Do you think the left will be highlighting this latest mass shooting? Hell no.


Gator Great
Jul 5, 2001
The scumbag was an illegal and reported deported 5 times. But how did he get guns? Don't we have LAWS? Laws don't mean s**t and people determined to get them for evil purposes will ALWAYS get them. That is why we will always have mass shootings.
The scumbag was an illegal and reported deported 5 times. But how did he get guns? Don't we have LAWS? Laws don't mean s**t and people determined to get them for evil purposes will ALWAYS get them. That is why we will always have mass shootings.
It would just mean the Left/DEMS will push to ban all guns.
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It would just mean the Left/DEMS will push to ban all guns.
They can push all they want and even confiscation won't come close to getting them all. Bad people will always be able to get a gun to do bad things. Either execute people using guns to kill people or keep them locked up for life. And secure the damn border.
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I was waiting for Theo to come here and blame the gun...since he believes guns are the problem. To ME...this was an ILLEGAL ALIEN problem. If he was not one would have been shot. And how did an ILLEGAL get a gun anyway? Probably on the open market...not from a gun store. But gun confiscation people want ME to give MY gun up...F THEM.
I don’t view this as a mass shooting he killed his neighbors in their house. It does appear to be a **** up by the immigration police. Sad situation, no point in talking about whether he was illegal or not. He was an animal.
I don’t view this as a mass shooting he killed his neighbors in their house. It does appear to be a **** up by the immigration police. Sad situation, no point in talking about whether he was illegal or not. He was an animal.
Most commies would feel this way, son. Let me bring a point up since you asked.......if he was kept out of America like our Constitution reads...all of those people would still be alive.
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I was waiting for Theo to come here and blame the gun...since he believes guns are the problem. To ME...this was an ILLEGAL ALIEN problem. If he was not one would have been shot. And how did an ILLEGAL get a gun anyway? Probably on the open market...not from a gun store. But gun confiscation people want ME to give MY gun up...F TH
I was waiting for Theo to come here and blame the gun...since he believes guns are the problem. To ME...this was an ILLEGAL ALIEN problem. If he was not one would have been shot. And how did an ILLEGAL get a gun anyway? Probably on the open market...not from a gun store. But gun confiscation people want ME to give MY gun up...F
I was waiting for Theo to come here and blame the gun...since he believes guns are the problem. To ME...this was an ILLEGAL ALIEN problem. If he was not one would have been shot. And how did an ILLEGAL get a gun anyway? Probably on the open market...not from a gun store. But gun confiscation people want ME to give MY gun up...F THEM.
He coulda done did the same thing with a knife!

Derrrrrp! DERRRRRP!

Go guns! YAY!
Most commies would feel this way, son. Let me bring a point up since you asked.......if he was kept out of America like our Constitution reads...all of those people would still be alive.
You beat me to it. Of course there's no point in talking about something counter to the agenda. Same as Frenchie.
I don’t view this as a mass shooting he killed his neighbors in their house. It does appear to be a **** up by the immigration police. Sad situation, no point in talking about whether he was illegal or not. He was an animal.

When it doesn't support the narrative...deflect, deflect, deflect and then minimize.

As a capper, call other people sheep. 😂
The scumbag was an illegal and reported deported 5 times. But how did he get guns? Don't we have LAWS? Laws don't mean s**t and people determined to get them for evil purposes will ALWAYS get them. That is why we will always have mass shootings.

We have laws against theft...does that mean they aren't needed because thefts still occur?

The fact that mass shoorings will occur in the future isn't a reason to not try to minimize their occurance
I was waiting for Theo to come here and blame the gun...since he believes guns are the problem. To ME...this was an ILLEGAL ALIEN problem. If he was not one would have been shot.

There have been 174 mass shootings this year...In how many was the shooter an "illegal alien"?
If only there was a law on the books preventing an illegal immigrant from having a gun this tragedy could have been avoided.

And because there's laws on the books no thefts ever occur anymore...
No one drives over the speed limit...
And no one commits murder anymore...

Those laws work...
Oh...those crimes still occur?

Then we don't need those laws because they don't work either :rolleyes:

I honestly can't believe you're a law enforcement officer with posts like yours
And because there's laws on the books no thefts ever occur anymore...
No one drives over the speed limit...
And no one commits murder anymore...

Those laws work...
Oh...those crimes still occur?

Then we don't need those laws because they don't work either :rolleyes:

That was sort of the point genius. Thanks for backing me up.

You said...

173...stricter gun laws would make that numner smaller

Obviously, based on this last post, you know you're FOS.

Him having a gun was already against the law. If we had "stricter" laws, that would have made a difference? And you're basing that on what, exactly? The word stricter? Stop being an idiot.

What you really meant was "if we took all the guns away." Not sure why you didn't just say that. So what's your plan for rounding up all the guns? All 400 million plus of them???

Or are you sticking with the logic, "our gun laws don't work but stricter ones will....even though we have STRICT laws against murder and they still happen too." How stupid are you?

I honestly can't believe you're a law enforcement officer with posts like yours

Most criminals are stupid. And you know better than most that I'm pretty good at getting stupid people to say crap against their own you just did above. 😂
That was sort of the point genius. Thanks for backing me up.

No one is saying stricter gun laws will ELIMINATE gun violence...but it will REDUCE it

I'm glad you agree

You said...

Obviously, based on this last post, you know you're FOS.

Him having a gun was already against the law. If we had "stricter" laws, that would have made a difference? And you're basing that on what, exactly? The word stricter? Stop being an idiot.

Do you know how he obtained the gun? No.

So how do you already KNOW that stricter gun laws wouldn't have made a difference?

If he illegally bought the gun is it impossible to think that laws that make it harder for his gun source to obtain weapons to sell help reduce gun related crime?

What if all guns had to be registered so that their chain of custody was easily known by law enforcement? A national registry

Does having all cars registered help law enforcement in an investigation?

If someone drives drunk, kills a pedestrian and flees the scene...
Doesn't it help law enforcement catch that suspect knowing the ownership history of the car?

Doesn't that help in identiying where the suspect may be from?
Who may be able to identify the suspect?

Car registrations don't prevent DUIs but they do assist law enfordcement in fighting crime

What you really meant was "if we took all the guns away." Not sure why you didn't just say that. So what's your plan for rounding up all the guns? All 400 million plus of them???

Do what Australia did...

A mixture of stricter gun laws including a registry 😲 and economic incentives
Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.
In the wake of the killing in Uvalde, here’s what America can learn from Australia’s response to tragedy.

By Zack Updated May 25, 2022, 1:52pm EDT

Howard persuaded both his coalition and Australia's states (the country has a federal system) to agree to a sweeping, nationwide reform of gun laws. The so-called National Firearms Agreement (NFA), drafted the month after the shooting, sharply restricted legal ownership of firearms in Australia. It also established a registry of all guns owned in the country, among other measures, and required a permit for all new firearm purchases.

One of the most significant provisions of the NFA was a flat-out ban on certain kinds of guns, such as automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. But there were already a number of such guns in circulation in Australia, and the NFA required getting them off the streets.

Australia solved this problem by introducing a mandatory buyback: Australia's states would take away all guns that had just been declared illegal. In exchange, they'd pay the guns' owners a fair price, set by a national committee using market value as a benchmark, to compensate for the loss of their property. The NFA also offered legal amnesty for anyone who handed in illegally owned guns, though they weren't compensated.

There were fears that the mandatory buyback would provoke resistance: During one address to a crowd of gun rights supporters, Howard wore a bulletproof vest. Thankfully, fears of violence turned out to be unfounded. About 650,000 legally owned guns were peacefully seized, then destroyed, as part of the buyback. According to one academic estimate, this amounted to about 20 percent of all privately owned guns in Australia.

Or are you sticking with the logic, "our gun laws don't work but stricter ones will....even though we have STRICT laws against murder and they still happen too." How stupid are you?

We have a patchwork of loose gun laws in one state with stricter laws in another.

Just another federalism issue.

When we had a federal assault weapons ban....fewer mass shootings
When we got rid of federal regulations...more mass shootings

So you're either resorting to lying to make a point...or you're just stupid and don't know

Let's ask Barney Fife...or any of the other gun nuts here...a question

Where has gun violence, gun related crime, or gun deaths gone down after loosening gun laws?
Anywhere? Any city or state seen a decrease?

Most criminals are stupid. And you know better than most that I'm pretty good at getting stupid people to say crap against their own you just did above. 😂

Ahhh and the village idiot is patting himself on the back for awarding himself a participation trophy 🤣

Come on Barney...
Tell us where gun crime and gun deaths have gone down in cities & states that have loosened gun laws

And don't name Alabama...its in the Top 5 of highest firearm mortality rates
All but 1 of the highest states in this article are red states

And blue states New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Hawaii are the lowest
These States Have the Highest Rates of Gun Violence and Deaths

In 2020, there were approximately 45,222 gun-related deaths in the U.S., which amounts to about 124 people dying from a gun-related injury each day and the highest number of gun-related deaths ever recorded in the U.S., according to the CDCTrusted Source.

Data shows that states with stricter gun laws — such as California, Hawaii, New York, and Massachusetts — generally experience lower firearm mortality rates.

There are also higher rates of mass shootings in states with higher rates of gun ownership, researchTrusted Source suggests.

Though it is often hard to measure the impact local regulations have on gun violence — due to the type of data that’s accessible and bleeds over from states with weak gun laws — available evidence suggests that gun regulations reduce overall gun mortality rates.

“The evidence is clear that when you can take a firearm out of the hands of somebody that is in distress or has committed an act of domestic intimate partner violence, that those laws save lives. And that when we enact licensing requirements for owning a firearm, those save lives,” George Tita, Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law & Society School of Social Ecology at University of California, Irvine, told Healthline.

Here’s where gun violence is the highest in the U.S.

Gun deaths hit an all-time high in 2020. More than 45,000 Americans died by firearms in 2020, making firearm injury the 13th leading cause of death in the U.S.

In 2020, firearms were involved in 79 percent of all homicides and 53 percent of all suicides.

Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri and Alabama have the highest firearm mortality rates in the country, according to the CDCTrusted Source.

Alaska, New Mexico, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Montana also have high firearm mortality rates.

The states with the lowest gun death ratesTrusted Source include Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York.
I get that you understand its horrible either way...but a mass shooting is a mass shooting

5 people shot in public or private doesn't matter to me
It's like they try to draw a distinction between legal and illegal guns.

They're all guns.
No one is saying stricter gun laws will ELIMINATE gun violence...but it will REDUCE it

I'm glad you agree

Obviously I don't agree. Is this how it works?

Here's a law.

Over here is a stricter law.

Problem solved?

If we've learned anything from law and order since its inception in ancient Babylon and the Code of Hammurabi, laws don't prevent criminals from committing criminal acts. They prevent law abiding citizens from participating in behavior that is deemed criminal and they punish criminals for criminal behavior. That's it, nothing more.

So no..."more strict laws" will not make the difference that you're claiming it will. This is just yet another thing that you don't understand.
Do you know how he obtained the gun? No.

So how do you already KNOW that stricter gun laws wouldn't have made a difference?

Do you know how he got the gun?

How do you know that stricter gun laws would have made a difference?

Or is that just your hope? Screw personal freedom, let's just give crap a try...throw shit at the problem and hope something sticks?
If he illegally bought the gun is it impossible to think that laws that make it harder for his gun source to obtain weapons to sell help reduce gun related crime?

He absolutely bought the gun illegally. He wasn't allowed to buy it. That's illegal.

Car registrations don't prevent DUIs but they do assist law enfordcement in fighting crime

You finally got something right. This type of thing would absolutely NOT prevent crime. It might help in solving some of them, however.

But just ftr, what you're referring to here already sort of exists.
That's common sense.

Don't expect the gun nuts to understand. They have gun company 'studies' that show we'd be safer with MORE guns.

That's how law and order works, eh?

This law isn't working. We need a stricter law, and then it will work.

This is so stupid. Look around you...there is an entire world full of evidence that proves you wrong.

Laws prevent law abiding people from participating in certain behaviors...and they punish criminals for participating in those behaviors.

Laws do NOT prevent criminals from committing crime.
That's common sense.

Don't expect the gun nuts to understand. They have gun company 'studies' that show we'd be safer with MORE guns.
What an IDIOTIC statement. But not surprised coming from you I have to say. You are SO WRONG on this whole subject you may as well call yourself a communist. Because ALL communist governments would have exactly the same stance as you do. Just so that you know..I have NEVER been in contact with, or read ANYTHING from a gun company. I am just not STUPID about firearms. I would consider myself an expert on the subject. WHY.....because I feel they are necessary to protect my family and my freedoms. I also know how to read our Constitution. Just like all seem unable to understand our Constitution. I suggest studying it a BUNCH more than you have. It is the most important document that keeps America being America...and not some chithole Country. When you read the second...please spend EXTRA time on the "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" part. Write a essay on the meaning of that for the rest of us.
That's how law and order works, eh?

This law isn't working. We need a stricter law, and then it will work.

This is so stupid. Look around you...there is an entire world full of evidence that proves you wrong.

Laws prevent law abiding people from participating in certain behaviors...and they punish criminals for participating in those behaviors.

Laws do NOT prevent criminals from committing crime.
I agree.

Laws prevent law abiding people from participating in certain behavior and they, hopefully, punish criminals for participating in those behaviors.

Laws do not prevent criminals from committing crimes.

That applies to every single law.

So, I'm not sure what your point is supposed to be. We shouldn't have laws?
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Or are you sticking with the logic, "our gun laws don't work but stricter ones will....even though we have STRICT laws against murder and they still happen too." How stupid are you?
This is the entire argument...laws only affect people who abide by them.

@GatorTheo - I'll make you a deal. Round up and confiscate all of the guns and bullets from criminals, crazy people and bad guys, then let's talk about stricter gun laws that would affect people like me.

But until then, if those who seek to do harm to others possess weapons, I'd appreciate the right to have them as well.
I agree.

Laws prevent law abiding people from participating in certain behavior and they, hopefully, punish criminals for participating in those behaviors.

Laws do not prevent criminals from committing crimes.

That applies to every single law.

So, I'm not sure what your point is supposed to be. We shouldn't have laws?
No, the point is you shouldn't create laws that make the law abiding less safe.

For example, it's illegal to drive drunk. The $10k and possible jail time has been a strong enough deterrent to law abiding citizens to reduce drunk driving deaths. That makes law abiding people more safe.

If you confiscate and ban guns and only criminals have access to guns, then law abiding citizens do not have the ability to protect themselves with the same weapons criminals have, therefore they are less safe.

This really isn't very complicated.

And as I keep saying, take every gun and bullet from every bad guy THEN come talk to me about my personal protection firearms.

And ban spoons, the obesity epidemic in this country is out of control.
This is the entire argument...laws only affect people who abide by them.

@GatorTheo - I'll make you a deal. Round up and confiscate all of the guns and bullets from criminals, crazy people and bad guys, then let's talk about stricter gun laws that would affect people like me.

But until then, if those who seek to do harm to others possess weapons, I'd appreciate the right to have them as well.
OK, fine. Are you suggesting all laws should be abolished or are you only applying this logic to gun laws?