How many of you mental midgets voted for Brandon?

You just failed the test. Again.
Ghost doesn't know my size or any physical skills I might have. Ghost is infinitely smarter than the board's two slowest. Ghost is only aware I weigh 198 pounds. Ghost is well aware he and NavigatorII would score much higher in an intelligence quotient test room setting than the board's two slowest.

How do the majority of us know? All four prove it with virtually every post they author.
I voted for Biden. Not completely happy with his performance to date but he sure beats that other jamoke.
He beats the other guy? In what category? He's a failure in every facet of the office. PDT, better foreign diplomacy, better business model, better energy plan, better education model, enforced immigration laws, and better military model.
He beats the other guy? In what category? He's a failure in every facet of the office. PDT, better foreign diplomacy, better business model, better energy plan, better education model, enforced immigration laws, and better military model.
I'd give the edge to Brandon in making announcements.

Did Brandon's handler's embolden Vlad with the Afghanistan debacle? The Portland debacle?
🤣 You and your "questions". You gave me one, not only did I own it, I explained to the guy who got it wrong why he got it wrong, and what the question would have needed to be in order for his answer to be correct. It was a simple statistics question with an n-1 answer. Took all of maybe 5 seconds. You never asked another, not that I would have lowered myself to taking your silly little "test". As well a dog test a man as you test me.

You flatter yourself if you think you are above moron level. And you would be incorrect. My proof? You are a former teacher. Remember the axiom, those who can't do, teach. There's a reason people say that.
All of the knowledge at your fingertips but you gained not an ounce of wisdom, Sir.
People with no mental capacity will almost always resort to being crude. When all else fails that's all they have left. If you think I'm referring to you, you would be correct.
And to give you some background The Parking Lot was formed on the other site. And you're right. I haven't posted in this forum since the changeover but used to post a lot. I just find too many people here since the changeover to be intellectually and morally bankrupt.
I agree with this...too many democrats. That is the BEST description of a democrat as I have ever heard. EVERY ONE of them
My question is do any of these Trump lovers have a job? Or a life? Or do they lay in bed all day staring at a poster of Fatboy their Lard and Savior DJT wondering truthfully how ole Joe stuffed him in a locker?!🤷🏻‍♂️
Let me answer...who would pay for all of the freebies you low life communists give to Illegal aliens, and others if it were not for us! What side wants to give illegals FREE hospitalization? Who was known as the "food stamp president"? Your party is made up of two kinds of people. Elites(not very many of them) and people who vote FOR your party to get free stuff. The elites do not pay taxes...the freebie dwellars, because of liberal policies do not pay much in taxes. So, YES, of course WE have jobs. Someone has to work!

Brandon voters


@NavigatorII @gatordad3

these are the people who vote with a true mental midget David Hogg 🤭🤣😭😭😭

'Harvard genius' David Hogg wants you to match up with Russian soldiers on Tinder to help Ukraine

Ghost doesn't know my size or any physical skills I might have. Ghost is infinitely smarter than the board's two slowest. Ghost is only aware I weigh 198 pounds. Ghost is well aware he and NavigatorII would score much higher in an intelligence quotient test room setting than the board's two slowest.

How do the majority of us know? All four prove it with virtually every post they author.
Sweetie, you keep living your little dream, if it makes you happy. But stop trying to influence the credulous.

BTW, Navi? 🤣 🤣 🤣

Good one.
You see a snake oil salesman out trying to peddle his fake wares, the same guy you exposed and ran out of town not that long ago, you make the effort.

Not surprised you don't get that.
Riddle me this Lizard Boi:
Who had 47 years of fleecing the American coffers doing nothing other than slurping at the trough of foreign oligarchs earning the title of "The Big Guy"?

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to eff things up"
Hussein Obama

Smartest guy you know as well? You ARE the company you keep. 🤣

Riddle me this Lizard Boi:
Who had 47 years of fleecing the American coffers doing nothing other than slurping at the trough of foreign oligarchs earning the title of "The Big Guy"?

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to eff things up"
Hussein Obama

Smartest guy you know as well? You ARE the company you keep. 🤣

Weak attempt at strawman. Epic fail, as usual.
@NavigatorII @gatordad3

these are the people who vote with a true mental midget David Hogg 🤭🤣😭😭😭

'Harvard genius' David Hogg wants you to match up with Russian soldiers on Tinder to help Ukraine

Russia is blocking access to Facebook and other traditional social media outlets. People are brainstorming ways to get around the blocks. I read another suggestion to use restaurant review apps to share information. It's like stenography via apps.
Difficult to believe The Groper Joe has nuclear codes, and why is this d1ps**t even wearing a mask?

The mask is appropriate for hiding his face from reality. It also acts as a prop to fool the faction that believes his lies. He's a marionette for the party he represents and this country is a laughingstock under his leadership.
Russia is blocking access to Facebook and other traditional social media outlets. People are brainstorming ways to get around the blocks. I read another suggestion to use restaurant review apps to share information. It's like stenography via apps.
I don't get it. Putin's methods are exactly like Zuck the Cuck's community standards.....why would they ban FB? ;)

Difficult to believe The Groper Joe has nuclear codes, and why is this d1ps**t even wearing a mask?

Don't be so harsh on doughy joey. He was focused on following the laser pointer directing him to the door. I am sure he asked "did I do good" when he looked at the person opening the door for him. I am sure the response was "yes, you get an ice cream and then a nap"

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