Believe me,there is nothing you can teach me about economics.
BTW,, as even YOUR link shows, a popular definition of a recession is TWO QUARTERS of GDP a decline, not THREE MONTHS as the OP indicated. There are exceptions, of course.
I swear it’s like talking to children on here sometimes.
And this is from the OPs post. You guys don’t even understand what you post.
With back-to-back declines in growth, the economy meets the
technical criteria for a recession, which requires a "significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and that lasts more than a few months." Still, the NBER — the semi-official arbiter — may not confirm it immediately as it typically waits up to a year to call it.
The NBER has also stressed that it relies on more data than GDP in determining whether there is a recession, such as unemployment and consumer spending, which remained strong in the first six months of the year. It also takes into consideration the depth of any decline in economic activity.