And so bearing false witness is a grave offense? I have to challenge your concept of mortal vs venial sins, but that's for another time. But since you're throwing out these mortal sin condemnations, how do you justify not holding others accountable with the actual mortal sin of abortion and how might that affect your soul? Here is a write-up from EWTN concerning voting and abortion:
If I think that a pro-abortion candidate will, on balance, do much more for the culture of life than a pro-life candidate, why may I not vote for the pro-abortion candidate? If a political candidate supported abortion, or any other moral evil, such as assisted suicide and euthanasia, for that matter, it would not be morally permissible for you to vote for that person. This is because, in voting for such a person, you would become an accomplice in the moral evil at issue. For this reason, moral evils such as abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are examples of a "disqualifying issue." A disqualifying issue is one which is of such gravity and importance that it allows for no political maneuvering. It is an issue that strikes at the heart of the human person and is non-negotiable. A disqualifying issue is one of such enormity that by itself renders a candidate for office unacceptable regardless of his position on other matters. You must sacrifice your feelings on other issues because you know that you cannot participate in any way in an approval of a violent and evil violation of basic human rights. A candidate for office who supports abortion rights or any other moral evil has disqualified himself as a person that you can vote for.
If Trump is too much for you to vote for, then I'd encourage you to not vote at all. But then when do you cross the line of not voting if in fact the one committing the grave sin gets elected. How much responsibility do you have in that regard?
And I'm not hateful. Would you prefer me to not challenge you in your understanding on LIFE within you own Church? I was banned because of COVID posts that led to politics. Their zero tolerance attitude got me banned.