Ok, here goes....
Evidence of such exists in the very picture above from the press conference Meggs held to announce no charges would be filed against former Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston after being accused of rape. No press conference was necessary unless you just want to get your face on a television. A simple statement or press release like so many times before was all that was required, but Meggs could not pass up the opportunity to have his airtime as he always does with members of the national media.
Is this a joke? This was all for FSU fans, to feel good about cheering for a guy accused of sexual assault. He even laughed at the fact she was drunk, when he has taken numerous cases to trial based upon that fact alone.
But lets continue...
..similar actions were seen recently in the cases of De’Andre Johnson and Dalvin Cook, taking special interest in misdemeanor cases he would not have if not for the profile of those involved.
His involvement is due to TPD's actions involving Winston and Williams. This is well known. TPD can't be trusted to properly investigate accusations against FSU athletes. Sheesh.
Not missing a chance for yet another opportunity for more publicity, Meggs even lied to the local media in Tallahassee regarding the actions against Dalvin Cook and gave the truth to national media members, specifically Mark Schlabach once again.
Uh, charges had not been filed yet when the local media came calling. Like others have posted, Johnson spilled the beans on this and Meggs had to come in and clean it up. It evolved over literally three hours and charges were then files. Thus the claim that they were trying to cover this up(obvious).
I'm sorry, I going to stop right there, because half the piece is quotes from FSU beat writer Ira Schoffel and complete mistruths and Seminole fantasyland spin. Then, in typical nole fashion, he goes right into "but, but, but..... Gator players!!!!! Bill Cervone!!!! Wah!!!" Then comes the "Johnson was defending himself" nonsense and the typical knuckle dragger anti-woman hatefulness. The depth of the "self defense" discussion was sickening. What loathsome people nole fans are. Its everyone else fault - always.
Attempting to read that was a complete waste of time. Its just a repetition of Seminole fantasy, complete spin and victimhood nonsense. And he literally talked about fewer than a half dozen actual cases involving FSU athletes(McPherson, Winston, Johnson, Johnson and Cook).
Yes, how dare Willie Meggs, HOW DARE HE, file charges against two men who are accused of punching women. How dare he. And yes, folks, that IS what that piece was all about - Willie Meggs messing up FSU's upcoming season by daring to file charges against their star player. YAY FOOTBALL STATE UNIVERSITY!!!