I listen to what the 'experts' tell me

It takes discernment. They are not lying all the time.

They are aligned with the left and they undermine the right. Many on here do not like W. Some think he "lied." Think back to history and the intel community was telling 2 stories. Remember all the leaks.

Everyone, Bush, Colin Powell, the House and Senate believed that Saddam had WMDs. Most dems voted on the same intel that W had and they voted for war.

Saddam actually had and was hiding WMDs but they were aging nerve gas shells that were probably inert. These were dug up about 4 years after the war but the media had already damaged W with the "Bush lied" mantra and Katrina falsehoods.

I do not think the leakers were trying to help the country. In fact I believe they were intentionally undermining W because he was a popular republican president. Both factions even the pro WMD side in the intel community were probably hostile to W. I believe the pro WMD people believed their info was correct.

We saw who these people were under Trump. We saw their political allegiances and domestic subterfuge.

Back to history. Putin is a thug. He has invaded twice before under a pub and a dem. He is not to be trusted.

Europe is not being fooled by American intel. Pacifist Germany and Sweden are not taking a hawkish stance because Ukraine is some bad actor that has duped them by being invaded in some 3D chess rope a dope with Vlad the Invader.

Vlad has an economic and demographics problem. Ukraine fixes that for him. It is the breadbasket of the area, has natural resources, and would increase his dwindling population by 40M over night.

Its greed and power. Its as plain as that. Tale as old as time from Nimrod to today.
It takes discernment. They are not lying all the time.

They are aligned with the left and they undermine the right. Many on here do not like W. Some think he "lied." Think back to history and the intel community was telling 2 stories. Remember all the leaks.

Everyone, Bush, Colin Powell, the House and Senate believed that Saddam had WMDs. Most dems voted on the same intel that W had and they voted for war.

Saddam actually had and was hiding WMDs but they were aging nerve gas shells that were probably inert. These were dug up about 4 years after the war but the media had already damaged W with the "Bush lied" mantra and Katrina falsehoods.

I do not think the leakers were trying to help the country. In fact I believe they were intentionally undermining W because he was a popular republican president. Both factions even the pro WMD side in the intel community were probably hostile to W. I believe the pro WMD people believed their info was correct.

We saw who these people were under Trump. We saw their political allegiances and domestic subterfuge.

Back to history. Putin is a thug. He has invaded twice before under a pub and a dem. He is not to be trusted.

Europe is not being fooled by American intel. Pacifist Germany and Sweden are not taking a hawkish stance because Ukraine is some bad actor that has duped them by being invaded in some 3D chess rope a dope with Vlad the Invader.

Vlad has an economic and demographics problem. Ukraine fixes that for him. It is the breadbasket of the area, has natural resources, and would increase his dwindling population by 40M over night.

Its greed and power. Its as plain as that. Tale as old as time from Nimrod to today.

Agree though I'm not so sure that W, or at the very least many in his admin, weren't in on his WMD subterfuge.
Agree though I'm not so sure that W, or at the very least many in his admin, weren't in on his WMD subterfuge.
I believe there were WMD's in Iraq. Now do I believe that was the real reason we invaded? No. And the news media really pushed that narrative. But the REAL reason it even came up is because Saddam was violating the UN resolution (1441 I believe) that put no fly zones over the north and south. They were firing on our planes with SAMS as we patrolled those area's. And speaking to many of the people that actually went in on the ground...many if not most feel that "Gulf War syndrome" was caused by WMD's that were blown up by our AF. Lastly, we tracked a HUGE convoy that went in to Syria, and many think a bunch of them went to Syria. One needs to remember Saddam used bio weapons on the Kurds up north, and killed who knows how many people...and Syria did the same. So there WERE WMD's. Now I am not trying to defend the UN speech...but if memory serves me correctly...EVERY intelligence agency in the free world agreed that they were there. Just because we supposedly did not find many does not mean that they were not there

Of course the other possibility was that Saddam PRETENDED he had them to scare us...and that is a real possibility. I know he refused inspections. That was ANOTHER reason we went in, because in 1441, he agreed to it.
The GhostofBRAINLESS has decided to trash the UFO/UAP/Aliens thread, so here's his payback in spades. He started it, so here we go...

Believers -- Open seekers of the truth and reality.

Disbelievers -- Closed arrogant that already know everything about what they disbelieve....

For the Open Seekers only, NASA leaked photos, before the airbursh crew got to work....

UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail.

UFO Sighting Latest News, Photos, Video.
It takes discernment. They are not lying all the time.

They are aligned with the left and they undermine the right. Many on here do not like W. Some think he "lied." Think back to history and the intel community was telling 2 stories. Remember all the leaks.

Everyone, Bush, Colin Powell, the House and Senate believed that Saddam had WMDs. Most dems voted on the same intel that W had and they voted for war.

Saddam actually had and was hiding WMDs but they were aging nerve gas shells that were probably inert. These were dug up about 4 years after the war but the media had already damaged W with the "Bush lied" mantra and Katrina falsehoods.

I do not think the leakers were trying to help the country. In fact I believe they were intentionally undermining W because he was a popular republican president. Both factions even the pro WMD side in the intel community were probably hostile to W. I believe the pro WMD people believed their info was correct.

We saw who these people were under Trump. We saw their political allegiances and domestic subterfuge.

Back to history. Putin is a thug. He has invaded twice before under a pub and a dem. He is not to be trusted.

Europe is not being fooled by American intel. Pacifist Germany and Sweden are not taking a hawkish stance because Ukraine is some bad actor that has duped them by being invaded in some 3D chess rope a dope with Vlad the Invader.

Vlad has an economic and demographics problem. Ukraine fixes that for him. It is the breadbasket of the area, has natural resources, and would increase his dwindling population by 40M over night.

Its greed and power. Its as plain as that. Tale as old as time from Nimrod to today.
Dubya was no good guy. Neither was his daddy.
It's ok. I talked to The Galactic Federation and they think you are just as big of a clown as we do.
WE??? Must have a Rat in his pocket, or up that warm dark place where he usually keeps his head....

Famous People (13) that have seen/reported UFO's​

Fife Symington, Republican Governor of Arizona
Date of sighting: March 13, 1997
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Ten years after the Arizona UFO incident known as the 'Phoenix Lights', former Arizona Republican Governor Fife Symington, III, now says that he himself was a witness to one of the strange unidentified flying objects. "I witnessed a massive delta-shaped craft silently navigate over Squaw Peak.."

On March 13, 1997, one of the most massively witnessed UFO sightings occurred in the skies over and around Phoenix, Arizona. Witnessed by thousands of people and photographed by hundreds, there is no doubt that something was seen over the skies of Phoenix that night. The question remains - what did they see?

The strange lights were sighted during a three hour period between 7:30pm and 10:30pm on March 13. They covered a 300 mile corridor from the Nevada line through Phoenix to the Northern edge of Tucson. Since thousands of witnesses called local Air Force bases, news stations, and UFO organizations with their reports, we are able to glean the exact route that the mysterious object took

But never take my word on these things, go and see for yourself..

WE??? Must have a Rat in his pocket, or up that warm dark place where he usually keeps his head....

Famous People (13) that have seen/reported UFO's​

Fife Symington, Republican Governor of Arizona
Date of sighting: March 13, 1997
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Ten years after the Arizona UFO incident known as the 'Phoenix Lights', former Arizona Republican Governor Fife Symington, III, now says that he himself was a witness to one of the strange unidentified flying objects. "I witnessed a massive delta-shaped craft silently navigate over Squaw Peak.."

On March 13, 1997, one of the most massively witnessed UFO sightings occurred in the skies over and around Phoenix, Arizona. Witnessed by thousands of people and photographed by hundreds, there is no doubt that something was seen over the skies of Phoenix that night. The question remains - what did they see?

The strange lights were sighted during a three hour period between 7:30pm and 10:30pm on March 13. They covered a 300 mile corridor from the Nevada line through Phoenix to the Northern edge of Tucson. Since thousands of witnesses called local Air Force bases, news stations, and UFO organizations with their reports, we are able to glean the exact route that the mysterious object took

But never take my word on these things, go and see for yourself..

Have you made the pilgrimage to Area 51 yet? :D I do believe there are aliens that visit us from time to time. But I'm more concerned about the vermin crossing our southern border. Real aliens would rather not be seen nor heard, nor looking for free shit. I also think some of these sightings are classified because "some" of this is government equipment running doing test drives. Hopefully it is our stuff, and not the Chinese.
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Have you made the pilgrimage to Area 51 yet? :D I do believe there are aliens that visit us from time to time. But I'm more concerned about the vermin crossing our southern border. Real aliens would rather not be seen nor heard, nor looking for free shit. I also think some of these sightings are classified because "some" of this is government equipment running doing test drives. Hopefully it is our stuff, and not the Chinese.
Personally, I've known what I know since 1969 during my Top Secret military service, so no need or desire to go to Area 51, where I couldn't get in anyway.
But hey, there's no need to take my word on any of it Navi....

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." -- President Harry Truman

"Of course the flying saucers are real, and they are interplanetary." -- Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding

"I believe that these ET vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth." -- Astronaut Gordon Cooper

"We have, indeed, been contacted- perhaps even visited- by extraterrestrial beings, and the U.S. Government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public." -- Victor Marchetti - Former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA

According to Eshed, aliens from an organization called the Galactic Federation have been in touch with the governments of the U.S. and Israel for decades.
Israeli General and Professor, Haim Eshed PhD served as the head of Israel’s Security Space Program from 1981 to 2010 and over the years received the Israel Security Award three times, twice for confidential technological inventions. On his statements to the press,
"I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad."

Or you can ride in the clueless idiots train with the GhostofBRAINLESS....