ray ray all you do is cry about how the mods demand you be held to the same rules as everyone else. Is this really the hill you are trying to climb? LOL
Not a Proud Boy, jackass nor have I ever claimed to be.
Never used the word tyrant either, tyranny implies Higdon is abusing his power and he isn't, it's his board he can do what he wants.
You want to say I threw a tantrum and left, I'll wear that because that's what happened.
There's that lying and attributing to other people @BamaFan1137
Maybe you can have him extradited to Alabama and Baker Act him. 😂He is very cooperative with regards to proving our every criticism of him to be obviously true. So he's got that going for him.
He does it constantly. I can't stand a damn liar.
So you're an Oath Keeper? Couldn't remember and didn't care enough to go research it
Did I say you used any specific word? No.
You were complaining about freedom...free speech issue...as I remember
Who said you accused anyone of being a tyrant?
You threw a tantrum about freedom and said you were leaving for good
of a person who announced he couldn't stand the tyranny of the board
Good we agree on something.
Maybe you can have him extradited to Alabama and Baker Act him. 😂
ray ray all you do is cry about how the mods demand you be held to the same rules as everyone else. Is this really the hill you are trying to climb? LOL
I even defended him to the BO. Did I get a thank you or even just a hat tip? Of course not.
From a guy like him, I obviously didn't expect it.
You've been discussing me with the BO?
Anyone else?
What's really telling is the focus you all have on personal attacks rather than the thread topic
Its why almost every thread you guys touch turns into a bunch of personal attacks
Its equally comical and disturbing
You've been discussing me with the BO?
Anyone else?
This, coming from you? 😂
Barney Fife says buy a mirror.
Oh yeah...playing the victim card now huh? 🤣
The conservatives here love to call anyone who disagrees with them every derogatory term they can think of but when people respond to them in a like manner they start the victim crying
Was I playing victim or setting the record straight with an emphasis on truth and accuracy? lol
In the face of all evidence contrary to whatever you post...you turn to personal attacks
Take the crimes against humanity evidence...after showing you that institutional racism & slavery had been declared a crime against humanity since the 1800s your response was namecalling and anything to deflect away from you being factually wrong.
I guess that's YOUR truth....
Mine is posting anything critical of today's conservatives will get the poster a slew of personal attacks
If the board wants to allow conservatives that much leeway I good with it but don't selectively threaten one side and ignore the other side of doing the same thing
Don't worry it won't take the conservative crowd here to do it again...its their M.O.
I'll point it out for all to see
I'll point it out for all to see
Right back at you. If you'd like more reasonable discourse between us, I'm game. But if not, I'm also game.
Ray...I've tried to tell you this MANY times. The Hate Crime statute, as a separate offense on its own, is a Federal charge. Maybe some states have them too but I've never heard of them. For sure Alabama, Georgia and California have hate crimes as a sentencing multiplier, not a free standing offense. I provided you with a link that said as much and it listed the states.
Yes, the Feds can come into Alabama, Florida and California and charge someone with a free standing hate crime charge if the evidence supports that. I've never said otherwise. I don't understand how you aren't hearing this???
A hate crime is a multiplier of the underlying crime Ray.
For example, murder = X punishment. A murder that is ruled a hate crime is X times the multiplier.
That is by definition unequal. You disagree. I'm fine with that. We're done here.
When this issue came up you said you were against hate crime statutes because they were sentence multipliers
Went so far as to present that view as a math equation
A hate crime is a multiplier of the underlying crime Ray.
For example, murder = X punishment. A murder that is ruled a hate crime is X times the multiplier.
That is by definition unequal. You disagree. I'm fine with that. We're done here.
A crime is a crime. The motivation for it is absolutely useless in the eyes of common law. That includes retaliation murder for revenge crimes where a family member was harmed or killed. The only mitigating factor would be sentencing or a plea down. Yet the woke federalies have created a mythical additional charge. It's bullshit, simply put. It is double jeopardy and should be stricken for unconstitutionality.Again, I was referring to state crime and specifically Alabama.
I'm honestly not certain that any state has a stand alone hate crime charge but perhaps some do. As we've discussed, the Feds do...it's a Civil Rights type charge, which seems like duplication imho.
Moving beyond that, I don't understand why murder motivated by racism should be more harshly punished than murder motivated by greed, jealousy or psychosis (serial killer). Murder is murder, regardless of what motivated it. And all Murder 1st and probably all Murder 2nd should merit life sentences without parole if not the death penalty. The malice taking of human life is as bad as it gets...it's the most that a person can take from another.
I was referring to state crimes, specifically the state of Alabama, where I'm a LEO.
I'm honestly not certain that any state has a stand alone hate crime charge but perhaps some do. As we've discussed, the Feds do...it's a Civil Rights type charge, which seems like duplication imho.
Moving beyond that, I don't understand why murder motivated by racism should be more harshly punished than murder motivated by greed, jealousy or psychosis (serial killer). Murder is murder, regardless of what motivated it. And all Murder 1st and probably all Murder 2nd should merit life sentences without parole if not the death penalty. The malice taking of human life is as bad as it gets...it's the most that a person can take from another.
OK...but that specification wasn't made by you if that's what you intended
That's fine. And as I said society doesn't agree with that opinion which is why we have hate crime charges
As a matter of fact it was the non-prosecution of crimes in the South that led to the federal hate crime statutes in the first place.
Equal protection under the law for murder wasn't being enforced at the state & local level so the federal government had to step in
The Supremes revisited Rowe V Wade, they are going to revisit the 5th Amendment and federal double jeopardy again at some point in the future.Violation of Civil Rights covers that on a federal level but I digress.