I just can't understand why the left doesn't want to ensure that every legal vote is counted


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
The same people saying our democracy is at stake, are the same ones trying to undermine it.

We elect the president LEGALLY by voting LEGALLY.

We don't cheat. Now we will investigate and make sure the process was done LEGALLY.

Watch closely and see if anyone opposes this. Honest people don't mind honest investigations of cheating.
If they didn’t mind Twitter and Facebook censoring everybody on those platforms just to make sure that everything is true and fair then they shouldn’t have any problems with a recount.

I mean, have we forgotten what happened in 2016? Even after ALL media called race for Trump, media was still breathlessly emploring electors "You don't have to vote for Trump, you can vote for America!', begging the electors in states that Trump won to vote for Hillary.

These people are sick.
You are eager to believe that Biden’s win was due to fraud, but are completely fine with the GOP’s win in the legislature.

Stop crying and stop lying. Your side got caught cheating. Now the Trump team will take the evidence to the courts and states, and there will be consequences for your cheating.

That's how a DEMOCRACY works.

And guess what? If we find out that some republicans were cheating too, get their asses out of here right with the dems.

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