I don't think you Biden supporters realize the impact this is going to have on not only America, but the world. Here's a small example: The wall will come down. The accord Trump established with Mexico and other Central American countries to stop these caravans of illegal immigrants is voided. They will flood our nation. The peace accords Trump established in the Middle East is voided. Unrest and chaos and wars will rage once-again. The buying in the good old USA will once-again make its way to China. Folks America will be in some deep dodo if Biden cheats this victory out. Mask mandates, continued closing of businesses, and a tax increase to kill any opportunities we have to relax and take a deep breath of financial convenience. I cannot believe and will not believe he has had so many victories without cheating unless we are actually in such a fallen state as a nation. People looked at this election as orange man vs creepy joe but it was so, so much more.