DOW closes above 28,000 for first time ever, Trump's approval spikes to 50%

Kinda like Reagan and Bush dumping tons of cocaine in our neighborhoods.
That's o.k!!
What short memories we have.
Remember the contra's?
Remember not going through congress for funding.

You have interesting takes..... this isn’t one of them
You have interesting takes..... this isn’t one of them
Again, you don't know your history or remember the history
What went on in the eighties.
I sat there and watched Washington D.C. (REAGAN and BUSH) rot America to the core.
You wonder what happened to "The American Culture"
Do some research on Ricky Ross and Barry Seal and the CIA and cocaine
See how Reagan and Bush financed the Iran and Contra affair.
Learn the "Truth and Real Story" about American history.
Just like the Iranian hostage crisis.
RESEARCH!!!! , Before you come after me BOY!

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