I would like to take the time to tell UcheaT and it's rapist head coach


Bull Gator
Oct 30, 2005
to politely go **** themselves and get used to being the flaming dumpster fire of a program that they always have been, and always will be. You cannot teach class, and they are the living embodiment of that statement of fact. Clay Travis is a scumbag and should get called out by all the other sports broadcasters for his bullshot posts about Florida being cowards back when Hurricane Matthew hit. He should be forced to apologize for saying what he did live on Fox or lose his job at Fox sports. He should spend the rest of his days in the same jail cell that illiterate Butch Jones the rapist should rightfully occupy for his criminal acts, yet in the third world country called Tennessee, they both somehow remain employed.

That there is the simple reason why they aren't taken seriously and the rest of this country just shakes their heads at those inbreeding assclowns.

All they can somehow hope for is that Florida loses worse to Alabama than they did when they got turned inside out by Bama inside their own stadium just a month ago. That won't happen.
Come on grommit, stop holding back so much and really tell us all how it is... :D
If I had the power to get everyone associated with that school fired, even the fans like Clay Travis, I would. I can always handle losing to teams that are good that I consider equals. LSU, Bama, Georgia, FSU. At least they are real Americans. Not the child molester hill people up in Knoxville though. They are one of the doormat teams in The SEC and they need to be constantly reminded of their true place in SEC hierarchy. I'm so sick and tired of seeing their vomit colored fans on the internet or on television when it comes to watching college football. All the worse that their criminal head coach actually denied the illegal shit he pulled on national television, despite there being factual email evidence of him ordering his players to commit felony assault on a fellow player, no he not only denied that shit, HE KEPT HIS JOB. Anyone else in the country would be sitting in prison for committing a third degree felony. He is still making millions of $$$ as the only illiterate college football coach because he's at a dump that is so desperate for any kinds of winds, they don't care how many children they rape or need to sacrifice to bezelbubba of the hills, they'll do it.
That said, Knoxvile is the ONLY SEC venue I've been to that the locals actually destroyed our property. Broke all the windows in our rental van and jumped on the hood of it till it was caved in, all because we had Florida plates on the vehicle and had kicked their butts on their own field yet again. I've been to some places around here in the South as a visiting team, and while many are classless (drunk) and very rude, none have gone to the lengths to actually assault me or my party, nor destroy our property with the exception of UcheaT. So that along with the fact that these mucous-men somehow think they are our equals, gives me all the reason to hate them above all others. Yes even Jortgia. At least the people in Georgia KNOW when they aren't any good and are upset with it. UT goes 1-11 and they think they are the 2nd best team in the country somehow. Apparently they SUPPOSEDLY won a national title way back in the civil war or something, and they insist that that somehow makes them relevant in the football world today. No, I categorically refuse to respect a program made up of a stadium full of walmart employees that actually is so bad, they have the Fulmer award named after their best coach ever.
Want me to keep going? I'm celebrating here, almost 24 hours after our win. Maybe a bit too drunk but I believe all my points are relevant when it comes to ISIS of the Appalachias.
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