . Ain't going to happen. you have to take him like he is. They say you can't change a drunk.
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Yep act "responsible" and let the lefties destroy him. He is only still around because he tells them to go shove it with their fake news.
I think there is a difference in trump 1.0, vs acting in responsible assertive manner. Less time spent on X, less response to the media. Basically be seen, not heard and he will be just fine.
If Trump wins he starts drilling again so gas prices come down- in addition his policies last time brought down inflation and increased employment

if joey wins there is no way he will actually be running things and the obamites will continue our march toward socialism
Personally, I think it is way deeper than how it changes my life. That is way down the list for me. It is saving this Country. This establishment group has gotten very close to putting things in place that ensures they hardly ever lose again. And their vision is NOT American. Not at all. This election is 100% about saving our great Nation to me. I just get to go along for the ride.
Again? Your life?
No we’ll be fine,BUT if he goes stupid dumb and pulls us out of NATO everyone clammering on this board better grab their nuts bcos Putin will get exactly what he’s been waiting and wanting
He got countries to pay
It will change each of our lives in both visible and invisible ways. For example on day 1 our energy and border policies revert back to 2016-2020. Opening up ANWR and other areas to drilling with taxes levied dedicated to Federal Debt reduction helps. Getting rid of scam "green initiatives" helps. For businesses and their employees, stability in taxes allows investment to grow. In healthcare, Trump made it possible for small businesses to band together in associations to get healthcare at similar prices as large corporations which Biden nixed claiming it "hurt" Obamacare. No, it gave businesses a choice that cost lest money. Obamacare is expensive as hell. Unless you are subsidized on both rate and copays.
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No we’ll be fine,BUT if he goes stupid dumb and pulls us out of NATO everyone clammering on this board better grab their nuts bcos Putin will get exactly what he’s been waiting and wanting
Ummm. No. Were we not in NATO when Russia annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria? All during obama's presidency of course. What was NATO's reaction? Nothing same as obama's. .

By the way exiting NATO takes congressional approval.
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Yea but we go to war we’re out, there will be NO European countries to back our play plain and simple which is DUMBBBBB
you really don't understand how any of this works, do you.

Which is strange, didn't you claim to be a Marine gunny at one point?
Again? Your life?
My life? America is saved. That is HUGE. Honestly not trying to dodge your question, and actually proud I have not spent a lot of time thinking of this in the way you are asking. But since I am in sales and have been my whole life I look forward to the economy getting like it did when Trump was elected the first time. Secondly I look forward to ridding our Country of people who entered illegally. This will break us financially, and unfortunately we probably will be attacked by our enemies because of how easily they can enter
It stops illegal immigration and the forced change of this country from individuals from one singular part of the world.

Will it make a difference: Yes, a significant one.

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