DeSantis map ruled unconstitutional for eliminating black people representation

Oh that’s also White Supremacy. AKA the biggest threat to our country (next to dis and mis information, as defined by Nina Jankowitz).

Lots of problems to fix, thankfully we’ve got the right guy in charge.
You forgot about the all those domestic terrorist (AKA concerned parents) running around ruining School Board Meetings.
And that’s ridiculous because I’m one of them.

I spoke out about a vax mandate they pushed on only the kids who wanted to play sports.
Yeah, my son had to go thru weekly testing. Popped postive once (on a Thursday), showed symptoms for the next 3 days then felt better, missed school for over a week. Tested postive every week after that for the next 2 months.
Leave out the adjective, and it becomes non racist. You lefties are SO racist, you cannot even see it.
As I stated before. When black people want to support black people or start an organization that supports and promote black people in a positive way, people like you get bothered. YET, we have organizations that support Jewish, Italians, PRs, Amish, Indians, Europeans, etc.

Somehow only black people supporting black people bother you. 🙄
As I stated before. When black people want to support black people or start an organization that supports and promote black people in a positive way, people like you get bothered. YET, we have organizations that support Jewish, Italians, PRs, Amish, Indians, Europeans, etc.

Somehow only black people supporting black people bother you. 🙄
Typical racist. There is just NO reason for the adjective. You are racist...and have no clue. People should support people. When blacks and others learn to look at things like I just stated...the world will be a better place. With you singling BLACKS out, it means you will not do the same for others..making you 100% racist.
As I stated before. When black people want to support black people or start an organization that supports and promote black people in a positive way, people like you get bothered. YET, we have organizations that support Jewish, Italians, PRs, Amish, Indians, Europeans, etc.

Somehow only black people supporting black people bother you. 🙄
Bothered? No. It just confirms things for me. What BOTHERS me is blacks voting for the left...and not being smart enough to know that democrats promise EVERYTHING when it is time to vote...and NEVER deliver on their promises...yet blacks STILL vote for them. THAT bothers me.
Typical racist. There is just NO reason for the adjective. You are racist...and have no clue. People should support people. When blacks and others learn to look at things like I just stated...the world will be a better place. With you singling BLACKS out, it means you will not do the same for others..making you 100% racist.
Like I said. You hate when black people support black people. It pretty obvious. From BLEXIT to the NAACP, you hate it all because it's for black people. Smh. Shocking
As I stated before. When black people want to support black people or start an organization that supports and promote black people in a positive way, people like you get bothered. YET, we have organizations that support Jewish, Italians, PRs, Amish, Indians, Europeans, etc.

Somehow only black people supporting black people bother you. 🙄
Wait - so you’re version of supporting black people is posting a fake racist gerrymandering “gotcha” article on a small political forum?

Really affecting change. You’re damn near Malcom X.
You want to know what else is racist, according to MSNBC, home schooling your children.
Although with the lockdowns, that is what happened in blue states across the country.
As I stated before. When black people want to support black people or start an organization that supports and promote black people in a positive way, people like you get bothered. YET, we have organizations that support Jewish, Italians, PRs, Amish, Indians, Europeans, etc.

Somehow only black people supporting black people bother you. 🙄

Like I said. You hate when black people support black people. It pretty obvious. From BLEXIT to the NAACP, you hate it all because it's for black people. Smh. Shocking
Kalim - the rhetoric here is a bit out of hand (not your issue and par for the course). I do not think that anyone has an issue with black interest groups as much as we have, as you note, Italian, Jewish, Evangelical, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Nigerian or Black. If they do - shame on them.

The issue that is informing the responses that you are seeing is that in the U.S. the collective body politic has turned a well meaning discussion and focus around equality of opportunity, elimination of direct racism, into these increasingly amorphous terms such as equity and intersectionality all intellectually underpinned by the work of Derrick Bell and Kimberely Crenshaw in the early 1970s as part of a neo-marxist movement that fundamentally believes that the US is flawed, unredeemable and all questioning of liberal priorities is automatically cast as not an honest intellectual or policy critique but as another manifestation of white supremacy done either directly or via and heretofore unrecognized force termed "unconscious bias".

Then, when today, for example, Biden talks about the need to re-direct covid-19 monies to fund the police. Decries "defund the police", he is lauded.

18 months ago, people characterized it as, again, "white supremacy" and Fox News/MAGA talking points.

That is, at the core, what you see people reacting to.
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Like I said. You hate when black people support black people. It pretty obvious. From BLEXIT to the NAACP, you hate it all because it's for black people. Smh. Shocking
So you're okay with a White History Week getting started across the nation to celebrate just the thousands of GREAT things that White people have done, like freeing the black slaves and such?

Then educating them with White Tax Dollars, and continuing to feed and cloth them with Social Programs and Welfare, also mostly paid for by the White workers tax dollars??? (I thought so....)

Edit PS -- Government, illegally taking my property (wages/labor) without my permission, to give it to someone else, is casting me into economic slavery. I'm against slavery in ALL of it's evil forms, are you???
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