Election Game Day Thread


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
All the speculation is over. By late tonight we will have a clear picture of which side will not be conceding and will be suthe other side trying to steal the election.


Are you still confident?
Yes.... but the only thing concerning me is how bad the fraud will get - not maybe it might happen, but it will happen. It has and it will continue. If these people can lie like they did to impeach him, how far will they go to win? This is do or die. Nothing is off the table. I'm still blown away at how unscrupulous these people are. No self-respect at all. It natural for them to cheat and lie - and yet they'll tell you Trump is the liar and cheater. Simply amazing. It's out of our hands now. All we can do is sit and wait.
I just read this in scripture: Ecclesiastes 8:11, "When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong."

We have a CIA and FBI that is tainted against prosecution of wrongdoing. We still have liberal judges and government officials who are turning their backs on schemes of wrongdoing. That's what Satan does. He lies, he cheats, he schemes with wrongdoing to achieve his agenda. Trump is like those Old Testament Kings who themselves are not "perfect" and yet God uses them. So, that will stop and this mess will get cleaned-up if Trump wins and especially if we get the congress and senate majority. I can sense Trump has been holding back on things. I cannot wait until he stomps on all these liberals who hate America.
Yes.... but the only thing concerning me is how bad the fraud will get - not maybe it might happen, but it will happen. It has and it will continue. If these people can lie like they did to impeach him, how far will they go to win? This is do or die. Nothing is off the table. I'm still blown away at how unscrupulous these people are. No self-respect at all. It natural for them to cheat and lie - and yet they'll tell you Trump is the liar and cheater. Simply amazing. It's out of our hands now. All we can do is sit and wait.
I just read this in scripture: Ecclesiastes 8:11, "When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong."

We have a CIA and FBI that is tainted against prosecution of wrongdoing. We still have liberal judges and government officials who are turning their backs on schemes of wrongdoing. That's what Satan does. He lies, he cheats, he schemes with wrongdoing to achieve his agenda. Trump is like those Old Testament Kings who themselves are not "perfect" and yet God uses them. So, that will stop and this mess will get cleaned-up if Trump wins and especially if we get the congress and senate majority. I can sense Trump has been holding back on things. I cannot wait until he stomps on all these liberals who hate America.
It’s definitely Orwellian and the worst I’ve seen possibly in my lifetime. But them cheating to try and steal elections is not new and my hope is that Trump will win by so much that they can overcome it although they will spend the next four years talking about how he stole the election. We need four more years to turn our government back towards what it needs to be so America can survive the next 20 years being what it supposed to be. This is our every generation needs a little revolution moment. Trump is a bloodless, well mostly bloodless, revolution And if he doesn’t win today I’m worried about the other kind of revolution. I don’t fear the rioters but I fear a country divided so much it has no choice but to split and I think that’s far more likely under Democrat rule.
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Fraud looks to be really bad in Philly, dems trying to steal the state bigtime. Multiple polling place violations already posted on social media.

Good news is, increasingly looking like Trump won't need PA.

i was increasingly worried about fraud in PA, and particularly in Philly. Michigan has been my linchpin for a while
The Dems will keep counting theIr stronghold of The Philadelphia area until they win PA. That’s what they did in Florida in 2000. They just kept counting in the Miami Dade area. Forget about the rest of state. They just want recounts in the Democrat strongholds. They are one corrupt bunch.
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The Dems will keep counting theIr stronghold of The Philadelphia area until they win PA. That’s what they did in Florida in 2000. They just kept counting in the Miami Dade area. Forget about the rest of state. They just want recounts in the Democrat strongholds. They are one corrupt bunch.
Well that’s where the Republican lawyers come in. Have faith in them, they won in 2000 too
Spurrier and Meyer are coaching for Trump and Les Miles and Mike Shula are coaching for Biden
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This is beginning to remind win Refs ran the clock in the 4th quarter when OU beat ATM 77-0

Remember the Panhandle is full RED and a hour behind

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DOC... as goes Florida goes the rest. This is a mass turnout and what will be happening in the other states. GOP are day of election voters

If GOP wins Florida by 1.2 % history shows PA and Ohio will follow.
Worried about the cheating though
And all the early voting miss cue things. And the coronavirus. But I hope you’re right
ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz - I voted absentee (as I have for several years now) last week, delivering my vote to the City Hall drop off box. A few days later I checked and my vote was listed and recorded.

BTW, IMOHO all Absentee or Mail-In ballots should have to be received a full week before regular 'Election Day' rolls around. That way, the entire vote count totals would be known on 'Election Day.'
~~ There is ZERO excuse for not returning a mail-in voter ballot a week early.

Any votes not received and counted by 'Election Day should be voided.
gawd I hope this keeps up

I would love nothing more than this thing to be called by 11pm and it be an absolutely incredible landslide defeat for swamp creatures, socialism and identity politics.

And think what's possible downballot if Biden's campaign fails to turn voters out like this all over the country. Maybe Schumer and Pelosi will shut up for awhile.

*heads out to drug test himself*
That lead probably won’t be enough for when the in-person voter ratio shifts to Dems and NPAs later today.

I'd like to see what you are basing this on. Florida typically gets more Red as the evening wears no small part due to the panhandle.