Yes it indeed was fun but it's not resume worthy as a coach...and its far from AAU like you claimed.Summer long season dildo breath with a tournament...packed houses...televised by the local public television station. t never was a big deal but I'm sue it was fun...bottom line is he coached them and the Florida fruitcake liar pervert reporter missed it...or chose to. Why don't you email him and ask him why. I'll look forward to what you find out from the journalistc fraud since all yall are Flurda goobs. Now if you will excuse me I'll wait to post when one of you clowns reports back to me on this.
Check out this tidlywink. Seems many share the same opinion of you. How ironic.
"We have a man that has lost everything that is dear to him, a man that lost his dignity, pride and respect from others. A man that has been cramped up in his home 500 miles away still hanging on every word written in Florida, a man who looks up current girl and boy scores in pasco/ hernando counties. A man who feels the need to put down every body else to make himself better ( this is what second graders do) this is a man who can't let go.
Where is he to go, this man has been run out of 4 states. Steve continues to come on here and beat around the bush, dodge questions, pose as a handful of usernames and talk about himself. His Kentucky clan has dropped him, so I ask you, is it a cry for help? Maybe someone let's him volunteer, you know hand out balls, fill the water jugs, just be around the game. He has nothing left!
So you tell me , disturbing or a cry for help? Maybe both??
Steve Thompson lies a lot and continues to do so daily, he actually believes he is fooling people with different usernames.
Steve has had the option to come on here and squash this whole thing by simply posting his wins, even unofficially, just post them, Steve was there so he should know all his varsity wins ( NHSAA ) yet refuses to, many believe because he can't . Bottom line is that you state you have accomplished all the following so the burden of proof lies with you Steve. All school records are public and really easy to get as I have found out this past month putting the packet together."