And this is only the very tip of the ICEBERG you ignorant twit....
Google’s “left-wing bias has alienated its own workers” - Ave ...
Internet giant Google has been accused by one of its own employees of ‘alienating conservatives’ with its politically correct left-wing bias. A senior software engineer at the company claimed in a document that was distributed to colleagues that right-wing employees were forced to keep their views ‘in the closet’ to avoid hostility….
Google Fires Republican Engineer Who Exposed Alleged Bias ...
lawsuit claims that Google is biased against conservatives, men, white people and Asian people. Wacker began his salvos against Google on May 21 with a post on Medium. “Google has become a company where outrage mobs and witch hunts dominate its culture,” he wrote.
Google denies Left-wing bias after leaked clip of co-founder ...
Google has denied that a leaked video showing its co-founder expressing his disappointment that Donald Trump had been elected as US president suggested that there was any political bias built into ...
Google under fire for dubbing 'Unplanned' film ... - Fox News
Google is the latest tech giant to be accused of bias against the newly released pro-life film “Unplanned,” with the search engine listing the movie as “propaganda.”
Google's Leftist Goggles Leave Googlers Agog - Townhall
But Google isn't just liberal; it's leftist. It's so leftist that its vice president of Diversity, Integrity & Governance, Danielle Brown, participated in a public scourging of an unnamed Google ...
Google under fire for listing 'Nazism' as the ideology of the ...
Google results show Republican ideology as ‘Nazism’ Google came under fire after listing ‘Nazism’ as the ideology of the California Republican Party.
Facebook, Google, YouTube All Discriminate ... - National Review
Twitter head Jack Dorsey is an ardent leftist who has campaigned with radicals like DeRay Mckesson, and whose company relies on the input of an Orwellian Trust and Safety Council staffed ...
I Confronted Google About Its Liberal Groupthink At A ...
In the name of diversity,
Google just killed diversity. While that may sound like a sentence out of a Lewis Carroll novel, it's the stark reality of the modern-day liberal groupthink that pervades ...
Why is Google so liberal? Are you? - Quora
Google also owns YouTube, which has recently come under fire for
censoring and demonetizing conservatives at a far greater rate than it does liberals. Even a respectful conservative YouTuber runs the very real risk of being demonetized for voicing their beliefs.
So,,, I've got your GOOGLE swingin' nol-lic....
Under siege, the 'biased’ BBC fights for its life - Telegraph
Under siege, the 'biased’
BBC fights for its life The corporation is under fire for over-generous salaries and its
soft-Left sympathies Neil Midgley, graphic by Tom Shiel