Harris 2024


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2012
It's really funny how much she changed her position on like EVERYTHING. The reason why I didn't like her in the 2019 primary is because she came across as someone that will say or do anything to win. Seems like I was right.

If the Republicans nominated anyone not named Trump, Pence, Haley, or DeSantis, I would easily vote against her.
Two of a kind:

Trump used to be a democrat not too long ago (2009). He also gave money to Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris back in those days.

So its safe to say both candidates change their positions pretty often. I suspect Trump is updating his abortion position again as I type.

Best to be a conscientious objector and not vote. Or Maybe we can have a write in candidate win?

It's really funny how much she changed her position on like EVERYTHING. The reason why I didn't like her in the 2019 primary is because she came across as someone that will say or do anything to win. Seems like I was right.

If the Republicans nominated anyone not named Trump, Pence, Haley, or DeSantis, I would easily vote against her.
So you wrote all that to say you're a DA?
Two of a kind:

Trump used to be a democrat not too long ago (2009). He also gave money to Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris back in those days.

So its safe to say both candidates change their positions pretty often. I suspect Trump is updating his abortion position again as I type.

Best to be a conscientious objector and not vote. Or Maybe we can have a write in candidate win?

He doesn't need to change his abortion position because it doesn't matter at all.
Two of a kind:

Trump used to be a democrat not too long ago (2009). He also gave money to Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris back in those days.

So its safe to say both candidates change their positions pretty often. I suspect Trump is updating his abortion position again as I type.

Best to be a conscientious objector and not vote. Or Maybe we can have a write in candidate win?

Post like this make me wonder about how stupid people really are. Trump has videos out from FORTY years ago, and he was saying EXACLY the same thing then as he is now. What DUMB people do not realize is WHO has changed. The DEMOCRAT party changed from libeals, to socialist/fascists. THAT is what has changed, and most of their voters are so stupid and blindly follow them because they will do or say ANYTHING to remain in power. Lesson over.
Just keeping you lies in check, son...and I will continue to go WHEREVER, and WHENEVER I want here. I hope it makes you miserable me making your ridiculous posts look ridiculous. You have it coming for your stances
I knew you would respond like that...ignore
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Yes over Trump. It's an easy decision.

If everything you say in your OP is true you'd sit this one out. How can you vote for someone who lies about her stance on every major issue and there's plenty of video evidence to prove she's lying just to get elected. She's going to get elected anyway.

edit- and Reps are running ads about ABORTION, just saw one on TV. ABORTION. The one issue they will NEVER win on. Smmfh. I'm close to sitting this one out tbh, sick of all of it.
Yes over Trump. It's an easy decision.
One issue is all you need to know about her.

Her proposed 25% Tax on unrealized capital gains will single handedly ruin the economy.

It will destroy the stock market overnight, it will crush housing in just a few years and it will cripple business investment.

And BEST CASE SCENARIO, it'll generate enough revenue to fund the gov't for 3 whole days.

If you can vote for that, now that you know about it, you're completely lost as a human.
If everything you say in your OP is true you'd sit this one out. How can you vote for someone who lies about her stance on every major issue and there's plenty of video evidence to prove she's lying just to get elected. She's going to get elected anyway.

edit- and Reps are running ads about ABORTION, just saw one on TV. ABORTION. The one issue they will NEVER win on. Smmfh. I'm close to sitting this one out tbh, sick of all of it.
I don't think either party should be able to "win" on abortion, but the reframing by liberals is more effective than a call to preserve human life. They make it sound like by preventing death we're somehow taking rights away. How about the right to not be terminated in the womb?

But a vote for nothing is a vote for Kamala. You know the fraud machine is going to running full tilt.
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I don't think either party should be able to "win" on abortion, but the reframing by liberals is more effective than a call to preserve human life. They make it sound like by preventing death we're somehow taking rights away. How about the right to not be terminated in the womb?

But a vote for nothing is a vote for Kamala. You know the fraud machine is going to running full tilt.

Well there's this thing called reality. RvW was a thing since 1973. Then the far right religious zealot Reps finally after 50 years got it in front of a friendly SCOTUS and it was overturned. Then the 2022 Midterm RED WAVE that everyone was predicting fell thru. No RED WAVE. RED WAVE heap big gone like big yellow sky ball of life go away end of day bring darkness. The American public had accepted RvW. They have drifted left over the last 60 years. And the left's holy grail was snatched away from them and they have all come out of their little hornets nest. Whether you "don't think" a party should be able to win on abortion or not...the left does win on abortion. Even Sean freaking Hannity admits it now. And an independent woman on the fence will be swayed by the Reps reversing RvW. Now, abortion is ONE issue in about a dozen in what is a country and entire world spiraling downward. Why use ad $$$$$ to bring up an issue that does nothing for your chances of winning the election. An issue that for most is at best #8 or 9 on the wish list. Why? What do YOU gain by doing this? And btw, the gal wanting an abortion in the state where now she can't get one? That gal? She just jumps the fence to the state next door and has the abortion. So guess what. Baby still dead. Dead baby. So congrats to the religious far right. You're so fckng stupid you lose us the midterm, are helping us lose us this election AND babies still being killed. Dead babies. Babies not breathing. Babies turning blue and dying. Dead babies thrown away in Planned Parenthood trash can. But on the plus side probably at least 90% of them are still leftists babies. So I guess there really is a little pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.
Well there's this thing called reality. RvW was a thing since 1973. Then the far right religious zealot Reps finally after 50 years got it in front of a friendly SCOTUS and it was overturned. Then the 2022 Midterm RED WAVE that everyone was predicting fell thru. No RED WAVE. RED WAVE heap big gone like big yellow sky ball of life go away end of day bring darkness. The American public had accepted RvW. They have drifted left over the last 60 years. And the left's holy grail was snatched away from them and they have all come out of their little hornets nest. Whether you "don't think" a party should be able to win on abortion or not...the left does win on abortion. Even Sean freaking Hannity admits it now. And an independent woman on the fence will be swayed by the Reps reversing RvW. Now, abortion is ONE issue in about a dozen in what is a country and entire world spiraling downward. Why use ad $$$$$ to bring up an issue that does nothing for your chances of winning the election. An issue that for most is at best #8 or 9 on the wish list. Why? What do YOU gain by doing this? And btw, the gal wanting an abortion in the state where now she can't get one? That gal? She just jumps the fence to the state next door and has the abortion. So guess what. Baby still dead. Dead baby. So congrats to the religious far right. You're so fckng stupid you lose us the midterm, are helping us lose us this election AND babies still being killed. Dead babies. Babies not breathing. Babies turning blue and dying. Dead babies thrown away in Planned Parenthood trash can. But on the plus side probably at least 90% of them are still leftists babies. So I guess there really is a little pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.
We're agreeing, I think.

RvW was terrible law, even RBG thought so, and it was gonna fall eventually. My problem is if you're going to talk about it, which you shouldn't, you need to bring up the partial birth abortions Walz allowed in his state...along with pictures or at least a doctor describing what a late term abortion actually is. R's suck at going to the heart strings and always stick to facts. This isn't a "facts" issue.

And Trump's position on it is pretty good - he says it doesn't matter what he thinks, it's a state level issue.

But I hope it was some rogue PAC and not Trump who ran the abortion ad.
If everything you say in your OP is true you'd sit this one out. How can you vote for someone who lies about her stance on every major issue and there's plenty of video evidence to prove she's lying just to get elected. She's going to get elected anyway.

edit- and Reps are running ads about ABORTION, just saw one on TV. ABORTION. The one issue they will NEVER win on. Smmfh. I'm close to sitting this one out tbh, sick of all of it.
This AMAZES me. I truly do not know how ANYONE could be this dumb. And I include ANYONE that thinks abortion is this important. When you lose your freedoms that America grants you because of will wish one day you were smarter. And NO ONE has taken anyones rights away for killing babies. What STUPID PEOPLE we have in this Country. Maybe we deserve this.
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We're agreeing, I think.

RvW was terrible law, even RBG thought so, and it was gonna fall eventually. My problem is if you're going to talk about it, which you shouldn't, you need to bring up the partial birth abortions Walz allowed in his state...along with pictures or at least a doctor describing what a late term abortion actually is. R's suck at going to the heart strings and always stick to facts. This isn't a "facts" issue.

And Trump's position on it is pretty good - he says it doesn't matter what he thinks, it's a state level issue.

But I hope it was some rogue PAC and not Trump who ran the abortion ad.

Almost positive it was a PAC. But wtf quit ripping off the band aid, stop bringing up the A word it does NOTHING for us. Even the partial birth Walz bit. The damage was done with the reversal, WHY does anyone wanting Trump to win want to bring it back up??? Dems are the ones that are supposed to vote feelings not Reps. We have SO many issues in our favor WTF spend $$$ bringing up this one? Reps finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again.
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Yes over Trump. It's an easy decision.
Killingagoodman never changes his side, no matter what it seems....

Vladimir Putin supports K-mala Hyena.
The CCP/China supports K-mala Hyena.
#1 Terriost state Iran supports K-mala Hyena.
Communist N.Korea supports K-mala Hyena.

It's always good to know which side you're on.....
6 Million Jews killed in WWII is framed as a HOLOCAUST.

So, what do you call 60+ Million INFANTICIDES in the U.S. since RvW?
War Crimes is too weak a term imo.... But the real Nazi's would be proud of that.

BTW, states where late term abortions are legal:
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Virginia, and Washington.

At least the SEC states still have some level of morality in them....
Almost positive it was a PAC. But wtf quit ripping off the band aid, stop bringing up the A word it does NOTHING for us. Even the partial birth Walz bit. The damage was done with the reversal, WHY does anyone wanting Trump to win want to bring it back up??? Dems are the ones that are supposed to vote feelings not Reps. We have SO many issues in our favor WTF spend $$$ bringing up this one? Reps finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again.
I agree here...but lets put it in perspective. Polls show it is not THAT important
Killingagoodman never changes his side, no matter what it seems....

Vladimir Putin supports K-mala Hyena.
The CCP/China supports K-mala Hyena.
#1 Terriost state Iran supports K-mala Hyena.
Communist N.Korea supports K-mala Hyena.

It's always good to know which side you're on.....
If you think Putin actually supports Kamala your not smart enough to participate further.

Iran I agree with. Maybe China. Certainly not NK. So you got 50% right.
One issue is all you need to know about her.

Her proposed 25% Tax on unrealized capital gains will single handedly ruin the economy.

It will destroy the stock market overnight, it will crush housing in just a few years and it will cripple business investment.

And BEST CASE SCENARIO, it'll generate enough revenue to fund the gov't for 3 whole days.

If you can vote for that, now that you know about it, you're completely lost as a human.
But but but...........Kal doesn't care about Hunter OR the economy. :rolleyes:

Whoremella's handlers have told her to tone down her "tax disasters". If you'll notice there's not a peep about those, just unicorns, pixie dust, and "opportunity economies". Let me translate. More free shit. :mad:
If you think Putin actually supports Kamala your not smart enough to participate further.

Iran I agree with. Maybe China. Certainly not NK. So you got 50% right.
You are dumber than dirt if you think Putin wants Trump back in office. I already knew you were dumb but you just sealed the deal. 😂😂😂

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