

Bull Gator
May 28, 2008
After the first game I said I thought he should start. Our oline struggled so much running the ball I figured we had to have his arm to open up the offense by backing defenders off the line. But I didn't feel strongly about him starting, just felts that's what our offense needed. Did acknowledge his ridiculous release which I think both me and Danny said was the quickest we'd ever seen.

Against ECU he was very shaky and then for three quarters against UT he was pretty bad. Even Mac was saying he needed to make a lot of improvement and the QB battle wasn't over. But I still felt he should start even though I was becoming more convinced the future QB wasn't on this roster, in part because of their inconsistent play and Mac's comments. But holy hell, after the last three quarters I'm finally to the point I think Grier should unquestionably start. Maybe the light just turned on but I haven't seen decisive decisions like this since what, maybe Leak's ridiculous sophomore year? This is his team now, or should be if he keeps this up.

I still want Harris on this team though, to hell with all the transfer talk. The competiton has obviously brought out the best in Grier, and that's what we need! No complacency. And if for example Grier gets hurt we have a proven backup QB. None of this crap under Muschamp where all the good backup options got ran off the team for the chosen one. We got a good situation here and should hope it stays this way! Especially since Mac says they are truly like brothers off the field. There is no jealousy there which is a great thing.
Grier has definitely shown an "It" factor.....5/5 on 4th down to comeback vs Tenn, and the way he is progressing tonight, and all as a freshman, leads me to believe we are at the early stage of something special.
Yep! I'd be lying if I told you I saw this coming. Like I said I love the raw throwing talent and mentioned that in a few of the game threads but between ECU, UK, and the first three quarter of UT he just looked downright bad at times. But he seems to be putting it together.
Grier has made a believer out of me. I thought he threw a lot of balls last week that went over receivers head. It appeared he wasn't settled in the pocket even though he didn't have pressure. But I guess the UT was a big game for him and he was nervous which is understandable. Tonight this is a bigger game and he has shown me that he is the man and why Coach Mac chose him to be the starter. Treon is also a good QB and I pray he stays at UF also just in case Grier gets injured.
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Grier just needed a chance. It was obvious his ceiling was higher than Harris, but he is young and inexperienced. I still can't believe some on here were speculating that 'our quarterback isn't on the roster' or comparing him to JD!

Absolutely ridiculous. I guess it's the society we leave in now were everyone wants instant gratification and hard work and maturation means little. SMDH:rolleyes:
Grier just needed a chance. It was obvious his ceiling was higher than Harris, but he is young and inexperienced. I still can't believe some on here were speculating that 'our quarterback isn't on the roster' or comparing him to JD!

Absolutely ridiculous. I guess it's the society we leave in now were everyone wants instant gratification and hard work and maturation means little. SMDH:rolleyes:

Fact is, through the first four games of their respective years starting Driskel had outperformed Grier. And if defenders could catch he'd have had a handful of pick 6's through the first couple games. Driskel never had a 125 yard performance with no TD's against a team like UK. And that's not to say Grier isn't better than Driskel, he clearly is. The point is though fans tend to excuse bad performances of players when they like said player. Driskel nor Harris would have gotten a pass for a performance like that and and certainly wouldn't be being touted as 'the future' after the stretch of performance from ECU to UK to much of the UT game.

Let's not revise history, their was cause to question the QB's on the roster. And if that wasn't enough, Mac did not seem to be thrilled with either of them. His comments were pretty harsh. You gonna accuse him of wanting instant gratification too?
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Leak was a stud here, especially in Zook's offense. A lot of people forget he was getting Heisman talk after his true sophomore year. Then he spent his two final years playing in an offense completely not suited for him and still led us to a title, so under appreciated by most UF fans.
I had no doubt that he was the best QB on the roster. The word behind closed doors was that was the case as well. McElwain is a good motivator and just has been challenging Grier. He knew day 1 the raw talents that Grier possessed. He just needed some coaching up. Harris has always and will always be limited in what he can do at the QB position. Was t that obvious? I could even see if from his high school tape that Harris was limited as a QB.

Not sure why this was so hard to see
Limited how? By not having a cannon for an arm or being 6'4? It takes more than a big arm or great height to be a good QB. Those are the primary knocks on Harris, which is just ridiculously simplistic view of the position.
Limited how? By not having a cannon for an arm or being 6'4? It takes more than a big arm or great height to be a good QB. Those are the primary knocks on Harris, which is just ridiculously simplistic view of the position.
Nope. Limited because he's a very inaccurate QB. I've said it a gazillion times. I don't care that much about arm strength or size at the college level. I care more about accuracy, throwing the ball on time, Etc.

Again Harris isn't an accurate passer and he throws the ball way too late.
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He's a career 62% passer. If you factor in drops especially a year ago that number is around 65%. This year in the two games he's played he's above 70% each time. And it's clearly not because he's dinking and dunking because his current yards per completion would be one of the highest in the country if he met the minimum number of attempts qualification. So where is this inaccuracy meme coming from? Last year? That makes no sense considering I've been told over and over on this board that Muschamp was so bad he made every offensive player look inept. So why then do you insist on judging a true freshman who was forced into action under that dumpster fire?
There were several throws Grier made last night that I do not think Harris could have made, or would have even attempted.

The first TD to DRob is one. The 77 yard TD throw to Powell on the crossing route is another. The pass to McGee on 3rd down is another.

Harris might well have played well last night, if he was the starter. But Grier just has a much better arm. That occasionally can and will get him into trouble. But he is decisive and accurate
Agreed. There are some throws Grier makes that Harris can't, but I wouldn't say there's a large number of those throws. It's mainly the deep posts.
Again Harris is not a very accurate passer at all. His completion % can also be a bit misleading. He throws behind guys way too of often as well.
Agreed. There are some throws Grier makes that Harris can't, but I wouldn't say there's a large number of those throws. It's mainly the deep posts.
Yep. Plus having the confidence and arm strength to fit the ball into a tight window. That TD pass on third down to Powell is one such example
Grier has thrown multiple touchdown passes in four games this year, becoming the first Gator since Tim Tebow (2009– five times) to record four multi-passing touchdown games in a single season.

Grier is also the first Gator since Tim Tebow (Nov. 3-Nov. 24, 2007) to throw for 250-plus yards in consecutive games
Again Harris is not a very accurate passer at all. His completion % can also be a bit misleading. He throws behind guys way too of often as well.

Repeating this over and over won't make it more true. Do you think Tebow was accurate?
Grier seems more intelligent and knows where the ball needs to be placed. A lot of times Harris stares down his receivers and doesn't release the ball until the receiver is well out of the break.
I believe both QB's have the skills to be very successful college QB's. However, those skill sets are very different. In the system McElwain wants to run, Grier has the appropriate skill set. If we had brought in a coach with a system that requires a QB with great mobility and the ability to think and throw on the run, Treon would be the guy. Either one, in the correct system, with the necessary blockers and playmakers around him, has the potential to play at an All-American level. This is why I doubt Harris is here next year.
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I believe both QB's have the skills to be very successful college QB's. However, those skill sets are very different. In the system McElwain wants to run, Grier has the appropriate skill set. If we had brought in a coach with a system that requires a QB with great mobility and the ability to think and throw on the run, Treon would be the guy. Either one, in the correct system, with the necessary blockers and playmakers around him, has the potential to play at an All-American level. This is why I doubt Harris is here next year.
Grier is just as mobile if not more so than Harris.
Repeating this over and over won't make it more true. Do you think Tebow was accurate?
Tebow had accuracy issues as well but the offense was a perfect fit for him and his running ability opens up his WRs and all kinds of passing lanes and Tebow was just flat out awesome. Harris can't throw the ball half as good as Tebow.
I ain't no guru or nothin', but freakin' A.....Grier has a fast release and hits the target. The camera had a hard time keeping up with his mid range throws. Best thrower we have had since Rex. I believe WR will get way better now that they know that if they complete the route the ball will be there. D Rob is getting confidant in this and I think we see more wheel and double moves for downfield action. Now this kind of discussion is fun.
Your view of this is way to simplistic. Grier is mobile yes. If One were to install an offense like that of Oregon or Arizona you would find Treon a better fit.
I disagree. I think Grier is a better runner than Harris. I also think in those systems that Arizona and Oregon have and it is being proven at Oregon right now that your QB better still be able to throw the ball.

Sorry I've said it many times. I don't have much confidence in Treon's passing ability.
Grier is faster than Treon in a straight line, but Harris is more mobile, there's a difference. He can make guys miss in a phone booth.
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Grier is faster than Treon in a straight line, but Harris is more mobile, there's a difference. He can make guys miss in a phone booth.
Grier is pretty mobile in the pocket. He seems to have better touch when he is scrambling
Your view of this is way to simplistic. Grier is mobile yes. If One were to install an offense like that of Oregon or Arizona you would find Treon a better fit.
Sorry I disagree...Treon isn't that much more mobile...but you woud go with Grier because he's athletic and way more accurate with the football, throws the ball on time...etc. Grier is the better QB all around...not a knock on Treon because I think that in time Grier will end up being one of the best in the country. Grier is legit...kid can straight up play and he's going to get better.
I disagree. I think Grier is a better runner than Harris. I also think in those systems that Arizona and Oregon have and it is being proven at Oregon right now that your QB better still be able to throw the ball.

Sorry I've said it many times. I don't have much confidence in Treon's passing ability.
Treon is better than he was last year and is probably more elusive but not so much that he would win a QB battle in another system IMO. Grier is very athletic and could run a true duel threat system...hell kid did it in high school and won National Player of the Year award. Irregardless of what the competition was he was a baller.
Your view of this is way to simplistic. Grier is mobile yes. If One were to install an offense like that of Oregon or Arizona you would find Treon a better fit.

No, he isn't. He's a scrambler. It's not the same.

Well the reason why you would go with Grier is because he doesn't HAVE To run to be successful and he's amazingly quick and downright awesome at evading blitzers in the pocket.. when they are coming free just by ducking his head and shoulder and how fast he can adjust his feet and evade everything, he's very elusive. Grier is just a flat out athlete but a quarterback first
I began calling him the future when he was just a HS commit to the Gators.

I felt like he could have played last year, but the redshirt did do him some good imo.

I have stayed with him throughout his short UF career, and will stick by him until he leaves here, none to soon I'm hoping... :cool:

For those that claimed that small school N.C. QB's can't play at the SEC level... :p
I remembered exactly where Chris Leak came from all along. o_O

But again, the TEAM is what wins games, not individuals, no matter how good they might be.

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