Okay, I slightly exaggerated about your 900 acres but you bragged about buying land in North Dakota or wherever. As for vacationing in the glaciers, I prefer the mountains in the summertime.
I'm sure none of us expected a stimulus check initially but it's not like accepting foord stamps and welfare you libtards for some reason, love handing out to the illegal immigrants and people who choose to sit at home collecting handouts while believing they are entitled to receive.
You being a liberal, and if you weren't making too much money the way you brag about, someone such as you would choose to sit on your ass while us taxpayers are forking over your food stamps and welfare checks, rather than working for a living like pretty much all of us do.
Congratulations to you on being the richest member of this entire board. Not that any of care about what you do and none of us ever envied you to begin with, attention whore.
You bragging about making too much money reminds me of someone who goes to a clothing store to buy designer clothes that are running at 50% along with an additional 20% coupon but refuses the discount because, uhh uhh uhh....I make too much money to accept a 70% discount.