Houston is for real

Houston is for real,,,,, or both the criminoles and choke-la-homa were just vastly OVER-RATED yet again.... ;) -- :D
You had to go there. :)

I think Tom Herman would be a PERFECT fit at LSU! :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, I don't think LSU can afford to pay off Miles' contract while outbidding Texas. And I'm sure he'd rather be in Austin anyway.

I seriously doubt Texas will be looking for a new coach. Charlie cleaned out all of the Brown/Chump dead weight and has a very talented young team. He also may well land one of the best classes in the nation. I think they would be foolish to fire Strong.

As for Herman, I would rather he end up at neither LSU or FSU. I think somewhere far away from UF would be a much better choice
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aTm maybe? I mean, that corridor is still wide open... ;)

But wait,,, hold the door,,, since the neutered lame can hire any coach in the nation if they want them, (they claimed), then maybe they will finally replace that Jelly-Belly-Kelly loser?
I seriously doubt Texas will be looking for a new coach. Charlie cleaned out all of the Brown/Chump dead weight and has a very talented young team. He also may well land one of the best classes in the nation. I think they would be foolish to fire Strong.

As for Herman, I would rather he end up at neither LSU or FSU. I think somewhere far away from UF would be a much better choice

Lol just for reference, you realize that by the time Charlie took over, the only "Chump dead weight" would have been some seniors and RS juniors, right?

Chump left after 2010 and Strong took over in 2014.

I know how much you hate Muschamp, but cleaning up the dead weight of a DC 4 years after he's gone?

Come on dude
Btw, did anyone catch who the OC and QB coach for Houston has been the last two years?

I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with Pager Snappletight.
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He did indeed. Parlayed that interest into some big raises. Twice. OU could afford to do that. Can FSU?

Jumbo was on his way to the Bayou Bungle and the Governor Bobby Jindal step in and saved the molester. Free shoes was that close to losing him. Would they have up his salary? Dunno
The Big 12 is kinda screwed. Adding Houston takes away from the conference more than it adds to it. They'll take talent from Texas and the other schools like OU, Okie State, TCU, etc. and they don't add a market the Big 12 doesn't already have. But at the same time if they let another conference snatch them up then that conference gets an in to the Houston area and all that talent. Prolly gonna have to bite the bullet and invite them.

Eh, the Coogs are already taking talent away from Texas and the other schools. Houston is a city that is dominated by A&M grads so adding UH to the Big XII is a preservation move more than anything. It's a massive school and it's in the middle of the 4th largest city in the country. At this point, my guess is that UH to the Big XII is a no-brainer.

It will be interesting to see if UH can hang on to Tom Herman.
If Houston gets into the Big12, I think they have a good shot at keeping Herman. Houston surely will get more money from being in the Big12 then the American, to get better facilities and give more money to Herman. I would assume that being in the Big12 would help in recruiting too, so he would get better players. If they go to the Big12 I would expect Herman to stay for a couple years and see if he can get into the playoffs an win a NC.

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