Fauci is a Liar

This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.

Get your head out of your IGNORANT butt and you'll at least have a chance to get better....

During World War I, the Italian Socialist Party ruled in Italy.

After WWI, Dictator Mussolini
founded the Italian Fascist Party.
The ideology of the party was a fusion of Socialism and radical Nationalism.

Today, the Rat's are moving the Democratic Party to the radical Democratic Socialist Party (DSA) promoted by the traitorous AOC types. They love places like Venezuela with a tyrant in charge. If you like ANTIFA and BLM, then you're on the right path...

AH! So you're ok with acting like nazis, if you think it's 'good public health'?

"As early as August 1920, Hitler compared the Jews to germs. He stated that diseases cannot be controlled unless you destroy their causes. The influence of the Jews would never disappear without removing its cause, the Jew, from our midst, he said. These radical ideas paved the way for the mass murder of the Jews in the 1940s."

But this is another case where you need to use your brain: Why do you need protection from the 'unvaccinated'?

Do you not see you are admitting that the shot doesn't work? That it offers you no protection? So much so that you think you need to put the 'unvaccinated' in their protect you?

Are you SURE this doesn't sound like hitler going after the jews?

Still think fascism is an alt-right ideology?

Bless your heart.
No, most of America is not OK with Nazi's. That is why we fight so hard against this new Republican Fascism. Yes, by definition it is a Right-Wing ideology, which you are participating in.

Also, your news sources are tainted, that is to say, constantly manipulate you to bring about what they want, for you to vote against your own interests. Even when people prove to you that you are totally wrong, you ignore truth, and believe what you were told to believe.

I cannot argue points with someone who is not interested in truth. So, with that ado.
No, most of America is not OK with Nazi's. That is why we fight so hard against this new Republican Fascism. Yes, by definition it is a Right-Wing ideology, which you are participating in.

Also, your news sources are tainted, that is to say, constantly manipulate you to bring about what they want, for you to vote against your own interests. Even when people prove to you that you are totally wrong, you ignore truth, and believe what you were told to believe.

I cannot argue points with someone who is not interested in truth. So, with that ado.
You have no idea what my news sources are. Hint: I haven't watched a second of Fox News coverage this year.

But we DO know what you are, you tell us by your actions.

You want people you disagree with silenced and shut off from society. You admit to FIGHTING against people who hold viewpoints you disagree with.

Forcible oppression of others who express viewpoints you don't agree with is a hallmark of fascism.

Oh here's one more little white truth for you:

That face you make when you realize you're really the evil you thought you were fighting against...
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So let's have a quick discussion about Fascism from an academic perspective, because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about. It sounds to me like you're parroting, and real proud of yourself for doing so. In 2003 Political Science Professor Lawrence Britt came up with The 14 Characteristics of Fascism. I think this is an interesting perspective as it's not colored by recent political events. He studied Hitler, Mussolini and several other fascistic regimes to come up with this list, and I think it's spot on.

I'll just go down the list and state my opinion on whether these are conservative or liberal ideologies in today's political climate. I think you'll agree that both parties have some fascistic tendencies, and Trump supporters don't fit neatly into the box you think they do:
  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - 100% Trump. Liberals hate the country and want to tear it down and "reimagine" it. Slogans like MAGA are clear and quick signals to a nationalistic ideology.
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - This one is much more mixed. Liberals like to twist arguments - the best example here is abortion. They claim that unlimited abortion is "a woman's right" while they ignore the rights of the unborn. They claim to be adamant supporters of human rights, but don't seem to want to defend the right to free speech they don't agree with. Mixed, but I'd say Conservatives are more clear in their support of human rights.
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - Has there ever been a bigger "enemy/scapegoat" than Trump? Have you ever seen a political party so aggressively demonize someone before they ever even reached office? No parallel on the Right that I've ever seen. There were no occupations, riots or looting when Obama won two elections. Clearly this is a leftist tactic in modern politics, and #6 is the hammer they use to drive this nail.
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military - Conservative ideal, clearly.
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

  5. Rampant Sexism - Again, mixed. I know you think Trump and the Conservative movement is sexist but recent elections and the number of strong female conservative voices would indicate it's not an ethos. I'd say mixed because leftists typically reduce voting blocs to gender and race, which is pretty sexist, while hardcore right wingers might have a disposition to think less of women. Trump was also the first president to enter office in favor of gay marriage.
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

  6. Controlled Mass Media - Holy crap. This one is clear and it's not close. Hollywood, MSM and the entire entertainment industry is as liberal as possible.
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

  7. Obsession with National Security - The Conservatives own this. Especially if you take it as border security.
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - You could probably teach a college course on this one. Conservatives do put God forth in the political sphere, but so did The Founding Fathers. I'm not sure if that's the same as using religion to control public opinion. I'd argue that leftists have replaced religion with political beliefs. VERY deep subject but I think it's mixed.
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected - Left owns this - the Corporate power structure in this country is very woke and very left leaning because it's the path of least resistance. Large corporations are directly involved in getting politicians elected, Zuckerberg's $4MM investment in the 2020 election is solid evidence of this.
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed - 100% the right. Unions are a leftist mainstay.
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Neither, we luckily haven't gone down this path. I don't know that any professors were censored or arrested while Trump was president. Now, conservatives point out how liberal college campuses are, but that's not the same thing.
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment- Mixed. The right believes in crime and punishment and law and order. Leftists don't seem to believe in either. However, I'd strongly argue that institutions like the DOJ, FBI and IRS have all been weaponized under democrat administrations...which is a form of a very powerful national police force. I'm going to say mixed leaning left.
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Would you like to talk about Hunter Biden? Both parties do this to a certain extent but I think it's worse on the left. I'll score left but mixed is probably acceptable too.
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

  14. Fraudulent Elections - Yea, I think you know the score on this one. Left.
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
So my score is:
Conservatives - 4
Mixed - 4
Liberals - 5
(I didn't score #11)

So if you go deeper than a puddle on the subject and really look at what constitutes fascist regimes, the Trump Presidency and Conservatism in general doesn't really fit the mold. It's a talking point.
1. Liberals(progressives) & moderates love America. Why would you write such things? Liberals believe protecting the Constitution of the United States. They believe America is for all people. All people should get a fair chance. In fact, I guess the Radical Republicans showed their hand by supporting Trump's attempts to overthrow the Government of the United States, and thus, the Constitution.

Right now, not too many people trust the Republican party right now because of that little stunt. Even moderate republicans. Trying to overthrow the Government does not put the Republican party at zero, 240,000,00 points to the Radical Republicans.

Human rights? Denying a woman an abortion even if it will kill the mother? Progressives do NOT believe in Government Forced Pregnancy. They believe a woman should choose her destiny, not have it chosen by the government. The Radical Republicans 1/2 point

3. I agree that there has never been a greater enemy than Trump. He has never demonstrated any empathy for anyone (except himself) or anything or anyone that does not serve him. He tried to overthrow our government and colludes with our external greatest enemy, Putin. Just so he can get loans and build a hotel in Moscow.

He undermines democratic elections just because he hates losing a fair election. Every Republican state that was audited by Republicans, said there was no fraud. Yet, he actually still undermines elections that Republican's control. 1,000 Fascism points: Radical Republicans.

Speaking of Fox new: in an interview with 60 minutes in year 2 of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch said you always have to give the listeners a villain. He has used that with much success from Hillery Clinton to Dr. F. Murdoch said "you have to get people riled up". Ever notice how Fox News gives you Villains. There will always be a villain in Fox News. I don't get why people don't get wise to this.

4. Every American President since World War 2 has sought Military Supremacy. Progressives are concerned about Government waste, however. If you are going waste the people's money to make military gear you will never use or plan to use, Progressives would rather spend the money on healthcare for all people.

Let us not forget, that on Trump's watch, the Russians invented their cascading multiple war head missiles (which we have no clue about). AND the Chinese have invented a +Mach 2 ICBM which puts the US in a HUGE disadvantage to even stop any nuclear war heads. We would have to cave to the Chinese to survive.

For all that money, we are WAY BEHIND in Technology. I will give this a wash.

5. it's mixed. Democrats typically take gender info for voting data just like all parties do. Trump gets no points for saying he was for Gay rights and then bans transgender service people. The military was pissed, those soldiers were/ are amazingly good at their jobs.

6. Can't give you the controlled Mass-Media points either. Sure, a lot of Hollywood types are Progressive. But, as long as Fox News, ONN, and Newsmax have a strained relationship with the truth, the Radical Republicans stations are "state" TV for fascism. Not telling people the truth is controlling Mass-Madia. Making up stories, like "liberals hate America" is not something you know, it's something you've heard over and over by news agencies with agendas devised to control you. No regular news stations say Republicans hate America. Because it's not true and they are not going to lie to you. They also don't say Democrats hate America because, again, it's not true. 5 Fascism points to the Radical Republicans

As an aside, you can guess I'm progressive, but when I was little, I used to watch Firing Line with William F. Buckley moderating. He was a great orator. He argued great conservative points of view and won many debates. Since Fox news started, the tribe model emerged. It's us against them. That's stupid. We are all Americans just trying to make the world a better place. We all need to think for ourselves, get reliable true news and make up our minds and talk to each other.

11. (sorry, I'm getting tired. I misnumbered). this perception of colleges being so liberal is no longer true, they were and of course some are. The perception of them being liberal now is often that college students are better informed and free thought is reinforced there. That tends to skew Progressive. By the way, I live in a college town. Also, Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis is the new Demagogue on the block. He tried to stifle University of Florida professors from testifying in a case. He also tried to stop School Boards from protecting their students from Covid. What a twisted piece of work. 1 point on the Fascism scale for the Radical Republicans.

8. you religion is intertwined liberal argument is weak. you concede that it is more Conservative, then try for the save and say that Progressives have policies intertwined? That's not going to wash. NO SAVE!! 1 Fascism point: Radical Republicans.

9. Your argument I truly don't get. Not just liberals, but ALL Democrats are trying to get Big Business to not only pay taxes, but to get them to pay ANY taxes at all. The Democrats have been at war over this with businesses for a long time. Democrats are trying to regulate unsafe business practices as well. Democrats have been trying to revise the tax codes, but Republicans keep blocking these attempts, so they don't piss off their doners. Radical Republicans: 1 point on the Fascism scale.

12, Obsession with Crime and Punishment. Both sides care about Law & Order, but Conservatives are beyond obsessed with it. I don't think I'm going to get too many people arguing on this board with me. However, Democrats are obsessed with fair Law & Order. That's why we support the ACLU.
1 point for the Radical Republicans on the Fascism scale.

13. I got a huge kick out of you mentioning Hunter Biden (who does suck by the way. What a putz) but ignore Mr. Scam Donald Trump. Totally ignored the Emoluments Clause and scammed foreigners in his hotels while President.

Saying, "I think it's worst on the Left' has no real value with no Data. I could say I think it's worse on Right" I don't know. BUT, Republicans cow-tow to more high stakes Donors, in my opinion, but again, I have NO facts. Wash

14, Why would you say Left. According to every state in the Union, there has never been election fraud In the United States. At least there was none according to Republicans. They did tons of checks. The real question is why people say there was, just because the most known liar in American History said there was fraud. He told just under 5,000 lies. The Lowest in modern times: Barrack Obama made 41 untrue statements. Joe isn't in Trump Territory, but he has made 36 exaggerated (untrue) statements already.

If you have facts, I would love to hear your arguments. If you want to play the Fox Villian game or name call, I'm not interested. I truly respect how much effort you put into your rebuttal. So, I'm truly interested to hear your facts.

But let's be honest, you know you were not going to win a Fascism scale with Trump trying to overthrow the United States Government, right??
Progressives (not all) believe that through America’s original sin, we are fundamentally and fatally flawed country. One can argue or support the 1619 project, but it speaks to every part of the American experiment being a ruse and infrastructure for slavery. Go listen to or read the postings from RATM. (a band, Musically, I love)

the fascism rubric is fascinating and spot on.

Trump does have his elements, to be sure. But Hunter Biden? Even progressives would throw him out (read: Cuomos) if they thought that Kamala would be halfway competent or compelling.
1. Liberals(progressives) & moderates love America. Why would you write such things? Liberals believe protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The left HATES the Constitution! Just look at the first two Amendments:

1 - The right to free speech
2 - The right to bear arms

Both are under CONSTANT assault from the left. Conservatives are constantly banned on social media, and we all know what a hardon the left has to take everyone's guns. It's obvious you are just parroting what the left tells you, but even you won't deny the left hates those two amendments, right????

Additionally, look at what the liberal justices on the Supreme Court have said about the Constitution: They claim it is a 'living, breathing thing, that changes with the times'. Of course this is a lie. The Constitution is the single greatest piece of doctrine that any country on the history of the planet has ever created. It's what makes America great, and @fatman76 is correct, that's exactly why the left wants to change it.

Bonus: Show me where it says in the Constitution that Americans have the right to demand that other Americans be isolated in their homes to 'protect' the populace.

The left tramples on the Constitution every day, then you claim they love it? LOL
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Right now, not too many people trust the Republican party right now because of that little stunt. Even moderate republicans. Trying to overthrow the Government does not put the Republican party at zero, 240,000,00 points to the Radical Republicans.
How did Trump try to overthrow the US government???? What in blue hell are you talking about? LOL

Hillary literally invented a story that Trump was working with the Russians, then PAID Micheal Sussman to give that story to the media so they would publish it.

That's election interference. John Durham has already uncovered the documents that prove this, including testimony from the people who hillary paid to invent the dossier AND the bill Sussman sent to hillary for his services.

The democratic candidate in 2016 and the media working together to interfere in the 2016 US election....and you think *Trump* is the one trying to overthrow the US government????

We're gonna have fun with you. I've never seen a poster here who blindly parrots what he is told without thinking it through as you do. Even @Uniformed_ReRe has his moments where he will push back on dem propaganda.
Last edited:
5. it's mixed. Democrats typically take gender info for voting data just like all parties do. Trump gets no points for saying he was for Gay rights and then bans transgender service people. The military was pissed, those soldiers were/ are amazingly good at their jobs.
Here's where it's easy to prove that the left doesn't give a shit about human rights: Look at what has happened with the southern border.

By attempting to throw open the southern border and let anyone in (which started under obama), it was like a cattle call to drug dealers and criminals to get into the country. So both groups kidnapped children so they could pose as a family entering the country. These children were often horrifically abused during the journey. I listed to a radio interview that Phil Valentine did in 2016 with a reporter who was entrenched with aid workers who were on the Southern border. She said one day at the border, a small girl around 6 years old came to them. She was obviously disoriented and in shock. They took her to the local hospital to treat her. While she was treated, the hospital discovered DNA from *30* men inside her. This was a baby who was taken from his family and used by criminals to cross into the US from Mexico. And she was raped DOZENS of times along the way.

obama knew this was happening, but did little to stop it. When Trump got into office, he IMMEDIATELY stopped it. Human trafficking arrests spiked overnight when Trump took office. There were more human trafficking arrests under Trump in the first 18 months than obama had in *8* years.

Part of this was, Trump put in a law that said that if an adult arrived with a child and it could not be proven that they were parent and child, then they were separated until it could be verified that they were a family. This was designed to stop human trafficking. But as you know, the left claimed it was heartless Trump separating families at the border!

The reality was Trump was trying to protect children from being human trafficked. The left knew that, that's why they tried to stop him.

Like I said, you're on the wrong side of history, bub.
Is fascism about big government or small government?

Does the left want big government or small government?

This isn't that hard.
Libtards hero Fauci:

"Certainly it’s not going to be pandemic for a lot longer, because I believe the vaccines are going to turn that around,” the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director said at an event in November 2020.

"Vaccines will help us. What we’ve got to do is just hang on and continue to double down on the public health measures,” he added at the time.

Yet, one year later, Fauci continues to sound the alarm over new variants of the virus as the U.S. seeks to return to a state of pre-pandemic normalcy.

This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.
Either you are an idiot, or you are 12 years old. The dictionary only describes traditional meanings of words or terms and do not necessarily deal with actual current definitions. Fascism and communism are tied together at the hip. Both are tyrannical totalitarian regimes who use the same methods to achieve similar results. Trump was merely "America First" and that scares the hell out of America haters. Remember Obama's Apology Tour?
Never forget, you can't love anyone else if you don't love yourself. That's why the left is a bunch of hateful triggered cucks.
Either you are an idiot, or you are 12 years old. The dictionary only describes traditional meanings of words or terms and do not necessarily deal with actual current definitions. Fascism and communism are tied together at the hip. Both are tyrannical totalitarian regimes who use the same methods to achieve similar results. Trump was merely "America First" and that scares the hell out of America haters. Remember Obama's Apology Tour?
Never forget, you can't love anyone else if you don't love yourself. That's why the left is a bunch of hateful triggered cucks.
Your dictionary doesn't give definitions -LOL. You seriously need a new, accurate Dictionary. Ask for one for Christmas.

Why do you demean yourself by using insults? That generally means you have no facts.

The mere fact you describe fellow Americans as "America Haters" suggests you have no real argument or are extremely unaware of the people who actually live here in America. You just fall back on all the untrue rhetoric you hear from Fox news and the like.

The left HATES the Constitution! Just look at the first two Amendments:

1 - The right to free speech
2 - The right to bear arms

Both are under CONSTANT assault from the left. Conservatives are constantly banned on social media, and we all know what a hardon the left has to take everyone's guns. It's obvious you are just parroting what the left tells you, but even you won't deny the left hates those two amendments, right????

Additionally, look at what the liberal justices on the Supreme Court have said about the Constitution: They claim it is a 'living, breathing thing, that changes with the times'. Of course this is a lie. The Constitution is the single greatest piece of doctrine that any country on the history of the planet has ever created. It's what makes America great, and @fatman76 is correct, that's exactly why the left wants to change it.

Bonus: Show me where it says in the Constitution that Americans have the right to demand that other Americans be isolated in their homes to 'protect' the populace.

The left tramples on the Constitution every day, then you claim they love it? LOL

Your free speech argument doesn't hold up. Nothing in your argument is a fact. It is just what you've been told or surmised about people you actually don't know. The mere fact you don't know how much Progressives love America, or how it wants ALL AMERICANS to be happy and safe, tells me you really don't know in reality what Progressives are about. I understand though, you know what the radical sites have fed you for most of your life.

A FACT: Moderates and Progressive Democrats basically pay for the ACLU, which by design, upholds the Constitution.

As for the 2nd Amendment: Progressives believe too many guns kill too many people. Most people believe that as well. Progressives want reasonable gun laws which 71% of Americans want as well. So no, Progressives do NOT want to take guns away. yes, you've been told that a million times. BUT, It's NOT true.

As for My quote about Anti-Vaxers staying in their houses. Yes, that has been done throughout the Centuries for most populations in most countries since the dawn of man. It's just common sense.

If you don't want to take a vaccine that is safe, effective, and will keep you, your family alive, as well as your neighbors, then yeah, you should be secluded to protect everyone else from your dangerous public beliefs. As for if it is constitutional, I don't know. In Kansas, their state said it was (I looked it up for precedent) during the Spanish Flu. But at that time, isolation was a no-brainer.
How did Trump try to overthrow the US government???? What in blue hell are you talking about? LOL

Hillary literally invented a story that Trump was working with the Russians, then PAID Micheal Sussman to give that story to the media so they would publish it.

That's election interference. John Durham has already uncovered the documents that prove this, including testimony from the people who hillary paid to invent the dossier AND the bill Sussman sent to hillary for his services.

The democratic candidate in 2016 and the media working together to interfere in the 2016 US election....and you think *Trump* is the one trying to overthrow the US government????

We're gonna have fun with you. I've never seen a poster here who blindly parrots what he is told without thinking it through as you do. Even @Uniformed_ReRe has his moments where he will push back on dem propaganda.
It's pretty well been documented by interviews with Trump associates and of course, Trump himself on tape igniting the Trump Inserection on January 6th.

This is the big conundrum for ALL Republicans. There are a TON of FACTS and corroborations from people close to him during that time period. that he did try to overthrow the government by circumventing a legal election.

That's the problem, you can't be the good guys, if your guy tried to overthrow the government of the United States. That just doesn't work out right. How can Republicans who supported Trump be a good guy.

Well, you can't. So, the only thing you can do is say it didn't happen. The problem is there is too much evidence pointing toward it being true. You can't reinterpret what everybody has seen. You can try and spin it, but it doesn't spin.

And of course, if you are not the good guys, then who is? No, NOT the Dems. No way, it just didn't happen. No Republican said "hang, Mike Pence"!! But YOU DID. That is the conundrum, you aren't the good guys in this. The Republicans can't admit they were wrong to incite an Insurrection against the United States., so they will say in unison, "It didn't happen". But IT DID!!
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It's pretty well been documented by interviews with Trump associates and of course, Trump himself on tape igniting the Trump Inserection on January 6th.

This is the big conundrum for ALL Republicans. There are a TON of FACTS and corroborations from people close to him during that time period. that he did try to overthrow the government by circumventing a legal election.

That's the problem, you can't be the good guys, if your guy tried to overthrow the government of the United States. That just doesn't work out right. How can Republicans who supported Trump be a good guy.

Well, you can't. So, the only thing you can do is say it didn't happen. The problem is there is too much evidence pointing toward it being true. You can't reinterpret what everybody has seen. You can try and spin it, but it doesn't spin.

And of course, if you are not the good guys, then who is? No, NOT the Dems. No way, it just didn't happen. No Republican said "hang, Mike Pence"!! But YOU DID. That is the conundrum, you aren't the good guys in this. The Republicans can't admit they were wrong to incite an Insurrection against the United States., so they will say in unison, "It didn't happen". But IT DID!!
For the record, can you give your thoughts on the 2016 election interference that was paid for by the democrat nominee?

What do you believe the penalty should be for said nominee?
It's pretty well been documented by interviews with Trump associates and of course, Trump himself on tape igniting the Trump Inserection on January 6th.

This is the big conundrum for ALL Republicans. There are a TON of FACTS and corroborations from people close to him during that time period. that he did try to overthrow the government by circumventing a legal election.

That's the problem, you can't be the good guys, if your guy tried to overthrow the government of the United States. That just doesn't work out right. How can Republicans who supported Trump be a good guy.

Well, you can't. So, the only thing you can do is say it didn't happen. The problem is there is too much evidence pointing toward it being true. You can't reinterpret what everybody has seen. You can try and spin it, but it doesn't spin.

And of course, if you are not the good guys, then who is? No, NOT the Dems. No way, it just didn't happen. No Republican said "hang, Mike Pence"!! But YOU DID. That is the conundrum, you aren't the good guys in this. The Republicans can't admit they were wrong to incite an Insurrection against the United States., so they will say in unison, "It didn't happen". But IT DID!!
Can you also comment on why any allegations as to Trump’s supposed attempt to over throw the government haven’t led to any arrests?

Would love to hear your take on FBI protagonists on January 6th telling people to breach the gates and attempt the so called insurrection? Is there an investigation into the FBI?

Have you been to DC before? Specifically, where Trump gave his speech and the time it takes to get to the capital? Can you tell us how long that walk is? Can you also pin point the exact wording where Trump specifically told the crowd “let’s start a riot and attempt an insurrection”?

Define Peaceful Protests
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For the record, can you give your thoughts on the 2016 election interference that was paid for by the democrat nominee?

What do you believe the penalty should be for said nominee?
Though ties to Trump and Putin have been investigated, it's not been proven that Trump himself orchestrated anything. It does appear his inter-circle was involved, probably with his blessing, on all the document dumps by the Russians. Trump's " Russia are you listening" plea to the Russians certainly tie his inter-circle to colluding with the Russians and of course raising eyebrows within the CIA. Especially, since they then made another document dump for him within 12 hours.

Putin praising Trump at 2 summits was a tell & of course Putin on National American TV saying he prefers Trump win the election was a truly smug, in your face, moment to Americans. If you are an American President or Canidate and Putin praises you, you know you are doing something Very Wrong.

As for Trump's crimes against America, I truly think he should get life in prison. But as they say, the night is still young.
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Your dictionary doesn't give definitions -LOL. You seriously need a new, accurate Dictionary. Ask for one for Christmas.

Why do you demean yourself by using insults? That generally means you have no facts.

The mere fact you describe fellow Americans as "America Haters" suggests you have no real argument or are extremely unaware of the people who actually live here in America. You just fall back on all the untrue rhetoric you hear from Fox news and the like.
Again, the idiot. Which party declares "America was never that great" ? 🤣 Which political party is determined to turn the USA into a socialist Venezuela? Ever had a conversation with someone who has escaped a socialist country? Try it sometime, deal with facts rather than emotion.
For the record, can you give your thoughts on the 2016 election interference that was paid for by the democrat nominee?

What do you believe the penalty should be for said nominee?
He has no idea what you are talking about. Libs literally live in a world that doesn't exist. This is a perfect example: We now have evidence that the Trump-Russia story was completely fabricated and paid for by hillary. It's a big part of the reason for John Durham's latest indictment against Michael Sussman. hillary paid for the dossier, which was proven to be a lie. And then Sussman distributed it to the media in order to get more exposure for the lies.

That's election interference. What's worse? obama knew about it in the summer of 2016, and did nothing.

Oh wait....obama did do something: He spied on incoming President Donald Trump. This was confirmed by obama's head of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers. He briefed Trump on the fact that Trump Tower in NYC was being spied on by obama, and Trump immediately moved his operations to Mar Lago.

@Mr.Eko can you tell us what the penalty should be for spying on the US President? Sounds pretty treasonous to me, what do you think?

As always, the left is accusing the right of the things they are actually doing. The left accuses Trump of trying to 'overthrow the US government', while they actually DID.

This is the first @Mr.Eko has ever heard of any of this. This is why we beg the sheep to stop getting their information from shit sources.
Can you also comment on why any allegations as to Trump’s supposed attempt to over throw the government haven’t led to any arrests?
John Durham is investigating election interference and an attempt to overthrow the US government.

He's not focusing on Donald Trump. Sheep live to be hoodwinked.
Though ties to Trump and Putin have been investigated, it's not been proven that Trump himself orchestrated anything. It does appear his inter-circle was involved, probably with his blessing, on all the document dumps by the Russians. Trump's " Russia are you listening" plea to the Russians certainly tie his inter-circle to colluding with the Russians and of course raising eyebrows within the CIA. Especially, since they then made another document dump for him within 12 hours.

Putin praising Trump at 2 summits was a tell & of course Putin on National American TV saying he prefers Trump win the election was a truly smug, in your face, moment to Americans. If you are an American President or Canidate and Putin praises you, you know you are doing something Very Wrong.

As for Trump's crimes against America, I truly think he should get life in prison. But as they say, the night is still young.
As you stated, nothing has been tied to Trump, not one accusation has been true but you still believe the dog shit tastes good because your party says so. Yet, your party has been caught in election interference in 2016, no comment though, right?

What crimes has he done to the American people? Keep in mind lib, I want facts, not your opinion.

Please present your facts
Though ties to Trump and Putin have been investigated, it's not been proven that Trump himself orchestrated anything. It does appear his inter-circle was involved, probably with his blessing, on all the document dumps by the Russians. Trump's " Russia are you listening" plea to the Russians certainly tie his inter-circle to colluding with the Russians and of course raising eyebrows within the CIA. Especially, since they then made another document dump for him within 12 hours.

Putin praising Trump at 2 summits was a tell & of course Putin on National American TV saying he prefers Trump win the election was a truly smug, in your face, moment to Americans. If you are an American President or Canidate and Putin praises you, you know you are doing something Very Wrong.

As for Trump's crimes against America, I truly think he should get life in prison. But as they say, the night is still young.
I’ll be more specific and contrast the two.

Trump - 4 years of investigations, nothing found.

Clinton - verifiable proof that she paid for the fake dossier and started the Russian collision story prior to general election. Also on record and fact, the unmasking of Flynn by then Vice President Biden then leaked to the media, that’s a felony.

Should I go on?
Again, the idiot. Which party declares "America was never that great" ? 🤣 Which political party is determined to turn the USA into a socialist Venezuela? Ever had a conversation with someone who has escaped a socialist country? Try it sometime, deal with facts rather than emotion.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You are not an idiot, just misinformed. One of the interesting tropes around political websites is folks regurgitating all the stuff they hear on conservative news channels. For example, if one person says America was never great, conservative channels jump on that and say, " ALL Progressives say "America was never great".

I'm Progressive and I have never heard anyone I know say America was never great. My God, Man, why do you think people flock here from around the world for a better life. That is just a Fox News 'rile them up' trope.

Additionally, I have NO idea why you think anyone would want to be Venezuela -LOL!!! I guess that's what you've been fed. I can assure you and make you feel better that nobody wants to be Venezuela, including Venezuelans!

Now, do we look at more socialist Nordic countries and see something good going on? Yeah, sure, there are some good & smart things going on. America pays the most for healthcare and gets the least amount of any Western country.. Why is that??We waste tons of our money dealing with so called "Insurance Companies" and get a very poor return on our investment. So sure, we are always looking around for better ways to help people.
As you stated, nothing has been tied to Trump, not one accusation has been true but you still believe the dog shit tastes good because your party says so. Yet, your party has been caught in election interference in 2016, no comment though, right?

What crimes has he done to the American people? Keep in mind lib, I want facts, not your opinion.

Please present your facts
You are a hoot! What election interference has Fox News conjured up for you. As you know, one of Fox News biggest tropes is to turn around and accuse their political rivals exactly what hard-right conservatives have done wrong. That's a great try regurgitating that up. I'm pretty hard on my own party and I never seen or read anything about that. I think that would be something I would have heard on neutral news channels. That must be a super-secret, just for your eyes-only, Fox News exclusive-LOL.

I don't get why you don't see that hard-right news channels do this to you all the time. The Republicans screw up, Fox can't disprove the claims, so they tell you the Dems did it too. All of a sudden, Fox news watchers say to themselves, oh, my God, the Dems did it too. We are out of the fire now.

No, you are still in the fire.
You mean the European countries where almost everyone is white? Those are the countries that progressive look up to?
Yeah, we do. we see how much they get for their tax dollars than we do.

Why are you so anti-white? What is your beef with white people? We are the same as you are really.
You are a hoot! What election interference has Fox News conjured up for you. As you know, one of Fox News biggest tropes is to turn around and accuse their political rivals exactly what hard-right conservatives have done wrong. That's a great try regurgitating that up. I'm pretty hard on my own party and I never seen or read anything about that. I think that would be something I would have heard on neutral news channels. That must be a super-secret, just for your eyes-only, Fox News exclusive-LOL.

I don't get why you don't see that hard-right news channels do this to you all the time. The Republicans screw up, Fox can't disprove the claims, so they tell you the Dems did it too. All of a sudden, Fox news watchers say to themselves, oh, my God, the Dems did it too. We are out of the fire now.

No, you are still in the fire.
If the back bone of your retorts is thinking I watch Fox News, then this is going to be a lot of fun.

You’ve thrown around some accusations without proof, shall we see who lives in the echo chamber and who is truthful?
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Pick your topic sir
I'm not in a debate with you. Your response indicates you want to pick a fight for all things conservative. That is not why I post. I like to suggest other ways to think about what conservative websites have told you.

I don't think I can change anybody's mind...obviously-LOL. But I like to sneak in a few tid-bits of truth about what you've been told. So far, so good. I'm interested in why you think the way you do. Some of it freaks me out, some of it has some really strong conservative points that I find interesting. I want to dig into those more.

I'm going to go see West Side Story tonight and you guys are exhausting me!!!!-LOL.

I'm not in a debate with you. Your response indicates you want to pick a fight for all things conservative. That is not why I post. I like to suggest other ways to think about what conservative websites have told you.

I don't think I can change anybody's mind...obviously-LOL. But I like to sneak in a few tid-bits of truth about what you've been told. So far, so good. I'm interested in why you think the way you do. Some of it freaks me out, some of it has some really strong conservative points that I find interesting. I want to dig into those more.

I'm going to go see West Side Story tonight and you guys are exhausting me!!!!-LOL.

Again, here is your problem, you’re so tied up in the game of right vs left or red vs blue that you’re missing the bigger picture. This isn’t about Trump, Biden, or any of the puppets that get elected. This is about the assault on our freedoms.
Yeah, we do. we see how much they get for their tax dollars than we do.

Why are you so anti-white? What is your beef with white people? We are the same as you are really.
I thought progressives believed in systemic racism and that the United States is a racist country because of all the whites?

Yet you, as a progressive, wish we were more like certain European countries that.....have a lot more whites than we do.

Is that what you are saying?
You are a hoot! What election interference has Fox News conjured up for you. As you know, one of Fox News biggest tropes is to turn around and accuse their political rivals exactly what hard-right conservatives have done wrong. That's a great try regurgitating that up.
Why bring Fox News into this? Are you simply looking for a reason to discount facts that might cause you to rethink your beliefs about who was really guilty of election interference in this country?

Here you go: Note this source has nothing to do with Fox News, so it's safe for you to read:

Again, this is not commentary, this is a factual account of an ongoing CRIMINAL case that's investigating election interference in 2016.

At least. The recent indictments suggests Durham may be about to broaden his CRIMINAL investigation to the 2020 election.

Read the above if you want to learn. Ignore and go back to reading commentary on your fav alt left sites like The New York Times and The Washington Post if you want to remain hoodwinked.
Again, here is your problem, you’re so tied up in the game of right vs left or red vs blue that you’re missing the bigger picture. This isn’t about Trump, Biden, or any of the puppets that get elected. This is about the assault on our freedoms.
I truly don't understand what you mean, I do agree about assaults on our freedoms, though. I'm guessing we have alternate beliefs on who is doing the assaulting.
1. I thought progressives believed in systemic racism and that the United States is a racist country because of all the whites?

Yet you, as a progressive, wish we were more like certain European countries that.....have a lot more whites than we do.

Is that what you are saying?
No, we do not believe that. I'm glad I could clear that up for you. See, I am a good influence on you guys! -LOL! Do we acknowledge racism exists in America? Sure. Every sane person sees it. It's always good when we acknowledge it. We grow as a country.

Point 2: No. Please explain your obsession with white people. Did a white man hurt you??