Everyone okay?


Ring of Honor
Mar 29, 2002
I’m seeing videos of flooding and I think places from Cedar Key to Naples are pretty soggy right now. They’re saying Tally dodged a bullet but there are still 50,000 plus with no power. Poor Perry got hit again.
I’m in Jax and we just got our power back about five minutes ago. My yard is full of fallen palm fronds but aside from that we are fine.
Hope y’all are too. 👍
I’m seeing videos of flooding and I think places from Cedar Key to Naples are pretty soggy right now. They’re saying Tally dodged a bullet but there are still 50,000 plus with no power. Poor Perry got hit again.
I’m in Jax and we just got our power back about five minutes ago. My yard is full of fallen palm fronds but aside from that we are fine.
Hope y’all are too. 👍
Been a long day. We got a 10 foot surge during Hell-hyena in the wee hours last night. Neighbor sent me a photo, We are 15 foot above grade but once again, my storage sheds got reckt. Headed down tomorrow to clean out the freezers and bring frozen food back and do a damage assessment. Another miserable cleanup will commence once water and electric service restored in a week or two. Never lost power here on the east side of Jax, the best side. ;)
We picked up live oak droppings all day but the power only flickered once so it wasn’t bad.
We picked up live oak droppings all day but the power only flickered once so it wasn’t bad.
Went out this morning and picked up a few broken twigs here near the ICW. Never had a power flicker. We are down but not broken. 😂

we had roof damage and and the wind pulled 2 of my solar panels off my roof- then where we were going next week is under water

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I was dodging fallen trees going home from work and ended up calling 911 to report flooding, traffic signal device failure, or downed objects 6 times on a 17 mile drive home. The buckman with high winds and no lighting was spectacularly thrilling at 2am.