Drunken Sailors


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
I guess George Jr. and Trumpy Bear must have sailed on the same ship.
They had to have drank from the same bottle
As the article states.

For the next two years, under this legislation, the federal government will not only be able to spend more on discretionary programs (including both Defense and non-Defense programs) but will also be able to borrow a limitless amount of money.

For the 10th time and i will say it again.
You Trump humpers will see just how bad of a President he really turned out to be.
Again! Controlled demolition of the economy is what's coming down the pike.

Just like Box tried to warn some folks years and years ago about Fakebook
Very few people are just now starting to see "The Light"
I guess George Jr. and Trumpy Bear must have sailed on the same ship.
They had to have drank from the same bottle
As the article states.

For the next two years, under this legislation, the federal government will not only be able to spend more on discretionary programs (including both Defense and non-Defense programs) but will also be able to borrow a limitless amount of money.

For the 10th time and i will say it again.
You Trump humpers will see just how bad of a President he really turned out to be.
Again! Controlled demolition of the economy is what's coming down the pike.

Just like Box tried to warn some folks years and years ago about Fakebook
Very few people are just now starting to see "The Light"

It doesn't matter, Box...The repubs and the dems are gonna get rid of corruption...who cares about debt when corruption is being handled?

Agent Orange
The day Citizens United is struck down/dismantled and the day lobbyists can't lobby anymore and the day prostitution and drugs are legalized...and the day nobody can hold anyone hostage for their past sins or illegal activities...that might be the day that corruption might start it downward spiral to irrelevance...not to mention the day nobody can hold power over anyone else for any reason...short of that...power leads to some sort of corruption...because people just can't stop themselves.

Agent Orange
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Citizens protects everyone who has ever given to the NRA, Swift Boat veterans or any other political group that the average Joe has joined. It is a first amendment issue and spending money to have you message heard like the swift boats did with ads is a form of speech. Citizens is a boogeyman of the leftists who dont like it when the truth about their BS fake biographies are exposed in a TV ad. They dont like it when the NRA helps protect the 2nd amendment by letting people know their congresscritter tried to hide his gun grabbing vote in some obscure bill with a 3 am vote.
Giving to NRA, Swift Boats for Veterans, and other groups needs to be treated as giving to the American Red Cross...first amendment speech rights stop at where any corporate lobbyist group can pay off politicians with money...the answer, IMO, is to have an amendment offered for the public (where guns are concerned) to either vote "yea" of "nay."...anyone who favors allowing Citizens United to stand as it is...but whines about the opposing political party using it to its favor is beyond comprehension, IMO...both parties spew nonsense all the time about "being a party for the people"...but turn their heads the other way when their select party gains from Citizens United.

This notion of "for the people, of the people, by the people" is pure bunk...should be "for the lobbyists/corporations, of the lobbyists/corporations, by the lobbyists/corporations."

And BTW: the interference of money by lobbyists/corporations has never been a first amendment issue...simply because the money subverts the will of the people.

Why bother voting if these so-called first amendment "activities" are allowed?...just let the lobbyists/corporations handle it all.

Agent Orange
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