Debate # 1

@kalimgoodman @Illegal-shift @Mt.DoraGator

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joey admin talking points on how to defend dementia joe after debate disaster

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joey admin talking points on how to defend dementia joe after debate disaster

It’s exactly who they have always been, and mirrors every lefty on this site and elsewhere.

Project and deflect.

The Right needs to keep the focus on the dementia riddled kiddie diddler. President Snow Biden.
Not directed at you Fres.

But anyone that gets upset at being tagged….might be the softest behavior I have seen. Wild stuff.

There, I said it.
I have no issue with being tagged unless it's for the same stupid stuff by a repetitive poster. i am applying the same principle to my request, BTW, he didn't ask or complain about being tagged ...
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I think he will somehow get forced out. The democrats blew it by not forcing him out a lot sooner......the signs have been there for a while. And they don't have anybody in the bullpen that is ready.

At this point Biden has no chance to beat anybody. Looking at how bad he is can you possibly want him there for 5 more years. That's an argument that simply can't be made by a reasonable person. Biden might be in an elder care facility by then.

And the really sad thing is if Trump gets elected he will be older than Biden was when he was elected in 2020 - officially becoming the oldest president ever.

We have screwed ourselves big time.
I think he will somehow get forced out. The democrats blew it by not forcing him out a lot sooner......the signs have been there for a while. And they don't have anybody in the bullpen that is ready.

At this point Biden has no chance to beat anybody. Looking at how bad he is can you possibly want him there for 5 more years. That's an argument that simply can't be made by a reasonable person. Biden might be in an elder care facility by then.

And the really sad thing is if Trump gets elected he will be older than Biden was when he was elected in 2020 - officially becoming the oldest president ever.

We have screwed ourselves big time.
This all started when they hid him in the basement during covid, and refused to let him answer questions. This did NOT just spring up. People did this on purpose. This is a sad day for America when a political party puts a Nation at risk like this.
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I took Kalim off ignore So I could read this...WELL WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION.

Secondly. If ANYONE thinks the left did not know about him being brain dead...WHY did they hide him in the basement during the 2020 campaign? WHY do they never let him do live questions? KJP is the BIGGEST liar, as she is around him a BUNCH. Just a week ago she was calling out the media for DEEP FAKES. Sure am glad these lefties put their Country ahead of political ambitions(JESUS CHRIST)
This all started when they hid him in the basement during covid, and refused to let him answer questions. This did NOT just spring up. People did this on purpose. This is a sad day for America when a political party puts a Nation at risk like this.
I love how Illegal thinks Joe "hasn't been out".

Should I post the 2.5 hour supercut of him stuttering, mumbling and falling down?

If a senile old POTUS falls down and MSDNC doesn't report on it, did it even happen? 🀣
One of you Swamp bros please take this over to the paid forum. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


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