Dems, quit talkin' guns when your laws/bureaucracy can't stop this latest one that SCREAMS for someone not having a gun.

Shall Not Infringe

Stupid dems! Smart people know that more guns will fix the problem.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what he said. This is just crap deflection because you had nothing to offer on the point he made...

Dems, quit talkin' guns when your laws/bureaucracy can't stop this latest one that SCREAMS for someone not having a gun.

We have zero chance of making any progress when this guy falls through the crack. Actually not a crack but a hole a mile wide.

Do better. Do much better...or maybe just sit it out when you don't have a relevant point to make because your clichés and anti-gun lobby shtick often comes up short.
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That has absolutely nothing to do with what he said. This is just crap deflection because you had nothing to offer on the point he made...

Dems, quit talkin' guns when your laws/bureaucracy can't stop this latest one that SCREAMS for someone not having a gun.

Do better. Do much better...or maybe just sit it out when you don't have a relevant point to make because your clichés and anti-gun lobby shtick often comes up short.
Deflection? It's what your side says all the time. I'm just saying it first.
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So other civilized countries have more gun violence than we do? I didn't know that.
Are you implying that countries with strict gun laws are civilized? Interesting take. You never did answer if you have a sign in your front yard that proclaims your house as a gun free zone.

Do you?
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So why have any laws at all?
Because a vast majority of people are good people and don't want to do harm to others.

Laws provide them solid guidelines for how to, and more importantly how not to, act.

They also outline the penalty for not adhering to those norms and standards.

Criminals, by definition, don't care if they inflict personal or monetary harm and therefore, do not follow the laws.
Because a vast majority of people are good people and don't want to do harm to others.

Laws provide them solid guidelines for how to, and more importantly how not to, act.

They also outline the penalty for not adhering to those norms and standards.

Criminals, by definition, don't care if they inflict personal or monetary harm and therefore, do not follow the laws.
I agree with all of that.

Wouldn't that apply to gun laws too?
Because a vast majority of people are good people and don't want to do harm to others.

Laws provide them solid guidelines for how to, and more importantly how not to, act.

They also outline the penalty for not adhering to those norms and standards.

Criminals, by definition, don't care if they inflict personal or monetary harm and therefore, do not follow the laws.
And most sane people don't target law-abiding citizens and put them in danger of being targeted by criminals.

But @GatorTheo does. Because he is terrified of guns.

Can you imagine outlawing locks on car doors or security systems because if an alarm goes off it could disturb the peace? Of course no sane person would push for those things, because they would harm law-abiding citizens and help criminals.

Yet when it comes to guns...
So other civilized countries have more gun violence than we do? I didn't know that.
We aren't even in the top 10 per capita, despite having a ton of guns.

How does that work?

Countries with the Highest Rates of Violent Gun Death (Homicides) per 100k residents in 2019​

  1. El Salvador — 36.78
  2. Venezuela — 33.27
  3. Guatemala — 29.06
  4. Colombia — 26.36
  5. Brazil — 21.93
  6. Bahamas — 21.52
  7. Honduras — 20.15
  8. U.S. Virgin Islands — 19.40
  9. Puerto Rico — 18.14
  10. Mexico — 16.41
We aren't even in the top 10 per capita, despite having a ton of guns.

How does that work?

Countries with the Highest Rates of Violent Gun Death (Homicides) per 100k residents in 2019​

  1. El Salvador — 36.78
  2. Venezuela — 33.27
  3. Guatemala — 29.06
  4. Colombia — 26.36
  5. Brazil — 21.93
  6. Bahamas — 21.52
  7. Honduras — 20.15
  8. U.S. Virgin Islands — 19.40
  9. Puerto Rico — 18.14
  10. Mexico — 16.41
That's why I said civilized countries. We should be far better than El Salvador, Venezuela and other shithole countries.
That's why I said civilized countries. We should be far better than El Salvador, Venezuela and other shithole countries.
Every country on that list isn't a sh!thole.

And 63% of the US gun deaths are suicides. So when you account for that we're closer to 3 deaths per 100k, about the same as France.

Not exactly the war zone you make us out to be...
Because a vast majority of people are good people and don't want to do harm to others.

Laws provide them solid guidelines for how to, and more importantly how not to, act.

They also outline the penalty for not adhering to those norms and standards.

Criminals, by definition, don't care if they inflict personal or monetary harm and therefore, do not follow the laws.
You are a patient man.
This thread has me geared up for about 4 more purchases.

Why? Because the extremists…..errr moderates, want to take away your 2nd most important constitutional amendment.

Call em what you would call other groups that want this country to be something our founders were guarding against.


They don’t like our constitution, and therefore don’t like this country. The longer we allow this faction to masquerade around as “moderates” the longer and harder the return to sanity becomes.

There is a very clear picture we have all seen over the past few years. Folks calling themselves “independents”, “moderates”. Etc….in an attempt to move the direction of the country. The good news is more and more are catching on.
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We aren't even in the top 10 per capita, despite having a ton of guns.

How does that work?

Countries with the Highest Rates of Violent Gun Death (Homicides) per 100k residents in 2019​

  1. El Salvador — 36.78
  2. Venezuela — 33.27
  3. Guatemala — 29.06
  4. Colombia — 26.36
  5. Brazil — 21.93
  6. Bahamas — 21.52
  7. Honduras — 20.15
  8. U.S. Virgin Islands — 19.40
  9. Puerto Rico — 18.14
  10. Mexico — 16.41
Theo, this one smarts…doesn’t it son?
Rational person: We have a lot of gun violence in America.

Gun nut: We're not as bad as El Salvador!
Let me educate you AGAIN.
Rational person: Family has owned up to 70 various firearms for 8 decades, and not one person ever harmed. Many times they have protected us in really bad situations

Sissy lib: You need to give those guns up to reduce gun violence.

Now sit the F down and shut up Theo.
Leftists are stupid. They are almost always the root cause of our problems.
You think leftists are stupid because they want to do things that hurt America. They aren't stupid. They're anti-American.

I made the same mistake for years.
So now your spin is that @fatman76 is an irrational gun nut because he calmly used facts to destroy your argument?

You're right, this doesn't sound like anything a liberal would do. You're definitely a conservative.
He's an irrational gun nut because, in response to me asking a question about CIVILIZED countries, he responded with a list of shitholes as if that answered the question.

And, of course, you other irrational gun nuts line up to pat him on the back. 😂
Guns aren't a dangerous problem because you can also kill someone with a knife. Solid 'logic'. You guys are truly special. 😂
So your top priority here is that other people be as terrified of guns as you are? We all need to admit that guns are a dangerous problem?

Huh. And here I was thinking we should be focused on reducing violence. Silly me.
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He's an irrational gun nut because, in response to me asking a question about CIVILIZED countries, he responded with a list of shitholes as if that answered the question.

And, of course, you other irrational gun nuts line up to pat him on the back. 😂
While your buddies are acting like you are a loon. Again.
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