Fox News now a full terrorist organization


Chomp Artist
Jul 23, 2004
FBI says white supremacy a major threat.

Fox News feeds racist fantasy to its viewers that it is a hoax.

Domestic terrorism is equal and a likely a greater threat than foreign, and Fox fully supports it.

The greatest threat is to make everyone believe something doesn't exist. Al Queda wishes it had propaganda like Fox News

FBI says white supremacy a major threat.

Fox News feeds racist fantasy to its viewers that it is a hoax.

Domestic terrorism is equal and a likely a greater threat than foreign, and Fox fully supports it.

The greatest threat is to make everyone believe something doesn't exist. Al Queda wishes it had propaganda like Fox News

Another liberal who watches Fox News?
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You know what really amuses me? ZERO rebuttal to the point, just attacking the messenger. Of course, that's how the Trump Nationalist Party responds to everything, since there are no ideas, no intelligence, just pure hate
You know what really amuses me? ZERO rebuttal to the point, just attacking the messenger. Of course, that's how the Trump Nationalist Party responds to everything, since there are no ideas, no intelligence, just pure hate

That's politics, bud...if you can't stand the heat (and discord)...find yourself a "safe-space" where you can sulk and be the victim you were born to be.

Interesting you find fault with the Trump Nationalist Party...but never own up to the many mega failures of the roach and rodent infestations (think 7th district of Baltimore---one of the many succe$$e$) of the Oh-bomba and DemonRAT Failure(s) Party...and thinking people wonder why.

Just pure hate and anger from the Left...****shocker****.

Folks such as yourself amuse many to no end.

Agent Orange
Please, this isn't political discord. This is laughable cultist behavior by a bunch of Fox News brainwashed sycophants
What one says and especially how one says it defines one. Agent Orange obviously gets it.

And if my Make A Wish Foundation wish could bear fruit , I would give huge score result outcome odds to Agent Orange over his opponent.

I take no pleasure in piling onto urtren, but there is much Agent Orange can teach.
Huh, funny Nazi Frat boy Carlson had to take a little vacay after supporting and downplaying terrorism on national tv. Almost like everyone in America except the Maga idiots knew he was a pure racist idiot.
What one says and especially how one says it defines one. Agent Orange obviously gets it.

And if my Make A Wish Foundation wish could bear fruit , I would give huge score result outcome odds to Agent Orange over his opponent.

I take no pleasure in piling onto urtren, but there is much Agent Orange can teach.

As always, the left is whatever they are accusing their 'enemies' of being.

If any, even a fellow liberal, says something that goes against their scripted narratives, they will do everything they can to SILENCE and DESTROY that person and DESTROY their ability to communicate their message.

They are fascists. And they don't even know it.
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Specifics? In dont see David Duke quoting Rachel Maddow? Yet to see an antifa march chanting "Jews will not replace us", help me understand. All I am hearing is Fox propaganda
Specifics? In dont see David Duke quoting Rachel Maddow? Yet to see an antifa march chanting "Jews will not replace us", help me understand. All I am hearing is Fox propaganda

And what I'm reading (above) is sanctimonious urtren propaganda.
I admit I post my propaganda.
You should do the same to establish any credibility much less humility.

Agent Orange
It’s just sad that conservatism is being conflated with white supremacy and vice versa.

What's sad is that too many conservatives are letting the mentally ill on the left get away with it.

As Rush keeps saying, you cannot compromise with these people, they are sick. You have to defeat them over and over and over and over and over again till they no longer exist.

We are literally dealing with mentally ill people who are setting the agenda for one of the two major political parties in this country. Enough is enough.
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