Fauci is a Liar

World's # shot cheerleader is at it again...

"Fauci’s comments reportedly left the independent experts confused as to what the White House wanted to accomplish with the vaccines. “It was very tense,” one person said, according to Politico. “More than anything, it was like Fauci felt he needed to make a point.”"

Huh. So we have a guy who keeps spouting misinformation about covid, in an attempt to draw attention to himself?

You don't say.
Trump's biggest mistake imo, is not firing all of those that he should have upon taking office, Dr Faulty being high on that list...
If Trump had fired every Deep Stater when he took office, Washington would have been as empty as a Biden campaign rally. It's that bad, and that is no exaggeration. The Swamp is deep and wide. I don't think it's drainable, especially if the Army Corp of Engineers is involved.😂
Don't know Trumps reasons or reasoning, but had it been me, I'd have fired everyone of them that was within my purview as President...

That chaos would not have been any worse than what's happening now, and at least the other way would have had some remote hope of eventually working out for 'We The People.'
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Y'all get your Fauci merch yet?

Ok, you’re just trying to get my head to fuggin explode

Sidebar story - we do focus group research 1-3 times per year as our marketing focus is pull through driven. We are super consumer focused for a “building materials” company.

Anyway our long time research partner also does work for Disney. They wanted to hire her full time and in preparing for the interview she just informally talked to a few of her clients about culture.

Almost to a man/woman the feedback was the joke name for Disney was Mouse-a-witz. It’s political, you have to goosestep to certain politics and when you step out of line you’re dead. She lasted 15 minutes in the interview and politely declined.
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Trump's biggest mistake imo, is not firing all of those that he should have upon taking office, Dr Faulty being high on that list...
His biggest flaw as a leader is he doesn’t vet hires well and he hangs on to bad hires too long. Walking into the swamp as an outsider that was a terrible trait for long term success. But it’s sort of like buying a strip club and trying to ID all the devout Christians that work for you.

The hanging on too long is also a sign of an inflated ego IMO. BUT - he wouldn’t be who he is without that insane ego. Or at least the projection of it.
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I willingly took the sacred oath to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. SEE US Code 2381.

I support the MAGA platform, no matter who the person is that's up for election.

People come and go,,, but it's the Constitution / Platform that matters.
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Now the NIH is finally coming clean. Of course they're passing the buck and claiming EcoHealth violated the terms of the grants, but our hard-earned tax dollars paid for Covid 19.

Quick review of what we know (evidence of all of this is ITT):
1) Fauci-approved grants helped fund the construction of the lab that Covid leaked from.
2) After grants were awarded, and before the lab opened, Fauci publicly "predicted" the Trump admin would face an infectious disease outbreak.
3) During that time a team of world scientists hypothesized on a stage how a pandemic could be used to get the mRNA vaccines they were so excited about fast-tracked.
4) And now we know that the NIH actually helped fund the GOF research that led to the virus that has changed elections, crushed economies, decreased freedom, potentially killed millions and resulted in mandates for mRNA vaccines.

@GhostOfMatchesMalone - please tell us how this was all about Covid again?

We paid for it:

Fauci and other lament it takes too long to approve vaccines in stage - is Covid the "entity of excitement"?:
If Trump had fired every Deep Stater when he took office, Washington would have been as empty as a Biden campaign rally. It's that bad, and that is no exaggeration. The Swamp is deep and wide. I don't think it's drainable, especially if the Army Corp of Engineers is involved.😂
And nothing would get done. 4 years in office and the Congress kept him from filling many many postions. Can't imagine what it would have been like if he would have fired a ton.

Social Media Erupts In Calls To ‘#ArrestFauci’ As Doctor Accused Of Lying, Funding ‘Cruel’ Puppy Testing​

Dr. Faulty was just as willing to do the same and worse to humans world-wide with his Wuhan Lab, and the taxpayers funded their own demise in that one too....
Is it just me or have the animal rights activists been eerily silent?
Not only did we pay to fund research, it looks like we helped build the damn lab itself via grants awarded by the NIAID.

Now I don't want to conspiracy theory, but line up the timing of these emails, the opening of the lab, and this prediction that Fauci made about the certainty of a Pandemic during Trump's presidency.

At the very least it looks fishy AF. The labs were likely under construction when he made this speculative proclamation about the Trump presidency.
I find it so weird & sad that a man who dedicated his life to saving lives in America could be so reviled. I guess the "Fox Lemmings" do what their told by Fox News and never consider the actual truth right in front of them. If Hitler existed today, he would love the twisted & sick lies of Tucker Carlson. and the rest of Fox News nitwits. So, if you do believe Fox's putrid sickness, I'll give you a good 'Seig Heil".
I find it so weird & sad that a man who dedicated his life to saving lives in America could be so reviled. I guess the "Fox Lemmings" do what their told by Fox News and never consider the actual truth right in front of them. If Hitler existed today, he would love the twisted & sick lies of Tucker Carlson. and the rest of Fox News nitwits. So, if you do believe Fox's putrid sickness, I'll give you a good 'Seig Heil".
Spoiler alert: hitler was a lib. So was Mussolini.
I find it so weird & sad that a man who dedicated his life to saving lives in America could be so reviled. I guess the "Fox Lemmings" do what their told by Fox News and never consider the actual truth right in front of them. If Hitler existed today, he would love the twisted & sick lies of Tucker Carlson. and the rest of Fox News nitwits. So, if you do believe Fox's putrid sickness, I'll give you a good 'Seig Heil".
Show me where I've posted anything about Fauci from FoxNews.

Fauci has been a sensationalist and an egomanic his entire career.

Here's another non-Fox link demonstrating how his rhetoric was not only completely wrong, even for the day, but potentially harmful to the sick and marginalized.

His track record isn't one of "dedicating his life to saving lives".

Truth Alert: They were Facists! Just like these Constitution hating Radicalized Republicans.
Of course they were fascists.

Fascism is a construct of the left.

Left - More government control. The extreme version of this is fascism.

Right - Less government control. The extreme version of this is no government, aka anarchy.

The left has rebranded what they are doing as being 'good', and what the real good people are doing as being 'bad'. The left always does this, and the sheep always fall for it. See how they have rebranded their racism in the Civil War and during the 50s and 60s as really being the racism of the right.

Want a REAL eye opener? Go find a public school textbook from the 1950s. What you will find is that those textbooks taught the truth, that nazi germany and moussolini's italy were liberal forms of government.

I mean so far this morning you've admitted you think Fauci is incredible, that fascism is a construct of the right, and that God doesn't exist.
Of course they were fascists.

Fascism is a construct of the left.

Left - More government control. The extreme version of this is fascism.

Right - Less government control. The extreme version of this is no government, aka anarchy.

The left has rebranded what they are doing as being 'good', and what the real good people are doing as being 'bad'. The left always does this, and the sheep always fall for it. See how they have rebranded their racism in the Civil War and during the 50s and 60s as really being the racism of the right.

Want a REAL eye opener? Go find a public school textbook from the 1950s. What you will find is that those textbooks taught the truth, that nazi germany and moussolini's italy were liberal forms of government.

I mean so far this morning you've admitted you think Fauci is incredible, that fascism is a construct of the right, and that God doesn't exist.
WOW, you really do believe this. You are arguing Conservative vs. Liberal (Progressive).

If you look in the Dictionary, Fascism is the function of a Right-Wing Dictatorship.
WOW, you really do believe this. You are arguing Conservative vs. Liberal (Progressive).

If you look in the Dictionary, Fascism is the function of a Right-Wing Dictatorship.
And if you use your brain, you know the dictionary is lying to you.

Do conservatives favor big government or small government?

Conservatives favor smaller government.

Is fascism a construct of MORE or LESS government control?

Fascism exists in systems where the government has more control.

Does the government have MORE or LESS control as it gets bigger?

The government has more control as it grows bigger.

Do liberals favor smaller or larger government?

Liberals favor larger government.

Liberals favor government that has more control.

Fascism is a construct of a government that is larger, with more control.

Which is what liberals favor.

See what happens when you start to think for yourself? Wonder what other areas of your beliefs this 'thinking for yourself' stuff could be applied to?
WOW, you really do believe this. You are arguing Conservative vs. Liberal (Progressive).

If you look in the Dictionary, Fascism is the function of a Right-Wing Dictatorship.

This is another shining example of one of 2 things:

1. He's totally ignorant concerning reality.
2. He's just another of the 'knowing traitors'to the Constitution and America.

And I can garrontee that he's never read 'The Big Lie'
The explosive new book from Dinesh D'Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers:
Hillary's America,
America, and
Obama's America.

What is "the big lie" of the Democratic Party?
That conservatives—and President Donald Trump in particular—are fascists. Nazis, even.

Do so moe-ron, and then you can come here and point by point, show us where he's incorrect, while you're right on target. Otherwise, you're just another traitor that needs to be on a wall....
Truth Alert: They were Facists! Just like these Constitution hating Radicalized Republicans.
So let's have a quick discussion about Fascism from an academic perspective, because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about. It sounds to me like you're parroting, and real proud of yourself for doing so. In 2003 Political Science Professor Lawrence Britt came up with The 14 Characteristics of Fascism. I think this is an interesting perspective as it's not colored by recent political events. He studied Hitler, Mussolini and several other fascistic regimes to come up with this list, and I think it's spot on.

I'll just go down the list and state my opinion on whether these are conservative or liberal ideologies in today's political climate. I think you'll agree that both parties have some fascistic tendencies, and Trump supporters don't fit neatly into the box you think they do:
  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - 100% Trump. Liberals hate the country and want to tear it down and "reimagine" it. Slogans like MAGA are clear and quick signals to a nationalistic ideology.
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - This one is much more mixed. Liberals like to twist arguments - the best example here is abortion. They claim that unlimited abortion is "a woman's right" while they ignore the rights of the unborn. They claim to be adamant supporters of human rights, but don't seem to want to defend the right to free speech they don't agree with. Mixed, but I'd say Conservatives are more clear in their support of human rights.
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - Has there ever been a bigger "enemy/scapegoat" than Trump? Have you ever seen a political party so aggressively demonize someone before they ever even reached office? No parallel on the Right that I've ever seen. There were no occupations, riots or looting when Obama won two elections. Clearly this is a leftist tactic in modern politics, and #6 is the hammer they use to drive this nail.
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military - Conservative ideal, clearly.
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

  5. Rampant Sexism - Again, mixed. I know you think Trump and the Conservative movement is sexist but recent elections and the number of strong female conservative voices would indicate it's not an ethos. I'd say mixed because leftists typically reduce voting blocs to gender and race, which is pretty sexist, while hardcore right wingers might have a disposition to think less of women. Trump was also the first president to enter office in favor of gay marriage.
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

  6. Controlled Mass Media - Holy crap. This one is clear and it's not close. Hollywood, MSM and the entire entertainment industry is as liberal as possible.
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

  7. Obsession with National Security - The Conservatives own this. Especially if you take it as border security.
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - You could probably teach a college course on this one. Conservatives do put God forth in the political sphere, but so did The Founding Fathers. I'm not sure if that's the same as using religion to control public opinion. I'd argue that leftists have replaced religion with political beliefs. VERY deep subject but I think it's mixed.
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected - Left owns this - the Corporate power structure in this country is very woke and very left leaning because it's the path of least resistance. Large corporations are directly involved in getting politicians elected, Zuckerberg's $4MM investment in the 2020 election is solid evidence of this.
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed - 100% the right. Unions are a leftist mainstay.
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Neither, we luckily haven't gone down this path. I don't know that any professors were censored or arrested while Trump was president. Now, conservatives point out how liberal college campuses are, but that's not the same thing.
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment- Mixed. The right believes in crime and punishment and law and order. Leftists don't seem to believe in either. However, I'd strongly argue that institutions like the DOJ, FBI and IRS have all been weaponized under democrat administrations...which is a form of a very powerful national police force. I'm going to say mixed leaning left.
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Would you like to talk about Hunter Biden? Both parties do this to a certain extent but I think it's worse on the left. I'll score left but mixed is probably acceptable too.
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

  14. Fraudulent Elections - Yea, I think you know the score on this one. Left.
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
So my score is:
Conservatives - 4
Mixed - 4
Liberals - 5
(I didn't score #11)

So if you go deeper than a puddle on the subject and really look at what constitutes fascist regimes, the Trump Presidency and Conservatism in general doesn't really fit the mold. It's a talking point.
And if you use your brain, you know the dictionary is lying to you.

Do conservatives favor big government or small government?

Conservatives favor smaller government.

Is fascism a construct of MORE or LESS government control?

Fascism exists in systems where the government has more control.

Does the government have MORE or LESS control as it gets bigger?

The government has more control as it grows bigger.

Do liberals favor smaller or larger government?

Liberals favor larger government.

Liberals favor government that has more control.

Fascism is a construct of a government that is larger, with more control.

Which is what liberals favor.

See what happens when you start to think for yourself? Wonder what other areas of your beliefs this 'thinking for yourself' stuff could be applied to?
This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.
This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.
Again, all you have to do so is use your brain.

Fascism is about total governmental control, especially the force able silencing of any opposing viewpoints.

That means big government. Do liberals or conservatives favor big government?

Use your brain.

Spoiler alert: The nazi party stood for National Socialist German Workers Party. that more closely related to liberals or conservatives?
This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.
BTW, you said in another thread that you thought that anyone who hadn't gotten a covid shot should have to stay at home to 'protect' people like you.

Does that sound like what the nazis tried to do with the Jews in the 1930s?

Use your brain. You're on the wrong side of history, bub.
BTW, you said in another thread that you thought that anyone who hadn't gotten a covid shot should have to stay at home to 'protect' people like you.

Does that sound like what the nazis tried to do with the Jews in the 1930s?

Use your brain. You're on the wrong side of history, bub.
No, it sounds like good Public Health. see Spanish Flu, and Modern Flu.
No, it sounds like good Public Health. see Spanish Flu, and Modern Flu.
AH! So you're ok with acting like nazis, if you think it's 'good public health'?

"As early as August 1920, Hitler compared the Jews to germs. He stated that diseases cannot be controlled unless you destroy their causes. The influence of the Jews would never disappear without removing its cause, the Jew, from our midst, he said. These radical ideas paved the way for the mass murder of the Jews in the 1940s."

But this is another case where you need to use your brain: Why do you need protection from the 'unvaccinated'?

Do you not see you are admitting that the shot doesn't work? That it offers you no protection? So much so that you think you need to put the 'unvaccinated' in their protect you?

Are you SURE this doesn't sound like hitler going after the jews?

Still think fascism is an alt-right ideology?

Bless your heart.
This is when one knows they are off the deep end. The Dictionary is lying???? Fascism is Right-Wing Government with a Dictator. THAT is the definition of fascism. see Hitler, Mussolini, Trump.

Any other ideation is wrong. Just reading, "the Dictionary is lying to you", truly scares me that this is how people act when they are wrong.

Stop watching Fox News, you'll get better.
You’re ignoring an intellectual conversation and you still don’t know what the dictionary says about fascism.

When Biden ignores the Constitution and thumbs his nose at a circuit court stay, he’s acting like an authoritarian. Were you mad about that? Or did MSNBC tell you it’s ok?

Definition of fascism​

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality
Name. Nazi, the informal and originally derogatory term for a party member, abbreviates the party's name (Nationalsozialist [natsi̯oˈnaːlzotsi̯aˌlɪst]), and was coined in analogy with Sozi (pronounced [ˈzoːtsiː]), an abbreviation of Sozialdemokrat, the (Social Democratic Party of Germany).
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